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Ivory Cricket

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  1. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    Siri, set a reminder for October 2029 
    she literally did guitar with yayo at my Orlando show last year and pretty much in all of LA to the Moon shows LMAOOOOOOOOO
  2. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    Omg guys  she's just generalising, she's not only reffering to recent times. We all know she was wearing high heels on stage all the time in the past. ''I could never sing and play guitar'' I guess she means it in the ''true'' sense, more like a rockstar beause, yeah, she played yayo and sirens songs on guitar but those are just...she just moves like 2 fingers on 3 chords and that's it lol.
    But overall, yeah, she's definetly a fucking MESS who condradicts herself constantly in the most weird ways, what is this woman even lmao
    Awesome interview btw, and she looks gorgeous on the cover
  3. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    I legit think she has MPD??
    When was the last time she was wearing goddamn high heels on stage?
    Tf is she on?
  4. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    so weird... and her dad and chuck seem to be happily living the tour lyfe. i think this is a case for the lana and her mother thread. 

  5. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    That sounded like she is waiting for her parents to die. If the reason for her secrecy is that "her family is still around" then what else could it be.
  6. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by irvnex in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    why is she always saying lately that she can't open completely and then mentions her family? she said it recently in another interview and now again, honestly I have no idea what she's talking about but I find it mysterious
  7. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Video Interview with Zane Lowe (to be recorded tomorrow)   
    sis thought int*rscope would keep postponing it till christmas 
  8. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Video Interview with Zane Lowe (to be recorded tomorrow)   
    i would ask her why is it so wintery and xmas like
  9. American Bottom liked a post in a topic by Ivory Cricket in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I was screaming and I am in an office at work.     
  10. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    I'm more worried about when she's gonna do her hair as classy again and wear a cute short dress that isn't white and lacy. 
    Those heels are so fucking nice tho
    I wish she went into it more. Shed be the only person that could get me interested in lifting. 
    But the first thought that came to my head was the daily workout routine that Marilyn Monroe did, which I don't believe was powerlifting but I wouldn't be surprised if that gave her the inspiration
  11. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana Del Rey & Elton John cover “Rolling Stone” November 2019 issue (+ interview)   
    I actually really love the fact that this happened holy fUCK
  12. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I don’t mean to offend anyone when I say this but
  13. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Right?? Ever since she released When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing (which could've honestly been shortened to just "We Kept Dancing" or "World At War" like...) and now Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It (which could've obviously just been titled "Hope"). Lana def think of a sentence and build lyrics around that. It's honestly hilarious and ridiculous.
  14. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by bartenders in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    so she just writes a long ass sentence and writes the song around it + makes it the title? 
  15. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    You’re right. And to be fair, she can take as long as she needs to: I loved all of her albums so far (some more than others of course) and all I wish for WHF is to be as good as it can be. And anyways, she will surely release it in the summer, so maybe next summer or more probably the one after (and doesn’t she have a couple of other projects to attend to, in the meantime?)
  16. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Why is anyone surprised that the album could come out in 2021? We pretty much already knew that. It’s like we already figured she would either keep the name or change it. If anything, everyone should be more at ease because Lana’s being honest and realistic about her process. Also after actually reading the interview, I don’t think the album will be explicitly “astrology themed”. It’ll probably just have subtle references to astrological themes/ideas throughout the lyrics, similar to how LFL had those subtle witchcraft references. And I don’t think it’s worrying that she only has a few songs recorded. She’s probably already written or partially written some more as well. She said they’re lucky if they finish one song a month, so we’re still on schedule. Remember we JUST got Norman Fucking Rockwell less than 2 months ago. She hadn’t even started NFR this soon after LFL came out. Lana’s on a creative spurt right now, so things are looking bright.
  17. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    "Good morning everyone, morning Elton!

  18. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I buat me a trak in the middle of the naight
  19. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Q Magazine Interview - Donald Trump, Thoughts on BTD, and New Music   
    I guess it's a case of an artist being her own biggest critic.
    But we also know her taste low-key sucks like she scrapped your girl fine china and yes to heaven just to put guns and roses on there.
  20. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Q Magazine Interview - Donald Trump, Thoughts on BTD, and New Music   
    why would she think they suck? I think her unreleased songs are great.
    also, did we get all 167 tracks?
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