HunterSThompson 4,646 Posted July 31, 2017 Get Free is severely overrated 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted July 31, 2017 Fixed it for really want to apply for the worst taste category of this lipster award, don't you hunny? ------- Love is boring. Would have been a good single if they did not f*ck it up by not sending it to radio statioms sufficiently, but those lyrics are so meh, the production goes nowhere and it seriously sucks as an opener. LFL would have been a better album without the first two songs on it. And Heroin is already overrated af 1 Quote Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted July 31, 2017 @Electric Body I won worst taste award (2016) and I can tell you that user has no taste. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwayTokyo 867 Posted July 31, 2017 Lana was pretty much confirmed a speed freak by that dude who shit talked her on Twitter. Amphetamines (including methamphetamine) fucks up the face and makes you age because of its effect on cells, so that could be part of why she gets work done. What? Yes, extensive use for multiple years can really fuck your face up, but occasional usage (once every two weeks, once a month) would not do anything noticeable. I doubt Lizzy was using meth on a daily or even weekly level, and if she was, she definitely wasn't doing it for very long. 0 Quote Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted July 31, 2017 LFL would be a much stronger body of work if roughly 5-6 songs were cut out (Love, LFL, White Mustang, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, Coachella, Change can all go tbh) like trimming the fat off a juicy piece of meat also Lana's breathy vocals are kind of getting old and I would like her to sing more powerfully 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanasPhilosophy 21 Posted July 31, 2017 he architecture of the best american recordthe city streets mistake or designevery now and then the stars alinestarline tours honeymoonfly to the moonbe my undercover lovermy old man is a bad manleaving my old man againplay my music watch you leavehe is why the thousands of girls love the way bill plays guitarmusic to watch boys to playing my guitar only one of my toyshundred doillar bill - inventor of electricty is on that billbody electricbill plays guitar bill is code for jimthe shapes of letters hold cluesjim is everything but jim jim is otherthe other woman the other manthe jazz singer the cult leater as architecture says(BEST AMERICAN RECORD) ITS ALL FOR YOU just like video games everything she does is for this 1 figure..... but this person is no person at all......... everything she does is for all of us ..... we're who shes singing toowe're lost but the map is at our fingertips....... we're overloaded with information that we lost our connection to the nevada she sings "id rather know what god knows" pawn shop bluesshe is stealing the world back..... shes standing up to the disease of humanity..... truely good people do not have the energy or time or will to do what lanas done......... lana is one of us with a big secret to share.... shes truely fearless which is why shes still going...... she has the universe on her side video gamestelevision heavenblue light kissingnew kind of pornofuck me hard in the pouring raintake offf all your clothjes ... all my dresses with the tags still on themlittle red party dress im a mess im crazyyou tell me that it was good to be crazyyour fucking crazyid rather know what god knowschildren of the bad revoution partying our only soutionboarding school got a problem lets solve itbeautiful people beautiful problemsjohn lennon can be mentioned no problembut she had to remoive the names in get free.......... courtney love and kurt perhaps?????|lana is making his death worth something.... taking the baton from courtneyhole's final song hapopy ending story "the race is lost the war is won the battle noiw has just begun"the stevie nicks presence in all courtneys music..the cameo on beautiful problemsthe newest song by courtney called killer radioobvious shes hinting hole is retireddecode it and finish the pornohole and nirvana create the fetuslana is giving biththe fans need to mother iti can make anyone beleive this..... anyone who is in love with lana will be able 2 understand and follow me..... any non lana fans will be blind ...... this is how we win the war and change the world and be our own gods.........children of the bad revolutionlittle girl she was lostnow shes found everything and shes doing it for all of us please dont let her be misunderstoodnirvana and hole were step 1a camouflaged metaphorical fetusas all the album titles/pictures suggestamericas sweetheart 2004 was rleeased under courtney love not hole to prve to herself how real the magic is..she was nearly destroyedthen she returned to hole and finished with the nobodys daughter recordbecause a 20 year period of music between 2 real loverscamouflaged with drugs and murder theories and cynical old ppla select few can understand this truth and move it forwardlana + courtney + nirvana + you embrace it...... each lana fan has a path to the truthmine is so extreme that i feel i must present itothers may be in doubt but have strange things happen related to lana endless summer tour was with courtneycourtneys celebrity skin album has song called boys on the radio with