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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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I was expecting something for M6 too but I’m excited nonetheless :party: I’m for sure going to buy it, I hope there are some images like in Violet. Also she shared so many snippets already and she did say that new music was coming this year so I’m still hopeful for M6 


edit: apparently this is the cover!! It’s coming out in October and it will contain 272 pages!! Okay I’m seated…:illumarina:



Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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6 hours ago, Fireffie said:

I was expecting something for M6 too but I’m excited nonetheless :party: I’m for sure going to buy it, I hope there are some images like in Violet. Also she shared so many snippets already and she did say that new music was coming this year so I’m still hopeful for M6 


edit: apparently this is the cover!! It’s coming out in October and it will contain 272 pages!! Okay I’m seated…:illumarina:



272 pages!?!? That's like a lot more than Violet's pages. We're going to be fed omfg! :hdu:


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maybe they’ll somehow be linked? she's teased snippets so I don’t think we’ve misinterpreted at least a single coming soon. 

it would be interesting for her to sing her poetry, I’m thinking a bit like the MySpace songs, they don’t really have traditional structure (like hot cross bun)

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19 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

no music coming anytime soon, she said she's only been writing in the last six months so I think she must have scrapped whatever she was writing after the ADIAML tour


She really seems happy and I’m so glad for her!! I’m happy that now she feels compassione towards EH and she isn’t repressing anymore that part of her life (like she did during LF) 

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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Rolling Stones Magazine: You mentioned you’re working on new music. What’s the update on that?

Marina: I’ve been writing for six months. It’s still at the beginning. I haven’t started producing anything yet. Part of me is desperate to get things out, but also, part of me is just saying, “Enjoy this process.” Because this is my favorite thing: to build the record and build the world around it. I don’t have any timeline yet, but sooner rather than later. I know it’s been a while, but I’ve had things going on. 


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31 minutes ago, Embach said:

Rolling Stones Magazine: You mentioned you’re working on new music. What’s the update on that?

Marina: I’ve been writing for six months. It’s still at the beginning. I haven’t started producing anything yet. Part of me is desperate to get things out, but also, part of me is just saying, “Enjoy this process.” Because this is my favorite thing: to build the record and build the world around it. I don’t have any timeline yet, but sooner rather than later. I know it’s been a while, but I’ve had things going on. 

Girl… 💀 

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The problem with her poems is the structure. They look like those poems that people write in a way thinking it’s soooo aesthetic and edgy, but in reality they’re trying to seem like something they’re not and it’s sad bc her first poem wasn’t bad, and I actually liked it, but structurally it was a mess and hard to read.


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10 minutes ago, Yosemite said:

The problem with her poems is the structure. They look like those poems that people write in a way thinking it’s soooo aesthetic and edgy, but in reality they’re trying to seem like something they’re not and it’s sad bc her first poem wasn’t bad, and I actually liked it, but structurally it was a mess and hard to read.

rupi kaur effect.

I quite like the message in the poem she posted today but like you said the structure is just a bit difficult to read same with the others. 



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3 hours ago, Yosemite said:

The problem with her poems is the structure. They look like those poems that people write in a way thinking it’s soooo aesthetic and edgy, but in reality they’re trying to seem like something they’re not and it’s sad bc her first poem wasn’t bad, and I actually liked it, but structurally it was a mess and hard to read.

Apparently the book is 272 pages. I’m hoping we get some more substantial poems than the ones previewed in her Insta post

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I mean you really have to give Lana (and many people and youtubers have) credit for being a “celebrity poetry collection” and it not be Rupi Kaur esque and just bad. 


Eat The World isn’t only bad it’s embarrassing. The college dropout poem she posted had me drop my phone to get in a good laugh. And I don’t think it was supposed to make me laugh. Which is concerning to say the least. 

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Look if it's cathartic for her to do this then okay

The only thing with Marina is that I have always gotten the impression that she thinks she's better at things than she really is and/or that she thinks things will blow up and then they don't

And so then she seems really disappointed or even shows signs of depression when things aren't well-received

She seemed really bothered by the lacklustre reception to L + F 

She has to realise that the creative industry is a crowded, often nepotised/biased space and sometimes mediocre work gets rewarded whilst good work does not

And that the purpose of art is the joy and personal journey you experience from creating it and fuck what people think

So as long as she realises all of this 


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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