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Taylor Swift

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The lyrics are horrendous :crai: I was really rooting for her but my disappointment is immeasurable. I just can’t understand how she thought people would put this on without physically cringing. 

That said, Maroon and Lavender Rush are the best songs here and I do like them. Rest is extremely meh to unlistenable (Broke Down Karma, Vagina Infrction, parts of Anti Hearing Loss)

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I don’t dress for men
I don’t dress for women
Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge
I don't start shit 
But I know how it ends




Not Patti fucking Mayonnaise still talking about revenge. Girl you’re almost 33. Stop acting like a cheerleader.


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3 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:

I don’t dress for men
I don’t dress for women
Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge
I don't start shit 
But I know how it ends




Not Patti fucking Mayonnaise still talking about revenge. Girl you’re almost 33. Stop acting like a cheerleader.

im more inclined to think this album is a compilation of lyrics written throughout the last decade rather than the last year :oopna2:

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How did she go from folklore to evermore to this... The album has some cute moments I like some songs but overall it's so mediocre and kinda cringey at times. Maybe it'll grow on me idk but so far I'm not really feeling it. 


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It's surprisingly bad :trisha: I'm not a huge fan of hers but I loved Folklore and a lot of Evermore so I expected this to be good but it's very generic and a lot of the lyrics are so cringe. That being said, it was still enjoyable in a bad movie kind of way and I can see it growing on me for sure. I'll be shocked if this gets good reviews though.

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Karma is a good pop song and Vigilante Shit is… interesting sonically speaking.


Everything else ranges from mediocre to atrocious. Lana doing BG vocals on SOTB was actually a good thing and now I’m sure she wanted it to be this way. I would do too if I knew this was the direction she was going to follow.


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I haven't heard the leaks but it's so disappointing to see the unanimous stance on the album. I was also looking forward for introspective singer songwriter take that she had since folklore but I'm not too into the rep and lover eras. I really want to know why she would think continuing that way of writing is the best thing to do lololol. It's utterly embarrassing. 


My dumb ass even thought at one point when she released the lighter cover that it was going to be this crazy Sonic Youth Daydream Nation route. If only.......

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This is her hottest era for sure 


⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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my theory on why this album is such ass....

so 1989 was her last natural progression album that really slapped (generally speaking, me personally i like most of it but not the way i like her later releases). from debut-1989 she had boys, the GP hate, etc, was good writing fuel.

then the kim x kanye drama happened in 2016, and she had a whole new set of inspiration, thus pushing the original Lover concept back (which probably gave her time to beef it up a bit). and rep was more experimental and imo really good. then lover was a bit of a continuation soley focusing on her new found love and happiness (more filler than rep but the standouts truly stood out, and outnumbered the filler)

after lover, i think everyone was lowkey thinking that taylor was on her simmer down from super stardom, because while lover was good and broke records, it had no number1 hit, and wasn't really regarded as up there with her bests, or experimental like rep was

then the pandemic happened  and folklore & evermore happened and it breathed new life into Taylor's career. the songs were all about fictional character and their beautiful and sad stories that taylor made up. genius concepts for an album.

then the rerecordings started coming and everyone was super high on taylor, enjoying her new grammy winning/nominated albums, having 2 new no1 singles, rereleasing 2 classics from her discography, got another #1 with 10 min all too well, everything was going PERFECT.... almost like too perfect....no drama... no discourse...nothing

this brings us to Midnights....wheres the inspiration for the art? she has literally nothing new to write about right now...at all...nothing new to fuel the craft, thus we are left with a dry ass album

i wonder if this bad reception will impact her future rereleases? hmmm

alas she should have really came thru with the third installment of folklore/evermore!!

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Never been a Taylor fan, she always been the number one to shove tumblr-esque quotes someone else wrote in her songs and her fans would act like she’s Jesus spouting holy wisdom but her one trick is tiiiiired, people are over it, Lanas ethereal whispers on a new song can’t save you now babe


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