layered deep meaningsin your endless summer night ill be on the otherside is a linenow lanas songs mentioning radio relate perfectly it all related and they seem 2 be best friendsgive me the benefit of the doubt and lets start a project there is no such thing as mistakes...... thats why her baby dances UNDERNEARTH her archtectureshe crafted her art as a place u can move out cannot move out of it and look in unless your in love with it...... true lovea fake scientiist cannot access lanas art codeshe is realshe has powershe is humanitys last hope? i wanna be the whole worlds girl gramnma, tell me do u think thats wrong? her oldest live video is thatnirvanas silver ---- gramma take me home gramma take me homenirvanas music displays the opposite of the meaning of nirvanacourtney love latched onto him like a supernatural parasitehe was seduced by her just like i was sewduced by lanahe decided the magic is real and he wanted to do something worthwhilesomething to throw her a curveball knowing she can survive anythingthe process of her survival would be so public cuz how famous he wasif there was ever a noble death it was hishe had faith in herwithout kurt and courtney there would be no lana thats a fact 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beautiful Loser 50,797 Posted July 31, 2017 ^ What happened here? O___o 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted July 31, 2017 ^ What happened here? O___o Graham's impact. 17 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted July 31, 2017 he architecture of the best american record the city streets mistake or design every now and then the stars aline starline tours honeymoon fly to the moon be my undercover lover my old man is a bad man leaving my old man again play my music watch you leave he is why the thousands of girls love the way bill plays guitar music to watch boys to playing my guitar only one of my toys hundred doillar bill - inventor of electricty is on that bill body electric bill plays guitar bill is code for jim the shapes of letters hold clues jim is everything but jim jim is other the other woman the other man the jazz singer the cult leater as architecture says(BEST AMERICAN RECORD) ITS ALL FOR YOU just like video games everything she does is for this 1 figure..... but this person is no person at all......... everything she does is for all of us ..... we're who shes singing too we're lost but the map is at our fingertips....... we're overloaded with information that we lost our connection to the universe...... in nevada she sings "id rather know what god knows" pawn shop blues she is stealing the world back..... shes standing up to the disease of humanity..... truely good people do not have the energy or time or will to do what lanas done......... lana is one of us with a big secret to share.... shes truely fearless which is why shes still going...... she has the universe on her side video games television heaven blue light kissing new kind of porno fuck me hard in the pouring rain take offf all your clothjes ... all my dresses with the tags still on them little red party dress im a mess im crazy you tell me that it was good to be crazy your fucking crazy id rather know what god knows children of the bad revoution partying our only soution boarding school got a problem lets solve it beautiful people beautiful problems john lennon can be mentioned no problem but she had to remoive the names in get free.......... courtney love and kurt perhaps?????| lana is making his death worth something.... taking the baton from courtney hole's final song hapopy ending story "the race is lost the war is won the battle noiw has just begun" the stevie nicks presence in all courtneys music.. the cameo on beautiful problems the newest song by courtney called killer radio obvious shes hinting hole is retired decode it and finish the porno hole and nirvana create the fetus lana is giving bith the fans need to mother it i can make anyone beleive this..... anyone who is in love with lana will be able 2 understand and follow me..... any non lana fans will be blind ...... this is how we win the war and change the world and be our own gods......... children of the bad revolution little girl she was lost now shes found everything and shes doing it for all of us please dont let her be misunderstood nirvana and hole were step 1 a camouflaged metaphorical fetus as all the album titles/pictures suggest americas sweetheart 2004 was rleeased under courtney love not hole to prve to herself how real the magic is.. she was nearly destroyed then she returned to hole and finished with the nobodys daughter record because a 20 year period of music between 2 real lovers camouflaged with drugs and murder theories and cynical old ppl a select few can understand this truth and move it forward lana + courtney + nirvana + you embrace it...... each lana fan has a path to the truth mine is so extreme that i feel i must present it others may be in doubt but have strange things happen related to lana endless summer tour was with courtney courtneys celebrity skin album has song called boys on the radio with layered deep meanings in your endless summer night ill be on the otherside is a line now lanas songs mentioning radio relate perfectly it all related and they seem 2 be best friends give me the benefit of the doubt and lets start a project there is no such