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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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1 hour ago, Charlottexseax said:

i never understood it ??


AFAIK her parents split up when she was young, she lived in Athens during high school with her dad and attended Athens International School or something 


 I didnt know her parents split... and i was on MarinaBoards and call myself a fan :deadbanana:

33 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

Mostly yes, Marina wanted to pursue being a singer and he probably deemed it irrational and stuff, also based on the lyrics of scab and plaster, hypocrates, buy the stars, daddy was a sailor etc. he was rather conservative and getting on Marina's nerves all the time. It's hard to grow up with toxic parents when you're a child/teenager but as soon as you move out it's much easier to accept their flaws.

ahh yes i remember now. Her dad's way of thinking must have hit her deep cz multiple songs are about him or allude to him, unlike lana who has one 2005 song [that we know of] of her mom 

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Wait. I've just realised now why Hypocrates sound is so "sweet" (which I despised at first and reminded me of a random silly love song). If she indeed is referring to her father, the song sound was supposed to be sweet and childlike, reminiscent of a childhood of a vulnerable girl. I know what I'm saying might seem silly but it's a groundbreaking theory for me and probably many since this is the most overhated track from Electra Heart.


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1 hour ago, vrtvie said:

Wait. I've just realised now why Hypocrates sound is so "sweet" (which I despised at first and reminded me of a random silly love song). If she indeed is referring to her father, the song sound was supposed to be sweet and childlike, reminiscent of a childhood of a vulnerable girl. I know what I'm saying might seem silly but it's a groundbreaking theory for me and probably many since this is the most overhated track from Electra Heart.

who the hell is a hypocrates hater.... i’ll fight all of you

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Did you guys like Purge The Poison? I’m listening to it for the first time as a type this and I’m having so many mixed reactions. Some parts are really good others I’m side eyeing? Idk how to feel. It feels kinda 80s yet modern? Idk this is so weird and good ahahaha :oprah2:

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18 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

Did you guys like Purge The Poison? I’m listening to it for the first time as a type this and I’m having so many mixed reactions. Some parts are really good others I’m side eyeing? Idk how to feel. It feels kinda 80s yet modern? Idk this is so weird and good ahahaha :oprah2:

I like it but I still can't get into some verses (and the Britney line, that should have been rewritten). But overall, I'm enjoying it more with each listen. I get you, it felt weird at first :thumb2: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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2 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

I like it but I still can't get into some verses (and the Britney line, that should have been rewritten). But overall, I'm enjoying it more with each listen. I get you, it felt weird at first :thumb2: 

I actually like the britney line. It's the h*rvey  and Me Too lines after that that I don't like because I don't think it can be thrown into a song like that. It makes it feel heavier to me and when it's sung in such an upbeat way I just can't get into it! 

I wonder if this was the "tone deaf" thing that someone was talking about before, because that's the only line that I feel isn't done well because it makes me feel gross hearing that name and a little bit triggered :xgiggle:

But I really enjoy the rest of the song! 

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1 hour ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

Did you guys like Purge The Poison? I’m listening to it for the first time as a type this and I’m having so many mixed reactions. Some parts are really good others I’m side eyeing? Idk how to feel. It feels kinda 80s yet modern? Idk this is so weird and good ahahaha :oprah2:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it

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2 hours ago, Ariel said:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it

Sometimes I wonder what y'all really want from her. We complain about her being boring and now we complain about her being too much. I really don't understand. 


PTP is no different than songs like Hermit The Frog or Can't Pin Me Down. This is the same Marina who wrote Hollywood or Mowgli's Road and let's not start with some of her weird/messy unreleased songs. 




