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Melanie Martinez

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Uh, yeah.. After watching that a second time I'm feeling gaslit by all of the people saying this is such a great video, lol.


Considering this is the first video since the Bakery, first major video since Cry Baby and the debut video for Portals, I expected her to have saved a much bigger budget. This CGI looked muddy, y'all. A lot of it was just goofy, too. That last shot of her popping out of the dirt and mole digging away from the grave? Omfg. The opening shot of the dirt pulling away from her clearly(poorly) CGI'd face? So bad. Those 2000s music video close ups of her making faces into the camera? Not it. I could go on but I don't see the point.


Like.. I don't know what I was expecting, but after all the waiting and all the hype we've been riding on, this wasn't it.

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all her budget is probably going to the movie. i wanted to see how cry baby died. the video is kind of confusing. but everything kind of is. we saw the creature hatching from an egg. in the single cover she is coming out of her in the water. and now she is coming out of a grave. i know i'm reading to much into it but what happened melanie?

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I liked the video but wanted something heavier/energetic for the beat drop parts, it felt so anticlimatic like idk add some flashinglights or different scenes merging into one another kinda like the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once to make it more melodramatic. The only part that gave me that feeling of climax was her being pushed back by the cord and breaking it and getting out of the grave and flying faster as she was finally free

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On 3/23/2023 at 9:12 AM, WildChild said:


I'm Cumming (WOMB)


two more songs from the 2022 WCM list down :party:

Sorry, but who or what confirmed floating is light shower? 



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On 3/24/2023 at 7:51 PM, Sugartears said:

Sorry, but who or what confirmed floating is light shower? 

Different songs!

I hope Melanie posts the writing dates of the tracks from Portals, like she did for After School. I think Womb is one of the oldest on the album…

I do it just to amuse me 

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2 hours ago, ImNoAngel said:

all her budget is probably going to the movie. i wanted to see how cry baby died. the video is kind of confusing. but everything kind of is. we saw the creature hatching from an egg. in the single cover she is coming out of her in the water. and now she is coming out of a grave. i know i'm reading to much into it but what happened melanie?

well the video indicates Cry Baby having been killed with stabs to the chest, which absolutely raises more questions than it answers

12 hours ago, Tana Mongeau said:

eating pure vagina

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14 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

Can someone explain the Sea of Blood/I’m Cumming/Womb thing? I’m unfamiliar :cuteface:

there was a short snippet going around of melanie singing a song, noone knew what the songs name was and it was believed to be an afterschool snippet


everyone called it "sea of blood"


as for "im cumming"

that came from an insider who has unreleased mel tracks, they shared a list of real songs with their lengths but the titles were swapped to unofficial ones and "im cumming" was the one that ended up being "sea of blood" which later officially released as WOMB

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damn can this bitch fly any FASTER






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The video is amazing, funny and so weird. I applaud the fuck out of her for doing whatever she wants, whatever is meaningful to her, without caring about looking hot, or even looking "good". The closeups made me want to move my face further away from the screen and I actually loved it. I can't wait to see the world she's building and where it all goes, too. 

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i really liked the video the closeups were funny and cool the closeup on the mannequin scared the shit out of me






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3 hours ago, 132 said:

Idk why but the CGI Human Mel face looked so off to me? Like she looked face swapped 😭

no cause it reminded me of those notorious lana face swaps that’s all over pinterest 







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