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Rank Lana's Albums

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I've spent a lot more time with Blue Banisters, and I think this might be my new ranking:


1. NFR
2. Blue Banisters

3. Honeymoon

4. Lust for Life

5. Ultraviolence

6. Chemtrails

7. Born to Die/AKA

8. Paradise 


I honestly feel like NFR, Blue Banisters and Honeymoon switch between 1, 2 and 3 every day though, so take their numbers with a grain of salt 


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1. UV / HM
2. AKA

3. Paradise (unpopular, I know)

4. BB / Sirens


6. LFL


This was a lot harder than I thought... I just wanna say I still like the albums on the lower ranks. Can't believe so many here put the iconic AKA so far down :icant:



Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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it changes all the time like almost daily and i always tend to put whatever the newest release is near the top so i know i can't be completely trusted (trust no one) but also i'm kinda starting to feel like the more albums she releases the more it hurts to rank them almost like trying to rank your own children like you love them all equally and don't think any of them are ugly, y'know? anyway i tried but it'll probably change within minutes of posting bc i really do see them all as their own pretty little flowers :) 


1. violet bent backwards over the grass

2. blue banisters

3. lana del ray aka lizzy grant

4. honeymoon

5. chemtrails over the country club

6. ultraviolence

7. norman fucking rockwell!

8. lust for life

9. paradise

10. born to die


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I could rank Lanas albums but it feels not right to me to put any of her albums at the bottom. Of course I have my faves & some  I like less but in the end I love/appreciate all of her albums & there is something I can appreciate about every album:trisha:



"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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I probably have done this before, seeing that the thread goes back 4 years.  But I'm a sucker for a list, and she's recently released new music that needs to be added (to the bottom of the list)


1. Paradise

2. Honeymoon

3. Ultraviolence

4. Born to Die

5. Lust for Life

6. NFR

7, Chemtrails

8. Blue Banisters



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1. Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon

2. AKA, Born To Die, Norman Fucking Rockwell

3. Chemtrails Over The Country Club

4. Blue Banisters

5. Lust For Life

strong like a tree but the unlucky one 

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On 10/22/2021 at 9:48 AM, Urbanney said:
  1. NFR!
  2. Ultraviolence
  3. AKA
  4. Honeymoon
  5. Born to Die
  6. Sirens
  7. Lust for Life
  8. Paradise
  9. Chemtrails
  10. Blue Banisters


  1. NFR!
  2. Ultraviolence
  3. AKA
  4. Honeymoon
  5. Born to Die
  6. Blue Banisters
  7. Sirens
  8. Lust for Life
  9. Paradise
  10. Chemtrails


  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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On 10/17/2021 at 2:18 PM, Violets in Your Eyes said:

This was such a cool idea, so I tried it too! My ranking was actually pretty close to what I thought it was, except that I usually have Paradise & Honeymoon tied and COTCC & NFR are switched.


Born to Die - 107
Ultraviolence - 121
Paradise - 278
Honeymoon - 314
Lust for Life - 364
Norman Fucking Rockwell - 672
Chemtrails Over the Country Club - 721


Blue Banisters update plus with a slightly different method - instead of just using the top 9 tracks from each album, I thought it'd be more accurate to add them all up and use the averages


Paradise: 30.7

Born to Die: 34.7

Ultraviolence: 36.3

Honeymoon: 54.2

Lust for Life: 57.6

Blue Banisters: 76.5

Norman Fucking Rockwell: 86.1

Chemtrails Over the Country Club: 92.1


BB ended up pretty much where I thought it would, but I was a little bit surprised that Paradise went to the top, but it makes sense bc I feel like it would be my favorite if it were a full album rather than an EP

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God tier

1. NFR

2. Ultraviolence


Top tier

3. AKA

4. Honeymoon


Solid tier

5. Born to Die - has some truly outstanding tracks, but you can tell there are some filler tracks and things can get a bit immature, though they’re mostly all still great songs


Positive, But Mixed Feelings

6. Sirens - I realize that this album isn’t diverse and obviously isn’t nearly as developed as the other albums are, but when you’re in the mood for this album, it REALLY hits. The fact that it’s so “simple” doesn’t bother me because Lana’s songwriting is still so strong so early in her career.

7. Paradise - If I quickly listen to a bit of each song on this EP, I’m like, “damn, I forgot how good these are.” But the problem is, I pretty much never listen to this album. I don’t know why. But I feel like I can’t rank it that highly if I never listen to it.


EXTRA SUPER Mixed Feelings

8/9. Chemtrails === Blue Banisters 


I’ve struggled to connect with these albums. I don’t actively dislike them. I can listen to them, enjoy them, sing along to it, but they don’t resonate with me deeply like Lana’s other albums do. I think there are some standout tracks on both albums, and a lot of pretty good songs, but a lot of mid-tier songs that I don’t dislike, but don’t care to listen to either. I like how Chemtrails has a shorter, more concise tracklist. It feels like the album is more cleaned up, purposeful, and consistent in its vibe compared to BB which kinda feels like it’s got too much going on for me. However, I think Blue Banisters just has better songs overall and is a more likeable album. They’re both just such mixed bags for me. I’ve created a playlist that combines my favorites from both albums, and I find it much more enjoyable to listen to than each album separately.


Bottom Tier

10. Lust for Life - I loved it when it came out, but I consistently skip most of the songs on the album, and I just generally don’t like it. The highs aren’t that high for me, and the lows are pretty low.

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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As close as I can get to an accurate ranking for me:








tbh i still don't have a total grasp on BB holistically– having so many songs before the album dropped has def affected my ability to read the songs in relationship to each other– but agree with the many who have said its highs are really high (but also it's lows are really low– see beautiful). UV remains the only album on which i have no songs i skip.


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