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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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7 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

my heart is pounding just thinking about the release day, and those few seconds before you drop the needle or click the play button where you're just in so much anticipation to hear the album, i think i will be really fidgety and fussy before playing it, like a part of me will not want to play it because im enjoying the anticipation so much that i dont want it to end, and the other part is dying to hear it, also i will need to make sure i am 100% feeling good before so, i will need to be the perfect level of drunk or high, i will need to have the perfect make up and hair, and i will need to have the perfect room temperature... idk if thats just me but yeah, only with lana albums cus hello... lana


I was okay but after reading this I feel so anxious, I have to prepare myself for the date and now all I'm thinking is what if everything goes wrong and I'm not able to do anything planned including logging here to freak out with you guys. FOMO before FOMO :tommy:


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can't wait to buy new skates after 18 years, it's been a couple of years since I'm thinking about getting a new pair and white dress is my motivation to finally do it 

I want to feel like a god!!!!



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8 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


I was okay but after reading this I feel so anxious, I have to prepare myself for the date and now all I'm thinking is what if everything goes wrong and I'm not able to do anything planned including logging here to freak out with you guys. FOMO before FOMO :tommy:


same i missed the LFL release day drama cus i was on holiday and with NFR my wifi stopped working on the day and i was so behind on the thread to catch up :xcry:


this time nothing is going wrong and im gonna be up to date so i dont miss any drama in this thread, period:sass:


cant wait to be drunk with ya'll



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i have such crazy memories of listening to each album for the first time since 2014..

With Ultraviolence i was using all my cell data to listen to the leaked songs on youtube with no order on the back of a cab:rip:

Honeymoon i was in my grandmas house visiting her and i just locked myself in the bathroom with my earphones so i could listen to the ultra-lq UO recordings of the album 

Lust For Life was the best one imo, i listened to it when it leaked like 4am before school while staring at complete darkness enjoying the music..

Only with NFR! i had a regular listening experience when it released at midnight on spotify (i didnt listen when it leaked)... i wonder if COCC will leak early causing me to anxiously listen to it while in some random situation or if i will be able to keep myslef together and listen to it like a normal person lmao:crai:


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1 hour ago, Whitemustang said:

Quick question: did Lana ever mention releasing white dress ahead of the album release?


1 hour ago, Redhydrangeas99 said:



1 hour ago, Corona said:

She did say that it would be a single, that doesn't necessarily mean it's released before album tho:noparty:

Ladies and gents and everyone in between, I think we have our answer here. :creep:


just kidding, I don't think she'd tease a song for so long without the intention of releasing it before the album


but then again, it's Lana we're talking about so who knows :toofunny:



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I’m waiting for the annoying stan to call everyone out with ‘she doesn’t owe us anything wah wah wah!’  ...she owes us plenty for this trauma inducing bullshit. 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Ok I made up my mind and now I'm seeing the delay as something positive. There are not many things to look forward right now and knowing new Lana music is coming makes me feel hopeful and willing to live one more beautiful day of complete nothing. 

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I think she’s gonna release on the 19th. The video will create buzz and people will want to listen to the album to see what’s up, especially since this is the first track on the album.


y’all we’re so close, it’s not gonna get delayed especially since the vinyls are gonna get release on that day too so put some cocc in your ears and let’s just enjoy this last stretch 


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8 minutes ago, katebusho said:

manifesting a proper capitalization. norman was traumatic

the credits on Apple are all correct! The back album cover is all capitals so all good there too!!

"Don’t forget me"

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the way i'm going to wait until the 19th, get my copy at the store, come back home, play it in my bed with curtains closed and headphones and my phone off, just like i did for lust for life :trisha: that was one metaphysical experience i was left to pieces afterwards even though we all know it's her worst album


norman was so spoiled when it came out that i listened to the hq leak and only to the songs that weren't released already :tommy:


can't wait for the nine unheard songs :trisha:

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1 hour ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

my heart is pounding just thinking about the release day, and those few seconds before you drop the needle or click the play button where you're just in so much anticipation to hear the album, i think i will be really fidgety and fussy before playing it, like a part of me will not want to play it because im enjoying the anticipation so much that i dont want it to end, and the other part is dying to hear it, also i will need to make sure i am 100% feeling good before so, i will need to be the perfect level of drunk or high, i will need to have the perfect make up and hair, and i will need to have the perfect room temperature... idk if thats just me but yeah, only with lana albums cus hello... lana

The way this perfect post makes me feel understood and accepted :wowcry::xcry:

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Just now, HyperVelvet said:

Every time an artist I love releases a new album I'm afraid I'll suddenly die and never hear it. Am I the only one? :trisha:

My exact thought ever time she’s due to release something...this is why delays are painful 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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5 minutes ago, HyperVelvet said:

Every time an artist I love releases a new album I'm afraid I'll suddenly die and never hear it. Am I the only one? :trisha:


please girl my anxiety can't take this omg I don't want to die before hearing it I never thought about that :oprah2:

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12 minutes ago, HyperVelvet said:

Every time an artist I love releases a new album I'm afraid I'll suddenly die and never hear it. Am I the only one? :trisha:

Ya boy’s been having some wild health scares lately and I’m terrified that it’ll turn even more serious and I’ll die before the album comes out :trisha:

I just wanna dance with you celebrate with you all! :omg: 

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8 minutes ago, HyperVelvet said:

Every time an artist I love releases a new album I'm afraid I'll suddenly die and never hear it. Am I the only one? :trisha:


OMG, SAME HERE! I'VE BEEN AVOIDING GOING OUT IN CASE I MIGHT DIE... my worst fear as of now is not getting to listen to this album, it's insane!

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