drugsdesire 10,546 Posted June 2, 2020 an account with 2 million + followers reporting that lana had died.... my heart and stomach dropped 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crimson and Clover 22,718 Posted June 2, 2020 LSA is ripping her apart. They think she and Chuck are working undercover for the MAGA cops. https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/tinashe-is-done-with-lana-del-rey-and-asking-her-wtf-is-her-problem.3566585/#post-58477344 LSA also started the conspiracy that Hillary Duff is a child sex trafficker the Internet gets is so crazy 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,673 Posted June 2, 2020 Ed was active 10 mins ago I srsly doubt he'd be on insta if his client died Calm doen, everyone 9 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anwdelrey 9,295 Posted June 2, 2020 Now who tf said she died... y’all doing tew much 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,673 Posted June 2, 2020 She's fine. 2 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pin up galore 19,344 Posted June 2, 2020 she was born to die anyway 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barttender 1,118 Posted June 2, 2020 So... It looks like they were trying to get a # on Twitter saying she died. They also posted something on Instagram. Some people have not missed the opportunity and have already gone to her Instagram to write "rip"... Apparently, it is just another demonstration of hatred and negativity. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mkultraviolence 5,833 Posted June 2, 2020 rip Miss Thing 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
#glimmeringdarling 4,629 Posted June 2, 2020 I hope that all these outrageous comments and reactions are disregarded by Lana ... they really are coming from pure ignorance and a shot at getting 'clout'...ugh . Angry America is really something else when they don't do their research... SMFHHH... What a god damn time.... I hope she responds through strong, aggressive , firm, but respectful and wise lyricism in her forthcoming work... She is being held on the pedestal for all the wrong reasons... fighting fire with fire in the era of Covid 19 is quite absurd.. Hope this doesn't take a turn for the worse. People are SO fucking quick to follow.. especially online. Pussies 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Off To The Races 2010 demo pls 19,335 Posted June 2, 2020 Satan is controlling 2020 istg 4 Quote "ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltraviolenceBaby 5,014 Posted June 2, 2020 i know its a rumor and bullshit but i swear to god my heart dropped it felt like it's physically dropped can someone send me the account please?? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltraviolenceBaby 5,014 Posted June 2, 2020 nvm i found the one who made this up fuck them https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyArabs/status/1267669307967836162?s=20 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chocolate Eyes 548 Posted June 2, 2020 I'm completely convinced this outrage over her is nothing but the "social justice" internet crew trying to find anything they can turn into a race issue. I doubt they would've made such a big deal if she was black. I mean, Azalea Banks can say all the homophobic and racist things she wants and she'll still be a "QUEEN". Her rant from 2 weeks ago was simply about western feminism's hypocrisy over sexuality. Her post was a mess, went on forever even though it could have been summed up better in a paragraph. But it wasn't about race. I bet if Lady Gaga was black they would still be pissed over "So Legit" to this day. So many influencers and celebrities everywhere are posting uncensored footage of protests and riots. Why else would they single her out? 3 Quote 🌧️ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Angel 207,092 Posted June 2, 2020 nvm i found the one who made this up fuck them https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyArabs/status/1267669307967836162?s=20 if people aren't happy with lana's recent decisions and do not feel comfortable supporting her, that's totally fine, but making up rumors that she died, especially during such a painful time, and acting as if it's something funny? what do people get out of being so reckless? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltraviolenceBaby 5,014 Posted June 2, 2020 the ig account has removed the post, thabk god. People are horrible yet they act like they care about humanity 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeniceBambi 1,304 Posted June 2, 2020 Ppl are wasting energy on someone who isnt even a racist meanwhile ... https://twitter.com/sammie_ware/status/1267632171570745345?s=21 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluebonnie 56 Posted June 2, 2020 remember social media has only been a major thing for the past say 10 years. just because you dont retweet a picture or write something online DOES NOT mean you do not care. that mentality is so annoying. however social media is obviously great for a number of reasons/spreading awareness which is why we wanted her to post something of course in the first place but the fact that she is taking physical action is a lot more than some of the assholes who are dragging her have probably done. and we cant assume the celebrities that haven't posted anything do not care either because for all we know they could've donated thousands towards charities but were honorable enough to not share it. moral of the story, lets not be so quick to judge everybody and stop being so reliant on social media for activism. just my two cents it's kind of crazy... all i can think about nowadays is that st. vincent song, "digital witness" : digital witnesses, what's the point of even sleeping? if i can't show it, you can't see me what's the point in doing anything? it's like people have become avatars, they don't even exist anymore if they're not outspoken online... it's horrifying actually 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluebonnie 56 Posted June 2, 2020 As I mentioned in a previous post, I do believe the original statement and the way she went about that was problematic - I still don't believe her intention was to be racist and I honestly still don't believe that Lana is a racist. She's very good friends with both The Weeknd and A$AP Rocky, her 2 backing dancers and best friends are both women of colour and in her original statement she said the women she listed were her friends. I do however disagree with the way she went about that whole situation and have made my opinions about that whole saga clear in a previous