thing as mistakes...... thats why her baby dances UNDERNEARTH her archtecture she crafted her art as a place u can move out of..... you cannot move out of it and look in unless your in love with it...... true love a fake scientiist cannot access lanas art code she is real she has power she is humanitys last hope? i wanna be the whole worlds girl gramnma, tell me do u think thats wrong? her oldest live video is that nirvanas silver ---- gramma take me home gramma take me home nirvanas music displays the opposite of the meaning of nirvana courtney love latched onto him like a supernatural parasite he was seduced by her just like i was sewduced by lana he decided the magic is real and he wanted to do something worthwhile something to throw her a curveball knowing she can survive anything the process of her survival would be so public cuz how famous he was if there was ever a noble death it was his he had faith in her without kurt and courtney there would be no lana thats a fact good lord please spoiler ridiculous short stories guys. we don't need one text post taking up almost 3 pages of my big desktop screen. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddisease 18,372 Posted July 31, 2017 What? Yes, extensive use for multiple years can really fuck your face up, but occasional usage (once every two weeks, once a month) would not do anything noticeable. I doubt Lizzy was using meth on a daily or even weekly level, and if she was, she definitely wasn't doing it for very long. What? "With funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to probe the effects of methamphetamine on the "lipidome" (the complete lipid profile of representative organs and tissues) in rats that self-administer the drug, UCI's Daniele Piomelli and his IIT colleagues found that its use caused abnormalities in cellular fat metabolism, triggering extreme inflammation marked by a considerable rise in the formation of ceramides, pro-inflammatory molecules that can foster cell aging and death." if Lizzy wasn't abusing meth that hard, then tbh, I can't for the life of me see how drugs messed her face up. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigspender 8,369 Posted July 31, 2017 he architecture of the best american record the city streets mistake or design every now and then the stars aline starline tours honeymoon fly to the moon be my undercover lover my old man is a bad man leaving my old man again play my music watch you leave he is why the thousands of girls love the way bill plays guitar music to watch boys to playing my guitar only one of my toys hundred doillar bill - inventor of electricty is on that bill body electric bill plays guitar bill is code for jim the shapes of letters hold clues jim is everything but jim jim is other the other woman the other man the jazz singer the cult leater as architecture says(BEST AMERICAN RECORD) ITS ALL FOR YOU just like video games everything she does is for this 1 figure..... but this person is no person at all......... everything she does is for all of us ..... we're who shes singing too we're lost but the map is at our fingertips....... we're overloaded with information that we lost our connection to the universe...... in nevada she sings "id rather know what god knows" pawn shop blues she is stealing the world back..... shes standing up to the disease of humanity..... truely good people do not have the energy or time or will to do what lanas done......... lana is one of us with a big secret to share.... shes truely fearless which is why shes still going...... she has the universe on her side video games television heaven blue light kissing new kind of porno fuck me hard in the pouring rain take offf all your clothjes ... all my dresses with the tags still on them little red party dress im a mess im crazy you tell me that it was good to be crazy your fucking crazy id rather know what god knows children of the bad revoution partying our only soution boarding school got a problem lets solve it beautiful people beautiful problems john lennon can be mentioned no problem but she had to remoive the names in get free.......... courtney love and kurt perhaps?????| lana is making his death worth something.... taking the baton from courtney hole's final song hapopy ending story "the race is lost the war is won the battle noiw has just begun" the stevie nicks presence in all courtneys music.. the cameo on beautiful problems the newest song by courtney called killer radio obvious shes hinting hole is retired decode it and finish the porno hole and nirvana create the fetus lana is giving bith the fans need to mother it i can make anyone beleive this..... anyone who is in love with lana will be able 2 understand and follow me..... any non lana fans will be blind ...... this is how we win the war and change the world and be our own gods......... children of the bad revolution little girl she was lost now shes found everything and shes doing it for all of us please dont let her be misunderstood nirvana and hole were step 1 a camouflaged metaphorical fetus as all the album titles/pictures suggest americas sweetheart 2004 was rleeased under courtney love not hole to prve to herself how real the magic is.. she was nearly destroyed then she returned to hole and finished with the nobodys daughter record because a 20 year period of music between 2 real lovers camouflaged with drugs