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Breaking My Heart

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  1. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Merch & Media Drop   
    My A&W necklace came!! Its so pretty omg I love it so much 
    I got the 14-16 inch one and I would say it fits perfect choker length, I measured my neck and its about 14 inches and I still have room on the necklace extender thing too
    The box is a much thinner plastic than I expected, but still cute! 
    I took some pics of it:
    The box
    The necklace
    Me wearing it (I tried it on with another necklace to show the length)
    Also, the pictures don't do the A&W letters justice lol, the gemstones really sparkle and catch the light in person!
  2. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by mlittle11 in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    this is my life, you by my side
    key lime and perfume and festivals
    taking our dreams, turning them to things
    its like magic babe isnt life wonderful? 

  3. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I remember it became everybody’s favorite album when it was first released 
  4. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Lana at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA - April 4th, 2023   
    This just reminded me of when Lana went to Disneyland the day after cancelling the entire European leg of NFR tour
  5. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Merch & Media Drop   
    I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion but I don't really believe her
    her behavior now that the original merch post has been called out as being fake comes off as someone doubling down on something just because they got caught
    why not make a post apologizing how she didn't know it was fake and REMOVE the original posts? instead she's making new posts about what a victim she is, still insisting it's real and came from the official store and posting screenshots of the store (that don't prove anything), bringing up her personal tragedies, and how everyone is being mean to her. it really comes off as she's mad she got caught, so now she wants sympathy.
    and the weirdest part is all the cult-like defense of her in the comments? like i liked her page before but damn, I didn't know she had an army of followers who believe she can do no wrong.
    like I said a few posts ago, it seemed incredibly out of character for her to be posting fake stuff, but whatever.... unfollow
  6. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    We were screaming for the album to be leaked, but that new user just asked for the lyrics and everyone went against him. 
  7. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by White Hot Forever in LDR VILLAGE - Merch Drop   
    All of my pins came today!! The lana speaks one is definitely my favorite, it has a glossier finish than the others

  8. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by AresAres in Lana in Intro Magazine   
    The link is broken!  Does anyone still have the translation?
  9. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    Just gonna put it out there— I have to agree with those on Discogs wanting to merge the indie yellow variant with the Assai release. It’s a cute thing that Assai does for new releases, but at the end of the day they literally ordered 500 of the indie variants (that any indie shop has access to) and put a little strip around it with their name on it. Literally the same exact vinyl pressing made in France, same exact jacket, barcode etc. it’s not like this pressing is unique in any way or made specifically for Assai. Lol.
    like if my local indie record shop but a sticker with their name/logo on the shrink wrap would that make it another variant? (No)
  10. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone Germany - April 2021   
    Thinking that the cover shoot could perhaps be from the same day she was spotted at the Spadena House in August 2020?

  11. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by venicebitx in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    I asked him to send me pictures and he sent me this! 

  12. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    JUST GOT MY YELLOW VINYL! Pics coming in a few minutes ahhhhhh
  13. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Why does it feel like lana doesnt give af about this whole era 
  14. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Mojos review: "Superb, Joni-tinged follow up to Norman Fucking Rockwell: 4/5"
  15. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by triangles19 in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    So, this is what I choose from the COCC era, I don't pick a signed stuff cause I don't care about it.
    THE COCC Cassette 3 reminds me of Honeymoon Krug sky visuals, I like it, it looks like a 90s mixtape.
    NOW, I'll may buy a vinyl, but I don't know which one, I'm trying to decide between :
    - yellow vinyl (fnac one)
    - red vinyl with alt cover
    What would you choose ?
    Notes : Strange to see how much different all this visuals are for a same album. The alt Krug cover works so much on the cassette, more than on squared format.
    I would like a vinyl of cassette 3, but not a picture disc
  16. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    I know we're all fighting in here, lol, but if anyone wants the UO Exclusive, here's a 20% off code (your entire order, so add something else for free shipping!) - brings the price down to $31: XUO20XTASLX
  17. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in TikTok Updates   
    Lana now has a verified artist page - @LanaDelRey
  18. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Kylie Minogue   
    Disco is so excellent ugh she rlly knows how to make pop music
  19. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Twitter Updates   
    Can you shut the fuck up about her mother when you don't even know what happened 
  20. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by thomasoliver88 in Chemtrails Over the Country Club Merch & Media Drop   
    Red back in Stock at HMV 
    + nice new promo banner 

  21. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    i totally understand why she's frustrated but this is a little overboard, i'm sure lana didn't mean to "steal" her work, she probably did see it on pinterest or something and thought it was pretty and decided to post it, which i don't think is that big of a deal, she tagged her which i think is fine enough, i just feel like she's just looking for attention at this point
  22. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by Hallo Heaven in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Regardless of the obvious privacy breach, can I just say how gorgeous she looks, especially on the first and the third pics?
  23. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    some of you need to reevaluate your definition of 'hating'. 
  24. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Saying that a performance was pre-recorded (with pre-recorded vocals) isn't pointing out what's "wrong" with it. It's simply expressing an opinion and potentially a fact? The performance was good and cute nonetheless.
  25. Breaking My Heart liked a post in a topic by HighbytheSea in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    When he held up that damn cover with no new news I f*ckin cursed lolol
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