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Charli XCX

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hey the bitch is back to tell you guys to stop supporting eclipse! he is a bitch who sent 2 second lana snippets for nude pictures of underaged boys! he is abusing his """power""" of having a warner account that is not really his by teasing various songs from the database and ruining surprise releases, he ruined love, girls night out, and now recently: blame it on your love. this song was supposed to be a surprise release and he completely ruined it for the slightest bit of attention from the gays because the lsd just isn't working all that well for him anymore. he is not who you think he is and to call this disgusting, crooked dicked monster anything like "queen" or "king" is revolting and nauseating. let us not forget that the only reason why he has songs off of Love + Fear is because not only does he hoard discord recordings but he has scammed Marina's producers. stop riding his dick because he has stuff, he lies about 85% of the stuff that he has, and the only Charli """exclusive""" he has is Candyfloss which was retrieved by scamming one of Charli's producers. and let's be honest here girlies who the fuck really wants Candyfloss nowadays.


tl;dr eclipse is not who you think he is. he is a monster.

well.... i would like to listen

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leakers yet again trying to sabotage charli's career, can y'all just let her have ONE smooth unleaked surprise promotional song release and let things go her way??? can y'all just let her live? what did she do to you besides save pop music and make her money? let's all stop begging for leaks and just let charli do her shit, stop putting leakers on a pedestal and giving them so much power (but bloomforyou is THAT bitch tho) we've all had more than enough of our share of leaks tbh after that 60+ song leak I got more than my fill y'all are just being way too greedy and have gotten too used to getting a monthly leak! I swear I think some of y'all are only in this fandom for the leaks and not to actually support charli herself, I know the dry period sucks but just let the girl live and have things go her way for once.


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hey the bitch is back to tell you guys to stop supporting eclipse! he is a bitch who sent 2 second lana snippets for nude pictures of underaged boys! he is abusing his """power""" of having a warner account that is not really his by teasing various songs from the database and ruining surprise releases, he ruined love, girls night out, and now recently: blame it on your love. this song was supposed to be a surprise release and he completely ruined it for the slightest bit of attention from the gays because the lsd just isn't working all that well for him anymore. he is not who you think he is and to call this disgusting, crooked dicked monster anything like "queen" or "king" is revolting and nauseating. let us not forget that the only reason why he has songs off of Love + Fear is because not only does he hoard discord recordings but he has scammed Marina's producers. stop riding his dick because he has stuff, he lies about 85% of the stuff that he has, and the only Charli """exclusive""" he has is Candyfloss which was retrieved by scamming one of Charli's producers. and let's be honest here girlies who the fuck really wants Candyfloss nowadays.


tl;dr eclipse is not who you think he is. he is a monster.

Would a monster tell underaged kids about his sad grindr hookups or to do drugs because he thinks i'll cure their depression?


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Why are we rehashing the "BIOYL is the next single" shit again


because ratclipse accesed the warner database and saw that charli has saved a BIOYL single + video release for the future which was meant to be a surprise 

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