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Tried to give it a second listen. It was easier for me to adapt to the changes in soundscapes between songs this time (although the distorted voice in Midnight Rain is truly traumatizing and horrifying - and no, this time I don’t mean Taylor’s voice) and appreciate the album a bit more this time on that front.


However the lyricism is just too mined with misfires that are too big and too many. Someone whose songwriting is so frequently admired and acknowledged truly took their time to write “sit quiet by my side/not the kind that’s thrown/the kind under where a tree has grown” at the age of 33 which I personally find perplexing. Disturbing, even.


The quality difference between a track like Bigger Than The Whole Sky and Vigilante Shit tells me everything I need to infer from this project, a directionless cashgrab that’s attractively adorned and polished enough to pass as remotely interesting. Carly Rae Jepsen (an artist I don’t even like) has been doing the exact same with more flair and less self-importance.


With that being said, I wish the best for her.


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4 hours ago, Ceremonials said:

just coming to say that im not a taylor fan but the line in karma with the " Karma is a cat
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me " is insane and wow. i've only listened to this one song at the coffee shop i was at this morning but i kinda want to listen to the rest of the album now. someone on reddit says she seems more self aware on this album ? but honestly the only album of hers i listened to in full was rep and i was kinda disappointed 

Reputation (and Lover) is not what Taylor can do best. Like not at all (in terms of lyrics). Folklore and evermore are the two albums were she (finally?) owns up on who she is. Subtlety and yet…

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The FBI is a swifty 


⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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7 minutes ago, the ocean said:

this feels like what reputation & lover should've been and i think listening to this album with that mindset helps it make more sense

like imagine this sitting between 1989 and folklore... the power


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4 hours ago, letterblue said:

i'm ready to knock this [redacted] over the [redacted] head. anyone complaining about her lyrics is very annoying to me.....if y'all don't go listen to Unholy or other brainless [redacted] music and shut the [redacted] up. if she's too serious she's boring....if she's silly she's a "BuzzFeed ass" lyricist. 


Where was the lie though?:diva:

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1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:

Wait, has Lana acknowledged this collaboration at all?

does she need to? i’m sure she has more important things on her mind like deranged losers breaking into her car and stealing her computer.

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I had fun listening to it. Its not amazing as some articles and fans are calling it, thematically or lyrically, which felt forced at times. I can already tell its gonna be a big grower. its nowhere near touching folklore or evermore or even 1989 imo which felt very genuine and vulnerable. but honestly sometimes you just want some boppy songs to have fun to alone late at night, and midnights offers that:oprah3:

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y'all I'm in the minority who actually enjoyed most of this album. I have yet to listen to the deluxe but the standard was pretty decent imo. came without expectations and it worked i guess? 

Faves: Midnight Rain, Maroon, Sweet Nothing, Question...?, Vigilante Shit, even Snow on the Beach at some extent.

I need more time with Karma, Mastermind and Labyrinth, but overall I don't actively hate anything here.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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