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Melanie Martinez

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I'm sorry, but this situation has nothing to do with feminism, it wouldn't matter either way if she raped a boy or a girl, both victims situation is the exact same. This has to do with how a human should treat another human.

The feminism part I meant was strictly about her supporting Yungelita. It actually has a lot to do with feminism, but her sexually abusing those girls is also about feminism. If you treat the abuse of males and females the same that is feminism you know

Well feminism does come into play with how seriously people take the situation


And that too

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this is so fucking upsetting. most of us looked up to her n stuff but little did we know that she's a rapist. 


honestly im still shocked, like this is all a stunt. ive never stanned problematic people. her music helped me trough a breakup and now that Newsweek article just dug a deeper hole that this DID happened. just wow. cant believe she would be that much of a malicious person  :smh:   :bye2: 

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honestly im still shocked, like this is all a stunt. ive never stanned problematic people. her music helped me trough a breakup and now that Newsweek article just dug a deeper hole that this DID happened. just wow. cant believe she would be that much of a malicious person  :smh:   :bye2:

i know :( and i feel so terrible and saddened for the people hurt by her. they never deserved something like that :( 

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Timothy told Newsweek that Melanie called her up right after Timothy told about what happened. Melanie was all like "I have a healer that will help you!!" and stuff like that. The photo of Melanie in handcuffs is real, btw. So messed up.



Here's the full article if yall wanna read; http://www.newsweek.com/melanie-martinez-rape-allegations-timothy-heller-736251


"She saw some psychic who told her she had to cut people out of her life if she wanted to win a Grammy," 



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The fans that are still supporting her and saying it's not rape and "WHERES THE PROOF?",  "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" really need to get their head out of her fucking gap tooth.



I was going to mention it earlier, but I didn't think it was appropriate (and I still don't) and we'll I've seen a couple of comments about it, but has she ever mentioned anything about her sexuality?




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so if the original alternative trinity is Lana, Florence, and Marina-- and we killed melanine's career-- then who's left of the neo-(trash)-alternative trinity? Halsey and???

I always saw the alternative trinity as Marina, Lana, Charli (more specifically true romance Charli)


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@Lana Rey Loreen & @Kitschesque had some really valid points. Glad to see here are members who actually use their brains instead of going with the flow.


Miss thing this is disgusting but I wont stop stanning her art. She is in fact, a talented and twisted thing. But theres two sides of the story!

Agree. I don't really listen to her music but I think what she does as an artist is unconventional & I respect her for that. People nowadays are so over-dramatic & narrow-minded, why do what people do in their personal lives (even the most disgusting stuff!) have to do with their professional work. I remember how Natalia Kills' career was over after the X-factor drama, but she DID deliver some great music after that.


so if the original alternative trinity is Lana, Florence, and Marina-- and we killed melanine's career-- then who's left of the neo-(trash)-alternative trinity? Halsey and???

OMG I literally have a folder in my laptop called The Holy Trinity with Lana, Florence & Marina with their albums arranged properly in sub-folders! I love good taste!

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Agree. I don't really listen to her music but I think what she does as an artist is unconventional & I respect her for that. People nowadays are so over-dramatic & narrow-minded, why do what people do in their personal lives (even the most disgusting stuff!) have to do with their professional work. I remember how Natalia Kills' career was over after the X-factor drama, but she DID deliver some great music after that.




I don't think it's necessarily "wrong" to listen to her music after finding out this sort of information about her personal life, but for me personally, I don't understand how anyone could even listen to her music in the same way again, thinking of what she's done and how many people's she's potentially abused. 


As for Natalia Kills, what she did, while being a bit inappropriate, wasn't even nearly half as bad as what Melanie has been accused of. Yeah she was a bit bitchy but I don't think you can even compare what she said to what Melanie has been accused of doing. Making an insensitive comment versus literally raping someone (possibly even more) is incomparable.

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I don't think it's necessarily "wrong" to listen to her music after finding out this sort of information about her personal life, but for me personally, I don't understand how anyone could even listen to her music in the same way again, thinking of what she's done and how many people's she's potentially abused.


As for Natalia Kills, what she did, while being a bit inappropriate, wasn't even nearly half as bad as what Melanie has been accused of. Yeah she was a bit bitchy but I don't think you can even compare what she said to what Melanie has been accused of doing. Making an insensitive comment versus literally raping someone (possibly even more) is incomparable.

Of course, those cases are incomparable but that's not my point. I'm saying that what people are as artists is completely different from who they are in real life.

If it was Lana in the place of Melanie, would you guys delete her albums & burn her CDs & stop listening to her music? I won't.

(Just a hypothetical example. No offence.)

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@Lana Rey Loreen & @Kitschesque had some really valid points. Glad to see here are members who actually use their brains instead of going with the flow.



Agree. I don't really listen to her music but I think what she does as an artist is unconventional & I respect her for that. People nowadays are so over-dramatic & narrow-minded, why do what people do in their personal lives (even the most disgusting stuff!) have to do with their professional work. I remember how Natalia Kills' career was over after the X-factor drama, but she DID deliver some great music after that.



OMG I literally have a folder in my laptop called The Holy Trinity with Lana, Florence & Marina with their albums arranged properly in sub-folders! I love good taste!


so if Hitler had put out a folk rock album it would be okay to jam out and support it since what he did in his own personal life (yes, even the most disgusting stuff like genocide!) has nothing to do with his professional work?


before anyone tries to cherry pick the vacuous argument that genocide > rape (but really, the magnitude of one person's horrible deeds is not grounds to erase another's), the point remains that any decent person should feel a moral obligation to do right by these victims and stop supporting this disgusting person's work, regardless of whatever opinion you may have of its quality. really, these kinds of reactions say a lot about how much people shrug off sexual assault

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"Allegedly" raped 2 years ago. Melanie was not threatening or using any sort of violence on her. She could have easily gotten off the bed. Why would you stay friends with people who 'rape' you?


She's starts her argument by saying that Melanie promising to help with her career but didn't even write a song with her. That says a lot about this person.

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"Allegedly" raped 2 years ago. Melanie was not threatening or using any sort of violence on her. She could easily gotten off the bed. Why would you stay friends with people who 'rape' you?


She's starts her argument by saying that Melanie promising to help with her career but didn't even wtrite a song with her. That says a lot about this person.


things aren't black and white. i'm very glad you clearly cannot relate to what timothy went through since no one should have to experience that, but it just is nowhere near as simple as you are trying to make it out to be. a lot of people posted some really good explanations to these same arguments a few pages back so I invite you to go read those

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