and murder theories and cynical old ppl a select few can understand this truth and move it forward lana + courtney + nirvana + you embrace it...... each lana fan has a path to the truth mine is so extreme that i feel i must present it others may be in doubt but have strange things happen related to lana endless summer tour was with courtney courtneys celebrity skin album has song called boys on the radio with layered deep meanings in your endless summer night ill be on the otherside is a line now lanas songs mentioning radio relate perfectly it all related and they seem 2 be best friends give me the benefit of the doubt and lets start a project there is no such thing as mistakes...... thats why her baby dances UNDERNEARTH her archtecture she crafted her art as a place u can move out of..... you cannot move out of it and look in unless your in love with it...... true love a fake scientiist cannot access lanas art code she is real she has power she is humanitys last hope? i wanna be the whole worlds girl gramnma, tell me do u think thats wrong? her oldest live video is that nirvanas silver ---- gramma take me home gramma take me home nirvanas music displays the opposite of the meaning of nirvana courtney love latched onto him like a supernatural parasite he was seduced by her just like i was sewduced by lana he decided the magic is real and he wanted to do something worthwhile something to throw her a curveball knowing she can survive anything the process of her survival would be so public cuz how famous he was if there was ever a noble death it was his he had faith in her without kurt and courtney there would be no lana thats a fact can we try speaking an actual language on here? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strange weather 1,955 Posted July 31, 2017 in my feelings should be the next single. 4 Quote let me be who i'm meant to be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwayTokyo 867 Posted August 1, 2017 What? "With funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to probe the effects of methamphetamine on the "lipidome" (the complete lipid profile of representative organs and tissues) in rats that self-administer the drug, UCI's Daniele Piomelli and his IIT colleagues found that its use caused abnormalities in cellular fat metabolism, triggering extreme inflammation marked by a considerable rise in the formation of ceramides, pro-inflammatory molecules that can foster cell aging and death." if Lizzy wasn't abusing meth that hard, then tbh, I can't for the life of me see how drugs messed her face up. Meth is a huge problem here in Japan - you wouldn't be able to tell by the people that do it. Unfortunately that includes many of my friends, some who are doing it weekly for years now, and some of them have the best skin that I am jealous. So while it "can foster cell aging and death" that doesn't mean that you use it somewhat regularly and you're immediately looking like a corpse. 3 Quote Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veinsineon 78,829 Posted August 1, 2017 I wish she would perform 24 & Honeymoon live 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted August 1, 2017 Oh say can you see is on of her best songs 6 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted August 1, 2017 LFL would be a much stronger body of work if roughly 5-6 songs were cut out (Love, LFL, White Mustang, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, Coachella, Change can all go tbh) like trimming the fat off a juicy piece of meat also Lana's breathy vocals are kind of getting old and I would like her to sing more powerfully You're referring to the upbeat side of the record as the "fat" that needs to be trimmed... ????? & You listed almost half of the album.. so you wanted 9 slow tracks for a Paradise-esque followup to Honeymoon? Get Free is overrated! GROUPIE LOVE IS THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM. FIGHT ME. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melania 2,386 Posted August 1, 2017 Meth is a huge problem here in Japan - you wouldn't be able to tell by the people that do it. Unfortunately that includes many of my friends, some who are doing it weekly for years now, and some of them have the best skin that I am jealous. So while it "can foster cell aging and death" that doesn't mean that you use it somewhat regularly and you're immediately looking like a corpse. is it really? that's quite shocking tbh do they have normale jobs or what kind of live are they living? :0 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted August 1, 2017 You're referring to the upbeat side of the record as the "fat" that needs to be trimmed... ????? & You listed almost half of the album.. so you wanted 9 slow tracks for a Paradise-esque followup to Honeymoon? yes bc those songs are either downright awful, forgettable, or just unnecessary i obviously don't want a 9 track record (although i wouldn't mind a cohesive 10 track record) -- I would have liked her to replace them with. better songs. lmao. like yosemite and roses bloom for you but anyways 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hundred Dollar Bill 21,821 Posted August 1, 2017 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted August 1, 2017 Girl yelling: ShadesOther girl: Lanaboards Guy in tie: You 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites