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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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What, what ?!

What´s this thread all about ? 

Whatcha mean its a sad post-release thread with 326 pages? 

LOL  :teehee:


All I have to say is, NFR is a great music record ! I cannot deny it.

Its got its highs and its lows just like so many records. I personally like the songs very much.

But perhaps its not her best yet.

I have a feeling, I am sure,  Lana Del Rey still has in store many surprises for everyone.

More fantastic songs will arrive.


She is a very creative mind, she loves to surprise people.

I am sure she will surprise us all with her next record.


If it goes in the style of punk rock, I will listen.

If its a country music record, I will listen,

If its a 1950s Frank-Sinatra big-band-style record, I will listen,

if its a 1970s disco-style Giorgio-Moroder extravaganza, I will listen.


I like surprises, and I like to be surprised.  :)


This NFR record was a delightful musical surprise too !,,, including the title of it,

Who would have ever thought to name a record   "Norman Fucking Rockwell" ?!?  :D

Like I said, Lana Del Rey   LIKES TO SURPRISE US !


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This is by far the most sad post-release thread.... 326 pages :rip:


well the pre-release era was the longest we ever had so :rip: and all the exciting things happened before august 30 2019

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hone4stly i feel like nobody cared about this era att all, the post release was soooo bland lmao, lust for lifes was a lot more fun..

You mean no one on here right?


And tbh, this thread was killed by some people.

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I think this might be really weird to say, and i'm not ungrateful. But. I think this record taught me what love isn't. and maybe on some better day or something, romance can be alive again, but. it helped me realize the non-spectacular aspects of love and strangely reignites how love is more of an act and to just enjoy putting it out there like a steady stream. especially for yourself 

does any of this make sense lol


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This is by far the most sad post-release thread.... 326 pages :rip:


All the good shit happened in the pre-release thread, drama of the century if you ask me. This boring ass post-release thread was basically fueled with me going on tangents ad nauseam and fighting the good fight about how interminably boring, cheap, lackluster and amateur through and through this whole era is, and also @@Jared (bless his poor soul) coming in to chime in about "cRiTiCal AcClAiM!!1!" and nothing else.


If Lana doesn't care about this era and does the absolute bare minimum, then neither should we at this particular point.

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And tbh, this thread was killed by some people.

honestly this like i still adore this record but everytime i came in here for like a month after its release it was people arguing about jack/the production/etc with the same like 3 gifs and talking points like who wants to read that... :rip: no wonder this thread is dead


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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This is by far the most sad post-release thread.... 326 pages :rip:

Well, most of the first reactions to NFR (including many positive) were made in the ore-release thread since it leaked 2 weeks before release... When it happened, I knew it would dry up the post-release thread.


Nonetheless, I still love that album and listen to it almost daily. It’s one of her best along with UV and HM.

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You mean no one on here right?


And tbh, this thread was killed by some people.


Honestly, I just feel like there isn't much to discuss overall, because


1. She released 49587439570249 snippets, so very little content on the album was new new, and, as Gemini just said, much of the analysis took place in the pre-release thread.


2. She did a handful of interviews, but she said the same things in almost every one, and gave us very little insight into any of the songs themselves. It was pretty much just ... "Jack and I wrote Love Song in an hour", "we recorded Hope in one take", etc. That's great, but I wanna know why she wrote them, what do they mean to her, how they evolved, and so forth. I feel like she was much more forthcoming with this type of information in the LFL era. She talked a bit about Hope in one interview, but overall, she's given us very little in-depth information this time around.


There are countless pages of, "oh my God every time I listen to California, I get chills. It's just so great to listen to whilst hang-gliding off the coast of Spain" and people arguing about why they like it/don't like it, because there really isn't anything else to discuss.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I still kinda wonder what ever happened w the animated(?)/painting vid for Love song .. I mean yeah granted we got videos for 7 tracks (which is- wow), and personally, already have imagery in my head for it, but just makes me wonder. 

There isn't a track on this album that I really skip 

HtD and California just scream video worthyyy. I remember how random the MAC video seemed (it's perfect as an interlude vid) Wish we got a HiaB video by itself, but then Bartender could confuse some fans on wth was going on by itself

Venice is still so cathartic, and just builds on nostalgia as time goes on. it's kinda like this record's thematic counterpoint where there's the least conflict/tension

Wish she sang more tracks from the record, live studio sessions/ performances. it just seems such a waste,  and correlationally inconsistent it seems w how in ur face the album logo(?) is like it were just some yard sale sticker rather than the POP! -ness it could be.. 
not ungrateful, but just sharing some thoughts, n forsure things have been postponed due to world issues, which is a total rapid shift of focus- but pretty sure the people who missed out don't have their hopes up. what's horrible is that it really can't be helped, most physically real, true so so much 

I totally get the restlessness even boredom of how things are right now. it's like the longest *insert ur awkward measure of time/distance* we're all on. so much can still b done w the record, since the album material's her most contemporarily solid especially but we just don't know rn. 

maybe some kind of chord'll string within her and have her inspired to do something, but truth of the matter is communication is strained if that was even a method to be relied on 

to fit this in, personally, this album cycle's been the most magical imo.. we got a pink vinyl. the videos. the concert (fireworks on Venice aloneeeee) the pop up making friends and just being able to connect w the record thru multiple layers, the numerous vids we've got, even concert vids, n of course the music. i'm a happy camper, but, and i say this w respect, free of any sarcasm, that others still want more/feel unfinished w the record era and that's still a very fair n valid perspective. 

what we do know, is that she seems to be alright. she's already started (at least in creative theory/process) w WHF, a poetry book, and w/o a doubt, objectively more time to maybe tweak, better plan events during downtime, when specifically mentally veined w the work aspects of who she is. 

tl;dr oc there's more that could b done, we could still chat about other things regarding the era/album, maybe the downtime's a good thing 


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god I wish Lana would do a damn documentary or some video interview where the interviewer just sits back and films Lana and Jack doing whatever in the studio. I think that the magic Lana has in the studio is one of the most interesting qualities about her as all of her producers have talked about how amazing she is yet we've barely seen any videos of her creating a demo / finalizing a song. I would literally die to see Lana do a Gaga: Five Foot Two type of movie

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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I've resigned myself to the heartbreaking fact we'll never hear California played live in concert properly... same with The Greatest :'(

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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Just gonna put these in NFR and act like this is the album we got and move on with life  :wub:



01. Love Song

02. Mariners Apartment Complex

03. Cinnamon

04. How To Disappear

05. The Next Best American Record

06. Bartender

07. Norman Fucking Rockwell

08. Happiness Is A Butterfly

09. California

10 Fuck It, I Love You

11. Venice Bitch

12. Looking For America

13. The Greatest


Hope, SOTW, & Doin Time serving as promo singles respectively   :oic2:



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I've resigned myself to the heartbreaking fact we'll never hear California played live in concert properly... same with The Greatest :'(

Never say never.. remember Pretty When You Cry & Black Beauty were finally added to the setlist nearly 4 years later x


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