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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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idk if this has been written yet but the title gives me alex jones chemicals turning frogs gay realness



what did i just watch jesus christ

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Don’t know yet what chemtrails are for sure, but it’s a punchier title than WHF. Love the title for a song, but after NFR’s sass, we needed a better and punchier title, which it is.

There is a sense of “danger” in the title, which we all feel at the moment (though not caused by “evil governments wanting to dispose of poisonous wastes in the atmosphere” - I just looked up what chemtrails were ans their conspiracy theorists’ allusion).

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I can see a return of the iconic line in the cock in the cock in the cockpit I'm your pilot  for this album :creepna3:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Can somebody explain me the title? What is a country club?

It’s the place where rich people used to gather to play tennis, socialize and have a drink. It’s very select.

To juxtapose chemtrails (danger) to country club (leisure, privilege, riches, nonchalance) is pure brilliance.

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what did i just watch jesus christ

he’s a crackhead conspiracy theorist.


Can somebody explain me the title? What is a country club?

an exclusive / expensive club often in the country for affluent people. often has sports with things like horses and stuff. regarded as an extremely upper class kind of place. chemtrails are a conspiracy theory that airplanes give off emissions that leak chemicals and other biohazards and things.


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chemtrails over the country club sounds like the title of a poem, not an album.


Or a very thoughtful album. Maybe this is why she will do pretty much no promo: it’s not a very pop / accessible album?!?

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knowing her artist potentially with covers after NFR i’m really excited to see how she’s visualises this, hopefully it’s a portrait and hopefully they actually do a shoot. i have a GUT feeling it’s going to be very NFR urban outfitters. with a title like that i think she has the capacity to be very creative.


i can also see it being very honeymoon part two. her off in the distance with airplanes in the sky or something.


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There are going to be “end of the world vibes” on that one, I can feel it (@ la the greatest). Plus isn’t it how we all feel at the moment, like we all have our comfortable lives but they’re all shook to the core? And the country club, though still existent today, really are something out of the 50s-60s. I love that woman and her references to the past.

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but why is it produced by Jack though...... like i loved loved LOVED Taytay's Lover and somehow his production wasn't that awful on it yet NFR just sounded straight out bad. what the hell

Agree to disagree on that one. I am in the “pro-Jack camp” mainly because he won me over with his versatility when Mariners and Venice came out. His main quality is : “You lead the show, I will bring my talent to back it up”. Love that Masseduction (love love) doesn’t sound like NFR or Melodrama (liked) or Taylor’s albums (not a big fan of pure pop).

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knowing her artist potentially with covers after NFR i’m really excited to see how she’s visualises this, hopefully it’s a portrait and hopefully they actually do a shoot. i have a GUT feeling it’s going to be very NFR urban outfitters. with a title like that i think she has the capacity to be very creative.


i can also see it being very honeymoon part two. her off in the distance with airplanes in the sky or something.

A portrait/ painted cover would be a really good idea...


Imagine it would be a lighter blue background which faints into a darker blue or something...and in the middle is a beautiful painting of Lana or just of her body above her boobs (lol) and then she is surrounded by little planes and chemtrails around her head.. and at the bottom of the cover would be symbols for the country club...horses or something  that has to do with golf or maybe a whole painted mini country club..and small rich looking people who are looking scared or are screaming... the chemtrails could be a metaphor for danger or sth....


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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