post. I think being labelled a racist a few days prior to such a traumatic event that is so heavily political and race based, is unfortunate on her account. Again, I'm not defending her, the statement was ignorant and she deserved the criticism she received, in my opinion. But having a platform like hers, she's expected to comment on events like the protests and the #blacklivesmatter movement that are happening right now. I honestly think, and again, just my thoughts... I think she remained silent as a show of respect, you know if she had of posted straight away about the incident she would have received major backlash following last leaks allegations of racism. Camila Cabello also receieved criticism on social media for posting about #blacklivesmatter (she was exposed for posting racist tweets (pre-fame) back in January). And yes, it was easier for her to remain silent, I can see that side and see how she could be seen as somebody who doesn't care etc. But, I do believe she remained silent in hopes of not adding fuel to the already burning fire, surrounding her priviledge and status. Of course, she couldn't stay silent forever, other peers calling her (and others) out for not speaking up and using their platforms - therefore she posted about it. Here it gets tricky, the way in which she posted did feel very, I have to do this etc. However, maybe it was for the best after all that she didn't write a statement, and she was potentially scared to, following on from last weeks events. She clearly went to a protest and was there, it's one thing posting on social media cos you have to, or your management want you to, or it's the right thing to do. But to actively go and protest, I think says more than you think. Again, it got problematic, she posted the video of people looting and didn't blur out their identity, even zooming in on some people - I genuinely don't think this was her trying to expose the looters or protestors (as she's been accused). I think this was a legitimate mistake and she has since removed the video after people pointed out her error. As for, what happens to Lana Del Rey now? I personally don't think this will effect her career as much as people think. Like I mentioned above Camila Cabello was exposed as a racist earlier this year and at the time, with cancel culture, it's easy to get caught up in the hyperbole of a situation. I do think her next record will probably decrease in terms of sales and acclaim, sales because she probably has lost fans due to her recent posts and behaviour (and that's her own doing). However, Norman Fucking Rockwell was well received as a coming of age, self reflection, looking outwards record. Clearly the new album is a return to her earlier style of songwriting, which as she pointed out, was heavily criticised and therefore I think recent events aside, the forthcoming album would have always been negatively received in comparison to Norman, especially as a follow up record. Whether or not the album is released this year, I don't know, I can't imagine them delaying it. But, I don't think her career is over, far from it to be honest. It is so refreshing to see critical thinking in this thread instead of gag-reflex amygdala-hijacking emotional reactions. I also want to add that I cannot believe NOBODY has mentioned the fact that she is likely in a facility of some sort... maybe she is refraining fro heavy media use to protect herself as it is CLEARLY extremely triggering for her. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluebonnie 56 Posted June 2, 2020 It's real duplicitous bc rioters make the movement look real bad and prompt more police/corps action, while taking attention away from those peacefully protesting, but at the same time, it does bring faster media attention, widespread awareness. Not gonna condone violence, ever and personally do believe that peaceful protests are the way to go. I get that the system needs a LOT of reform, but damaging it thru setting things on fire, hurting the mom n pops and even bringing innocent people, especially those who're trying to help, safely, just doesn't represent the message and the movement that others are trying so hard to get others into in a mature way, a more welcoming way. How are others supposed to dive in when the fear is valid, on top of covid 19 around it, just doesn't do much long range. The reparation funds are gonna go back to the business and the system first. which is ironic, bc we're trying to get funding back to the PEOPLE. the damage deters that further. it divides people because the people rampaging are rationalizing their actions and I get the rage, I do, but long range, it just fucks things up for everyone in the long run. it doesn't give peace a chance. and mocks those who truly believe in it, and the solidarity that those are doing their best already into giving them a fair say bc of their actions. On the other side of the coin perspective regarding Lana posting, varying degrees of intent and its direction, she could've just been posting for awareness of the reality of this part of the current events bc it is happening. Clearly she cares of how her audience reacts, and decided to take it down. I do appreciate that she took it down to save the people in the video. There's a skepticism that's been rapidly just coming upfront bc of how fast social media operates, at the speed of clicks n buttons, but combine that w the lack of patience, and willingness to see the other side 'cept their own, potentially drags us into not thinking for ourselves, and blurs what acceptance is regarding our fellow human brothers and sisters. How do we frontier that if the methods don't aim to really connect? Emotions are a powerful driving force, but in my opinion, it shouldn't blind. I do think it should be taken into consideration for the sake of connecting values, but when the chemicals run out, be mindful of where that can take us. We have to repetitively ask ourselves. Are we thinking for ourselves and the collective good in a worthwhile way? Are we playing into someone else's hand? We've a constant responsibility to renew our minds in a way that represent each and every one of us into consideration. bc if we don't. Those w more funding are just gonna watch us fight while nothing gets done. So much this. Also, whatever happened to 2 wrongs don't make a right??? As someone with Complex PTSD I cannot imagine the world I would be living in if my reactions were excused, supported, and condoned by everyone else... it's narcissistic and abusive to ask people to be okay with your violence because of your trauma. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites