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Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards

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6 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

Are you ready to die, Taylor Swift and boygenius? *Azealia Banks voice*



"Baby you my Bugsy Malone 

  and I'm your Suicide Blonde"



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Ocean Blvd is too personal, too diverse, too complex to win those conservative members over. It's one of the strangest and most idiosyncratic albums as it somehow manages to blend different genres into something wholly singular. Of course they'd pick the beige mediocrity of "the record" over it. They're so transparent and their dislike towards Lana is astonishingly obvious at this point. I mean, the Scammys almost always reward mediocrity over greatness so the results aren't particularly surprising, but what makes me truly mad is that they gave Best Alternative Performance to Paramore. A&W is the most acclaimed song of 2023, topping nearly every single important critics' list in the US. It's an undeniable achievement. It's the only song in that category that was literally nominated for SOTY! This is absolutely preposterous. She'll never be taken seriously by these flops. She's not "popular enough" to win the major categories; she's not "alternative" enough to win the smaller ones; hell, she'll probably submit "Lasso" in the country categories next year - assuming she does release that album -, and they will snub her AGAIN even if it's the most acclaimed album of the year, because she won't be considered "country" enough. She'll never win, and she shouldn't give any fucks anymore. They truly don't deserve her. 

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1 minute ago, alyssar said:

How are you all figuring out this out when it still barely showing artist hitting the red carpet?


there's a pre ceremony livestream going on

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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2 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

You know what? I am actually not even angry at Paramore for taking that Grammy...

But fucking Phoebe Bridgers taking 2? Excuse me, what impact has she got holds against Lana in 2023????

she has 4 so far technically:toofunny:



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1 minute ago, Deadly Nightshade said:


 this one if i remember correctly


the fact that this is photoshopped lmao

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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28 minutes ago, one time beauty queen said:

[redacted] YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


mod note: user wanted for this post 



anyways first warning point

Grace Kelly at Oscars  19555cf5ae75d96d8cd9e01fe728872e315c.jpg


this is a subliminal universe sign tonight will be a night of firsts...

such as Lana winning her first grammy


its never too late, baby, so dont give up


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