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Pretty as fuck :defeated:


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If you love this, I don't wanna see anybody ever complaining about a LDR album cover again.


shut the hell up and go back to worshiping your floppy fave who barely even released an album


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shut the hell up and go back to worshiping your floppy fave who barely even released an album

No, I won't  :)


Maybe you should visit your local Born Brave Bus to deal with your anger issues?


Do you have a H&M scarf?   :)


@@Bekim: Honey, you already go through enough shit in your life. Don't let me humiliate you on a public forum


Admin note: Please stop asking users to kill themselves, even through song lyric references. Warning point has been given.

Edited by Elle

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The cover is so simple it works, hopefully this is the tone the album will be. nothing else like Perfect Illusion

She said PI isn't indicative of Joanne/LG5 sound :)




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I love the cover but tbh I don't really think it fits Perfect Illusion that well visually. Wondering what the other songs will sound like considering she said PI is unrepresentative of them and considering the album cover art is quite a different sort of visual to PI as well.

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@@Bekim: Honey, you already go through enough shit in your life. Don't let me humiliate you on a public forum





My life is pretty ok actually, not perfect but still? What I go through has nothing to do with who I am, why drag me for my life




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First the "I got to get them all!" alt-artists features,then the "I wanna be a rockish artist!" outfit, now this try-hard-alt-album title ... but then on the other side this terribly badic and spiritless song called Perfect Illusion...

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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First the "I got to get them all!" alt-artists features,then the "I wanna be a rockish artist!" outfit, now this try-hard-alt-album title ... but then on the other side this terribly badic and spiritless song called Perfect Illusion...


i don't get why you're in here when all you do is complain


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typed [into google]:


why did Lady Gaga call her new album Joanne


and got this as first hit:



This is all news to me. The one thing that strikes me about Joanne the person is that she died very young (and before LG's birth) yet still has had a big effect on her (evident in her first album). So the album could be gearing to explain or describe J's effect on her or it might just be an honorific (as in dedicated to J). Hoping for the former. The cover is certainly OK; sort of Lana-esque but w/o wanting to seem Lana-esque (i.e., LDR's never used a profile shot on a cover). At any rate, any kind of full-facial shot suggests an album that is going to be personal or intimate in some respects, imo, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Also here's the info on LG's Rilke tattoo, which frames the date of J's death.


Rilke is an interesting influence to have, much like Whitman would be. Wonder if there were any college-style bull sessions about them between LDR and LG during the formative years of "So Legit".

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