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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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1 minute ago, bougainvillea said:

She probably meant the 25th, which is a Friday. In her head, she probably still thinks she's given us the correct date. 


you're so cute 

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2 minutes ago, sjatib said:

I'd be okay with her developing some empathy towards her fanbase.

You’re mad but the cause isn’t even that big... I can understand why you’re disappointed, but there are healthier ways to cope with anger and disappointment than coming on Lanabords and literally throwing a tantrum for a delayed album... You don’t know what happens in Lana’s life, you have no idea why the album got delayed or what changed in her life since her controversial posts, you don’t know how she handled all the hate or if she was able to follow her plans. Don’t forget that we’re also in a pandemic that keeps getting worse and worse in some parts of the world. You should understand that there are reasons why things change, and even though it can be very unpleasant, you have to accept it because ultimately, the album is coming soon anyway and Lana is working her ass off to deliver great music and visuals. It’s true that she could’ve addressed the delay, but I imagine she’s way more frustrated than you that things got postponed. And that alone is a good enough reason to not address anything. It’s just how internal feelings work for some people.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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2 minutes ago, bougainvillea said:

She probably meant the 25th, which is a Friday. In her head, she probably still thinks she's given us the correct date. 

I don't know why but this made me laugh too much right now :toofunny:

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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idk how many times i have to say this... THE ALBUM ISN'T OUT BECAUSE IT'S NOT SEP 5 IN NEW YORK YET!!!! there's still time to hope. complain after that, by all means. but complaining right now when there's still a chance she came through on her promise is ridiculous, babes! i love u all but don't lose hope before the chance is gone!


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Make no mistake, Lana keeps us fed. I love her music with all my heart, and I'm happy we get as much of it as we do. I just wish there was a bit more... transparency when it comes to (accurate) release dates. During NFR! we waited a year for the album in snippet hell, and now for COCC we were given a release date in May, and have gone full 5150 delusional within the last month in anticipation.


I'm sure we won't be waiting long now for the album, but I hope the next one has a rollout as smooth and streamlined as Honeymoon.

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interesting how those from team realistic / cocctober were telling us on team delulu not to get our hopes up, because we'd end up having a meltdown and yet its those same people from team realistic that are having meltdowns right now :toofloppy:


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8 minutes ago, bougainvillea said:

She probably meant the 25th, which is a Friday. In her head, she probably still thinks she's given us the correct date. 

Damn you could be right there. Maybe she had a typo and wrote the 5th instead of the 25th


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7 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

She did the same thing last year though before NFR reveal. ?


She tweeted 3:33 a few days before the NFR reveal right? Nothing related to the actual numbers. Again to me it seems more like her being in the swing of posting just posting numbers she notices throughout her day with no context. She usually posts more unrelated stuff in the leadup to an announcement / reveal. I don't see anything special or of consequence about her tweet. 

locals only

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1 minute ago, fucksforever said:

interesting how those from team realistic / cocctober were telling us on team delulu not to get our hopes up, because we'd end up having a meltdown and yet its those same people from team realistic that are having meltdowns right now :toofloppy:

ain't that the t kjtDQW3.gif 


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Some of y'all: we don't care about the visuals aha the music is the most important


Lana: hey guys this is the cover of my new album norman fucking rockwell i hope you guys enjoy it :)







into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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14 minutes ago, FallingCherry said:

You’re mad but the cause isn’t even that big... I can understand why you’re disappointed, but there are healthier ways to cope with anger and disappointment than coming on Lanabords and literally throwing a tantrum for a delayed album... You don’t know what happens in Lana’s life, you have no idea why the album got delayed or what changed in her life since her controversial posts, you don’t know how she handled all the hate or if she was able to follow her plans. Don’t forget that we’re also in a pandemic that keeps getting worse and worse in some parts of the world. You should understand that there are reasons why things change, and even though it can be very unpleasant, you have to accept it because ultimately, the album is coming soon anyway and Lana is working her ass off to deliver great music and visuals. It’s true that she could’ve addressed the delay, but I imagine she’s way more frustrated than you that things got postponed. And that alone is a good enough reason to not address anything. It’s just how internal feelings work for some people.


I get where you come from and even if I dont share your perspective 100%, I truly appreciate the fact that you took the time and energy to adress the place where the frustration comes too. Thanks for keeping the dialogue respectful and enriching. 

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