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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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  On 4/17/2020 at 12:34 AM, Jersey Dance Queen said:

idk why hope is a dangerous thing gets paid dust


because it's an overlong track that doesn't do much to a lot of people, it's legit getting praised for being "advanced" lyrically, but the truth is it's just a repetitive 6 minutes long song with Lana using a bunch of random "refined" words, should've been relegated to B-Sides/unreleased in my honest opinion.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 1:03 AM, MXDH said:

because it's an overlong track that doesn't do much to a lot of people, it's legit getting praised for being "advanced" lyrically, but the truth is it's just a repetitive 6 minutes long song with Lana using a bunch of random "refined" words, should've been relegated to B-Sides/unreleased in my honest opinion.

Should have been Yosemite wbk

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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  On 4/18/2020 at 2:14 AM, Veinsineon said:

Never Let Me Go still gives me that punch to the gut. Not many Lana songs can do that anymore...

I mean we went from Video Games to.... Jim met me down on the boulevard  :facepalm:


If you love me hardcore, then don't walk away

It's a game, boy, I don't wanna play

I just wanna be yours, like I always say

Never let me go

  :defeated:  :deadbanana:   :rollin:

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nfr is a bad album she should never work with jack again he brings only the laziness out of her


she needs to go back to new york as well..new york has the best dermatologists ever since she went to la her face has been fucked and so has her artistry


and I miss gangsta nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood lana alot that was my favourite phase of hers


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  On 4/18/2020 at 2:29 AM, hornymoon said:

nfr is a bad album she should never work with jack again he brings only the laziness out of her


she needs to go back to new york as well..new york has the best dermatologists ever since she went to la her face has been fucked and so has her artistry


and I miss gangsta nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood lana alot that was my favourite phase of hers

YUPPPP California ruined her

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  On 4/18/2020 at 2:29 AM, hornymoon said:

nfr is a bad album she should never work with jack again he brings only the laziness out of her


she needs to go back to new york as well..new york has the best dermatologists ever since she went to la her face has been fucked and so has her artistry


and I miss gangsta nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood lana alot that was my favourite phase of hers


damn fucking right, Jack is a shit producer, I guess he's good for the basic pop girlies, but Lana ain't about that. She sounded lost in her own laziness on NFR, it's such an average, generic and beige album it's painful (and the production/mastering is complete and utter shit).


No wonder why so many people and critics alike like it so damn much, it's her most basic effort thus far.

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  On 4/11/2020 at 4:56 AM, godsmonster said:

The "la la la la la la la la la lie down" in Serial Killer reminds me of the Elmo's World theme song




  On 4/18/2020 at 2:29 AM, hornymoon said:

she needs to go back to new york as well..new york has the best dermatologists ever since she went to la her face has been fucked and so has her artistry


and I miss gangsta nancy sinatra lost lolita in the hood lana alot that was my favourite phase of hers


literally what the fuck

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Do you think Lana was responsible for the whole daddy kink memes and jokes on tumblr and other social media? or do you think she just joined a small trend? I know that Lana loves to romanticize the past. Back in the day, like in the 20's, 30's and 40's, calling a man a daddy was more normal. If you watch old movies, you hear it quite a bit. It wasn't necessarily sexual. Just like calling a younger woman a baby, calling a man your daddy, was more just saying he's your man. Following the decades the term daddy was turned into a more obscure kink. People didn't really use it much, and the vast majority of people were not into it. When Lana came onto the scene, she started using it. I think when she was singing songs like Yayo, with lyrics like " I wear your sparkle,

You call me your mama, Let me put on a show for you daddy", she was showing a more honest and private side to her sexuality. I don't think it was try hard or over the top, like the "choke me daddy" comments on twitter. I think when Lana used of term daddy in her songs, it really was not anywhere else that I saw. Now it's more popular with young girls. IDK, but I was wondering if there was a correlation there.

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Coachella-Woodstock in my mind is actually not that bad. Yeah it's not  my favourite song of hers & it is not one of her strongest/best songs but some fans did it dirty. I mean the production of it is arguable (for me the production is okay) but still think the lyrics are pretty good and can we take a moment to appreciate the outro :flutter:  Never understand why people hate it so much .... 


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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  On 4/20/2020 at 9:42 AM, Pico Boulevard said:

Coachella-Woodstock in my mind is actually not that bad. Yeah it's not  my favourite song of hers & it is not one of her strongest/best songs but some fans did it dirty. I mean the production of it is arguable (for me the production is okay) but still think the lyrics are pretty good and can we take a moment to appreciate the outro :flutter:  Never understand why people hate it so much .... 


I think it's mainly because the lyrics are cringy and the production doesn't really help.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Basing on what I read basically everywhere most of this things are really unpopular but I was wondering if there's anyone else that thinks the same :ohno:

I don't think it's a bad thing that her style changed, that she's not that glamour anymore, and I'm not really interested in what she wears when she's spotted somewhere. I think she felt the pressure to always be elegant or stylish in some way because of the spotlight but reality is that she's not that interested in what she wears as it has always been probably (I also remember her or her sister saying she doesn't have a great sense of style), and it's ok, I mean, I'm happy because it seems she feels free to wear whatever she wants now and even if she's famous, a singer etc. I don't thing it's relevant what she wears, I just appreciate her for her music.

Also I don't see it as negative the fact she doesn't promote her songs/albums like she did with BTD anymore, if she doesn't care about promoting, the charts etc. I respect her decision, and this also applies for things like attending TV shows or interviews. Obviously I'm happy to see interviews and performances but I think it's more important that she feels comfortable doing them.

Anyway I really appreciate how she changed during the years, and even if like some songs more than others I like the fact she changes producers and tries new things.

I don't think she's lazy, I think she's just laid back. Just after she became famous she was so overwhelmed and you could see how nervous she was during live shows etc., but now she just adapted to it, she seems more relaxed, it's like she managed to solve her problems with fame in some way and I'm really glad she did, she seems in a happier place now. :wub: 

I think if things aren't in a certain way it's not a big deal for her and I'm like that too, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. For example I think her lyrics on BTD are her best ones too but it doesn't mean songs on the other albums aren't good, "simpler" lyrics are nice too and if I don't like a song it's because of it as a whole, and even then I won't judge her because I'm pretty sure her intentions are good, and I don't know what's/what was going on in her life but probably because of it plus her status as a celebrity she's just trying to take things easy and not be stressed out. 


Pls don't come at me lol I'm just trying to understand her and I see a lot of people criticizing her but I don't see her behaviour in a bad way :um3:  (And don't get me wrong, I am too someone who prefers BTD and UV songs, performances without the 2 girls and in general, I don't like everything she does like I don't have preferences)

✧ο½₯゚:* ヽ(*・ω・)οΎ‰*:ο½₯゚✧


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  On 4/21/2020 at 10:12 AM, wthebluemascara said:

I don't think she's lazy, I think she's just laid back.


That's a beautiful and insightful piece you wrote, but no ma'am, Lana is definitely lazy.

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