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2 hours ago, Ariel said:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it

only thing she says about the covid is: "Quarantined, all alone," /// "Virus come," and you got offended by these 4 words? that's an experience almost everyone had to go through so she can talk about it however she wants. and these 4 words are literally not harmful at all??? likee????
me too didn't end rape, of course, but it helped many women to come forward and helped them to share their experience. also she doesn't say me too ended rapes, she says "Me Too went on to unveil"
you literally couldn't understand any of the words she said i guess. there can be some sightful criticizing but your comment looks like you pulled these ideas randomly:rip: 

also i hope you get well soon

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2 hours ago, Ariel said:

Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( 


firstly, sorry to hear about the aftermath of covid, i hope you feel better soon. but im a bit confused about this part of your post. are you talking about these lyrics?:


Harvey Weinstein gone to jail, Me Too went on to unveil
Truth and all its glory, the ending of a story


i dont think she was referring to #metoo "ending" rape, but the movement ending harvey weinstein's story (i mean, the dude's in jail). do u think she would honestly believe a systemic and worldwide issue could be ended by a social movement predominantly taking place in the west? i understand you dont like the song, but cmon, marina is a 34-year old who is obviously a lot smarter than that :crossed:

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3 hours ago, Ariel said:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it

um..can you be like ariel from the little mermaid and not speak please


but do get well soon! 




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3 hours ago, Ariel said:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it


Literally I'm so sorry to be spamming your notifs with another reply but I just wanna say I hear you and im sorry that the song is completely awful for you. 

Just because most of the lines don't hit everyone personally, it doesn't mean we have to bash people's opinions of something really personal to them or try to silence them, like some just did. I like the song but I'm always open to hearing why people don't like it, expecially if it's in more detail than just "I hate sjws". 


Judging by the song titles I think we'll get more of a variety of stuff, and songs that can actually be empowering to all, so I hope this hasn't permanently ruined your stance on her music :)


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Completely unrelated but I have been listening to the @HEARTCORE track listing for Love + Fear and I actually like it! I like (most of) the songs from the original album, but the original order feels weird to me. But their version is better.

  1. Believe In Love
  2. Emotional Machine
  3. Please Don't Call Me
  4. Absent Love
  5. You
  6. Karma
  7. Water Under the Bridge
  8. Too Afraid
  9. If It's Worth It
  10. Holiday
  11. Handmade Heaven
  12. Demons + Angels
  13. There's Nothing Wrong with You
  14. The Art of Letting Go
  15. Soft to Be Strong
  16. End of the Earth

Also, humble opinion that, besides Life Is Strange, Enjoy Your Life and No More Suckers, the album is not terrible.

Also, Purge the Poison is growing on me and I'm shook. Was not expecting that but :bop: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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I think what I miss the most, and I’ve thought about this a lot, is that in her other albums, especially Electra Heart, she was making societal criticisms but she did it in a way that really made you think. Like the average person would hear primadonna and think “oh catchy fun bitchy pop song” and it worked that way on a surface level, but for those that really looked into it, it obviously was satire. I miss the more hidden pretty on the surface but dark deep down kinda thing. I love her obviously! I just want less in your face and more “make me think in that special Marina way.” Idk I just thought Electra Heart was so much better than people let on. She really studied women from the fifties and sixties and nailed it with these over the top descriptions of them. Not to be that fan that can’t move on from EH, but I just miss it. Marina stuck out to me because of how you could easily bop to it but you could also really analyze it. I low key think it was more of an effective way of getting a point across. Electra Heart really made me think about materialism and roles and identity concepts without saying “This this and that” Idk. Rant over! But I miss that magic charm. I loved it. I loved the smoke and mirrors of it all. I loved analyzing it. I still study that character and rewatch the videos to see if I missed anything. I just loved everything about it. It was the perfect concept album. Everyone gives Lana credit for changing alternative sad pop but I swear Electra Heart was a huge part of that too. (And TFJ, and FROOT, too.) I heard in an interview when she said “they wanted me to be more commercial so I said okay, I’ll do it, but I’ll do it as a different person.” Amazing. 



TLDR: I miss the Marina that made you think “there’s more to this than shes letting on” or “this isn’t what it seems.” The songs that could be played on the radio and no one but some people would listen and think “oh this is actually mocking people who really act like this I.e primadonna.”


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