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  1. zireal liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Breaking Up Slowly w/ Nikki Lane   
    Nikki seems like a nice person, haven't heard of her before.
    I gotta say though if there's two things I hate it's country music and collabs. Fuck me. I got both in one song now. Oh well, maybe I'm actually gonna like it and I'm determined to stay open and positive about this album because I love Lana. 
  2. zireal liked a post in a topic by Mer in Breaking Up Slowly w/ Nikki Lane   
    yes lana, hit me where it hurts!!!
  3. zireal liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Lana's Ticket Prices   
    Maybe this belongs to the unpolular opinion thread but since it's kind of an answer to your question here I go: No matter how much the tickets cost, it's too much for what she has been delivering (or rather not delivering) in the past 2 years. So regarding that I'd say they're too expensive for what you get at the moment. Of course that decision is completely up to you though. I'd readily pay for a show as they were from BTD to Honeymoon but everything that came after that was just not worth it to me.
  4. zireal liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Instagram Updates   
    Her feet girl what is going on there 
  5. zireal liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    what foot fetish site is she making bank from 
  6. zireal liked a post in a topic by wild caged animal in Instagram Updates   
    What is she doing with her feet??
  7. zireal liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    the hickey 
  8. zireal liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Instagram Updates   
    If you drive your car drunk you’re ugly and deserve to have your license revoked <3 
  9. zireal liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    idk why people keep using this "you guys do the same" excuse as if it's so hard to believe that some people don't drive recklessly  i don't drive but best believe i have the same reaction to family members using their phones while driving, especially when there's children in the car too. next caller
  10. zireal liked a post in a topic by Paris Hilton in Instagram Updates   
    Drag her, clampi! 
    Your reputation era is coming 
  11. zireal liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    I was about to type something about this, not trying to defend her but maybe understand her?, but I changed my mind. Lana, please drive safely.
    And to those users here who says this is her being a baddie and she should be allowed to do this and we shouldn’t bash her because she’s a woman: there is absolutely nothing cool in the video she shared. She looked stunning, yes, vibing to Eminem is a mood, yes, but that cannot excuse her behavior. She’s 35, not 16.
  12. zireal liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    She honestly deserves to get dragged for driving like that.
  13. zireal liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    What does being a prude have to do with it? I dare you to say this to someone who lost a family member because some twat behind the wheel wasn't driving properly 
  14. zireal liked a post in a topic by Mer in What are your favourite literary quotes of all time?   
    ...I run a literary review/book club Instagram account...
  15. zireal liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Nobody wants to have this conversation but I agree. It's exploitative and the cats are clearly not enjoying themselves.
    I mean it's not appalling, but it's disappointing.
  16. zireal liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    i am very disappointed how she is treating her cats...
  17. zireal liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    It sucks how i can't have this conversation without fear of being called a straight-up hater but I definitely have a problem with it too.
    If someone in my life was putting bubbles on their cats in the bath I would call them out and ask them not to do that again. I know you can get cat-safe soap but this probably isn't and cats just really don't like or need baths. 
  18. zireal liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    i cant believe her cats aren’t attacking her in that water
  19. zireal liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    i love this so much, something about it made me feel a little somber, but she's just so real and open, yet so disjointed in the perfect way. she looked absolutely gorgeous, when she put the soapy loofah over her cat's face it made me a little anxious. lol. 
  20. zireal liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Lana's Albums as Months of the Year   
    i always associate paradise w/ tropico which kinda gives me middle of summerish vibes? not sure tho 
  21. zireal liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    go girl give us nothing! 
  22. zireal liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Instagram Updates   
    Look, I think we can all agree Lana is... eccentric to say the least, but to use possible mental health issues against her & being "sick of her shit"? That's where it becomes less of a discussion and more of a weird personal takedown. If she bugs you so much for being how she's ALWAYS been, you being on this forum says more about YOUR issues. 
  23. zireal liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    ...i think it's kinda strange and unfair to assume that somebody has a personality disorder because it appears as though they pick up on the interests that their partner has. 
  24. zireal liked a post in a topic by irvnex in Instagram Updates   
    She literally only posted a video watching football with some guy... How is that pathetic? We don't know everything about her lmao and doing something with someone you like because they like that is not pathetic at all.
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