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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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all these long paragraphs about froot.....y’all really are acting like it isn’t the worst thing she made? and i don’t care that sHe WrOtE iT aLl bY HerSeLf it’s still ugly and boring. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

It's ok to be wrong sometimes! :D

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Am I the only one that really likes the production on FROOT? Especially on tracks like Gold, Solitaire and Froot



The whole album feels so heavenly, and the heavy songs like Froot, BTT and Savages are BOPSSSSSS





FROOT is my favourite body of work by Marina, and one of my all-time favourite albums. I get what some of you guys are saying about the production, but that's one of the reasons I love it so much! Honestly its production is some of my favourite ever... there's something so nostalgic and comforting about it! :flutter:

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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Radioactive is hands down my least favorite Marina song, but the acoustic version is so good. Idk what was going on with that eurodance production but I was not here for it.


Radioactive is what made me fall in love with her again. it's honestly one of her best songs, if not *the* best.

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Probably the only songs from El*ctra Heart that I can stand are VOTD, Living Dead, Sex Yeah, Bubblegum Bitch, Primadonna, Buy the Stars and Lonely Hearts Club, the rest of the album is terrible

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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fruits lack of diversity is like.. even worse than hm 


it's not a bad album but she completely missed the point of having a really interesting record (especially after releasing the bop that is froot as the first single). the recycling of old melodies didn't help to make the record sound more "inspired" i guess.


none of this means that there's not good takes and moments on froot


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fruits lack of diversity is like.. even worse than hm 


it's not a bad album but she completely missed the point of having a really interesting record (especially after releasing the bop that is froot as the first single). the recycling of old melodies didn't help to make the record sound more "inspired" i guess.


none of this means that there's not good takes and moments on froot

the synths needed to be more diverse, but otherwise that's really it. I don't get what melodies she's recycling though


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Honestly I kinda expected FROOT to age better than all of her albuns but... it's just not it??

I still love the title track and that's it. I barely listen to other songs that I used to love like Can't Pin Me Down and Blue.


On the other hand I just keep playing most of Electra Heart and loving it most of the time. I got bored of some of the songs I used to love (homewrecker) but really got into stuff that at first I didn't like at all (State of Dreaming). 

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Honestly I kinda expected FROOT to age better than all of her albuns but... it's just not it??

I still love the title track and that's it. I barely listen to other songs that I used to love like Can't Pin Me Down and Blue.


On the other hand I just keep playing most of Electra Heart and loving it most of the time. I got bored of some of the songs I used to love (homewrecker) but really got into stuff that at first I didn't like at all (State of Dreaming).

It’s the reverse for me, I’m personally more into Froor & The Family Jewels. Electra Heart is amazing, but it feels the weakest out of all her records. There is no real cohesive tracklist. Especially with all the area related exclusives (Buy The Stars, Living Dead, Lonely Hearts Club, etc.)


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She wrote "did you find your BITCH in me" and hasn't been able to make a better lyric since. Why? 

TFJ is great for her one-liners. I hope she has something as memorable as this on some song 


I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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TFJ is a rebellious teenager who'll spit in your face, EH is a moody primadonna with an identity crisis, FROOT is an old woman with saggy tits.


MATD4 will be a fake-woke psychology major who's gonna teach us how to live our lives right.



TFJ & EH had the strongest personalies & one-liners because they were dedicated to pop culture & art & were willing to take inspiration from different sources. FROOT & MATD4 are self involved & dedicated to TED talks & self-awareness.

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