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LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020

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Norman really is a grower, i think i can finally say that i love the record to bits. Max sweetie im so sorry but ive joined the jack train (though i wouldnt like her to work with him again)

- Norman really has such a bittersweet and evening sort of sound, its as though you're hearing it from afar. Have you ever been standing on top of a big hill overlooking a grand horizon and it makes you feel as though you have to whisper? Thats the feeling i get from it. The horns are such a subtle but important continuous theme for the production that holds the album together. This record is about setting sail into the unknown, taking that leap of faith no matter how scared you are, no matter how many reasons you have to not care or to feel hopeless, it is that inner strength and firm belief that there is a possibilty out there for you, for all of us. A possibility for hope. Rather than fear the unknown, its about diving into it, and being excited.


Personally i think its the first Lana album that takes on a cohesive story. Its an evening album to sit and watch the sunset to in the late afternoon. Looking back at the day(s). In a funny sort of way i actually relate to NFR the most. Born to Die was too grand for my life, UV has elements but is a little too cinematic, the same with Honeymoon. Lust for Life is relatable towards the end but the album struggled to find a persona. Whereas Norman is a very relatable day to day, simple yet sweet, bittersweet but still incredibly sad, light hearted, hopeful yet hopeless, unexplainably romantic and sexy and reminiscent. I find a lot of these qualities hit really close to home. I also think this album has the strongest closer of her entire discography, to end on a song like Hope Is A Dangerous Thing was a brave and bold choice, it just proves that in the end, despite all her struggles she always ends up in the dark. Alone at midnight. So that the Lana Del Rey story can continue...


and this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why NFR is the first incredibly well crafted LDR album :gclap:

IDK about y'all but I want Dan Heath back


i love him, but if she works with him, there has to be a third producer bc i feel like his productions lack depth. too much air.

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I was away from Lanz and LB for like a month and a half and the news of her breaking up with that cop is probably the best news of this horrible year  :xgiggle:

Now let's hope for a good album with dark rocky sound

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I just read in some music-news article that new music NOW is slowly shifting towards an " 80´s sound ".


I remember the 1980s very well, and some of that music was interesting and fun to hear. 

Maybe Lana Del Rey will make an album in that style next (??????)

I don´t know.

I cannot imagine seeing Lana dressed in a DISCO dress  :teehee:


---  What are your thoughts of a Lana 1980s sound would be like ?


Maybe with a Giorgio Moroder sequencer-piano sound will make her a hit song ?  :P



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I'm still desperate for Honeymoon 2.0 :D 


Cinematic, Orchestral, thoughtful things (like the song fade between Freak & Art Deco) <3 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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She needs to go back to Haynie or Auerbach. Antonoff`‘s production was nice, but it only captured a moment of Lana‘s life. In contrast, they were able to produce classics with her heavenly voice.

Fixed that for you, Nowels is in charge of the mess that is LFL.


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I just want Bond Lana back. think like, a 007 movie. grand prix Monaco. meet me in the pale moonlight. is it wrong? backfire. playful chase scenes. stakes peak. kinky disco. hot soft rock. feveeeeeeeeer 

I love that imagery, idk why but it gives me OTTR rock edit vibe with the electric guitar lol


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I love that imagery, idk why but it gives me OTTR rock edit vibe with the electric guitar lol

That too but. think high fashion. editorial makeup commercial vibes. the mischeviousness. think Cola mixed w Maha Maha n body electric. West coast w twang. MOD MOD MOD. think GUCCI campaign. the energyyyy


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doubtful that she's keeping true on her previous statement of surprise dropping WHF in 2020, but it'd be really nice during these times, especially since she won't have to tour it which I've heard she doesn't like


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Yeah a return to her original aesthetic would be best. I don't think it will happen though, she is not that girl anymore. She is a tired woman.

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Yeah a return to her original aesthetic would be best. I don't think it will happen though, she is not that girl anymore. She is a tired woman.

I think the reason why she went all country girlish was due to her relationship with Sean... because when I was a dating a guy who didnt like to be extra,who just wanted to be simple and stuff.. I found myself doing the very same - always under dressed, no makeup, saving money and acting like very old and matured.

Since she said she is a mirror personality , mirroring her beau would have resulted in the minimalistic looks ( which were very pretty imo) .


Maybe Sean was like that .

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Yeah a return to her original aesthetic would be best. I don't think it will happen though, she is not that girl anymore. She is a tired woman.


and it's getting tiresome *ba dum tss*

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I think it’d be cool to hear more organic instrumentation in Lana’s productions. Like the kind of clarity you hear in jazz music or Fiona Apple’s The Idler Wheel.




The first version of Yes to Heaven that leaked kinda has a bit of that sound I’m talking about

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doubtful that she's keeping true on her previous statement of surprise dropping WHF in 2020, but it'd be really nice during these times, especially since she won't have to tour it which I've heard she doesn't like


well it's not WHF but did the power of my mind cause her to officially announce Violets wow


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