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The Missing Shade of Blue

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About The Missing Shade of Blue

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    PhD in Honeymoonology
  • Birthday September 11

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    a country where Lana will never tour lol
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  1. I read "Jeremy Swamp Alligators" as "Jeremy Swamp ALLEGATIONS" and I was ready to log off for the week because I was NOT in the mood to hear about the things he might or might not have done in a swamp
  2. I think we need one of those Rep TV truther swifties to come up with some elaborately convoluted plot of how we will actually get the first single by tomorrow
  3. Respectfully there wasn't really any track for us to get back onto in the first place
  4. @Beautiful Loser thank you so much for the detailed breakdown! I'm also intrigued by complex explorations about female rage. Although the Wolf in this scenario also carries wholesome elements, I think it's still an interesting take on how much we suppress as women. I suppose it could be read through a psychological lens, but I suspect that it has more to do with how women are socialised specifically. But from what you've described, it sounds like the book really leans into the idea of unlearning social conditioning rather than just being about raw instinct. The fairy tale analysis aspect sounds really compelling too, sometimes those old stories say so much about gender and power in ways we don’t even realise. What do I know, though, I haven't even read the book
  5. I hope Jeremy will blow out his candles today and wish for a surprise single drop
  6. I actually agree with everything you said here, but please do not ever underestimate a man's ability to be stupid
  7. And if I say I don't really care anymore if this album is delayed because I'm starting to feel icky about Jeremy and the possibility of him being controlling but I can't say that in a way that's not parasocial but I'm nevertheless concerned then what
  8. I'm hoping this is an NFR situation, when the wait for the final product was so completely worthwhile I scream as they drag me back to the asylum
  9. It unfortunately is that serious. This isn’t just about Lana, it’s a broader issue that affects women everywhere. Not to get "that one friend that's too woke" and all, but speculating about a woman’s pregnancy is invasive and can be hurtful in ways you might not realise. Women already have to deal with our bodies being overly scrutinised and being confined into specific gender roles. Some of us don't want kids, some of us can't have kids. It can cause a great deal of pain for us to be reminded of our personal struggles when complete strangers feel entitled to our to body or personal life. I've watched my sister battle severe endometriosis, and ultimately required life-saving surgery to remove a tennis ball-sized cyst from her ovaries. She can't have children anymore, but still has to deal with pregnancy questions on a regular basis. I know people often mean well or think they're just making harmless jokes, but as a general rule of thumb, please just leave women be. “Nobody gaf that much" — yes we do. More than you might think.
  10. Spent the last hour and a half curating a very specific playlist for my friend, and I genuinely think I've found six songs that'll be foundational for her in the next couple of weeks/months During my exploration tonight though, I've come to the conclusion that Would've, Could've, Should've is Taylor Swift's greatest song of all time. It's not on my friend's playlist because I don't feel like it applies to her specifically right now, but holy fucking shit — listening to it again now, in a space where I've been deliberately focusing on her music and lyrics with intentionality, I really can't come to any other conclusion: this is the best song she's ever written Edit: at least in terms of her OWN artistry and her own romantic history
  11. @Demonmic03 I need your strength because I have to convince my best friend that Taylor is actually precisely what she needs to get her through her breakup right now. But she and I used to be so Taylor-averse throughout high school and early university days that she still kinda side-eyes my casual TS stanning these days. Please recommend the best method for me to gradually guide her into the ATW 10 minute MV because I feel like that's probably the best place for her to start?
  12. My opinion is that Lana probably disengaged along with most of the music industry when Azealia started getting really weird. And the friendship fallout probably would never had been addressed, but Azealia likes to start shit out of nothing. Lana probably should have just ignored it, but her response was so ridiculously iconic that it's cemented in Stan Twitter History™ now #tellhimitsapromisenotathreat
  13. What's crazy is that Azealia has actually made so many valid and intellectually sound points in her life that I wish would actually get addressed, but they all get drowned out by her weirdass conspiratorial racist misogynistic ableist xenophobic crackhead comments. I swear she's on a life's mission to achieve every -ist and -phobic label like they're pokemon cards.
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