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Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit

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There was a poll in Reddit where Lana stans had to choose her best soundtrack song and guess which song won (with like circa 150 votes IF I remember it right), you're never gonna guess it


Watercolor Eyes



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Will these people ever respect Lana enough to stop speculating about such an incredibly sensitive topic? There's literally people in the comments writing whole ass conspiracy theories about how certain songs are "clearly" about an abortion she had as a teen. How is anyone disconnected enough from the real world to think these are sane and appropriate things to post?

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5 minutes ago, notthatdreamy said:

Will these people ever respect Lana enough to stop speculating about such an incredibly sensitive topic? There's literally people in the comments writing whole ass conspiracy theories about how certain songs are "clearly" about an abortion she had as a teen. How is anyone disconnected enough from the real world to think these are sane and appropriate things to post?

I don't know why people make conspiracies about her "secret child" when the more plausible answer is that she's probably talking about an imagined future child 

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14 minutes ago, notthatdreamy said:

Will these people ever respect Lana enough to stop speculating about such an incredibly sensitive topic? There's literally people in the comments writing whole ass conspiracy theories about how certain songs are "clearly" about an abortion she had as a teen. How is anyone disconnected enough from the real world to think these are sane and appropriate things to post?

The fact that the most upvoted comment is from a porn account just sums up reddit lmao

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3 hours ago, ultrabanisters said:





this unburied a memory that was locked away for at least 5 years of that demi lovato meet and greet experience someone made.. thanks nikki lane!






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2 hours ago, Pedriko said:


like a millionaire woman needs someone's money lmao


am tired of young plp using lana to justify their gross and impulsive behaviours

oh come on…i thought we left the whole “lana del rey daddy lolita dating older men coke xx” in the tumblr era. their extra comment was just weird too “Lana sings a lot about liking older men to fuck her good…” like huh. 

we’re gonna party like it’s 1949

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Obvious rage bait but I'm cackling at this user's posts SKFHSEKDHFKEHK :thumb3:




They started a new QFTC topic at the same time as well and it got locked by moderators



Unrelated to Lana but it gets crazier... I looked through their posts and they've apparently also been trolling the Danganronpa community―I don't really know what that is, but they started some "we should turn it into a real thing" thread.... which literally got removed by Reddit




I do it just to amuse me 

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