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About Alunadelrey

  • Rank
    The Moon Goddess
  • Birthday 08/27/1993

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    She, her, him, he, they, them
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  1. I also want to know what she bought. Now I wanna buy some Mac makeup lol
  2. I got mine today. My copy has a soft marble when held up to the light. Very pretty but I did see some black smudges on side c/d. My copy sounds amazing with no pops and the vinyl itself was flat with no warping. I got my record safely and on time too. Honestly I was so scared they would forget about shipping the record like they did when I ordered Lust For Life Clear Bottle variant. My only complaint is that it looked so dirty coming out of the cardboard packaging. 😂 Like they rubbed dirt all over the plastic wrap. Thank goodness it was just on the plastic and not on the actual jacket art.
  3. The US Shop has a restock but not sure how many though. https://shoplanadelrey.com/collections/ultraviolence/products/ultraviolence-alternate-cover-vinyl
  4. Are you using Google Chrome? That usually give me that problem. I had to download Firefox browser and after that everything worked.
  5. This was such a wonderful way to wake up today with a new snippet. I'm so happy how Lana sounds with that acoustic guitar.
  6. Now I finally get that message people are getting that they sending me a copy (even though they are out of stock on the US website) with a full refund but I had two different costumer service reps tell they will send a reshipment. So I might get two extra copies. This ridiculously confusing when I have a different rep every email they send me. I feel like an idiot and quoted myself trying to edited my original post 😭😭😭
  7. That's right, I forgot that BB red was a Indies exclusive for other countries and Target exclusive for US only.
  8. Looks like all of Lana's Target exclusives (and all of UMG artist) are removed from the Target website. Apparently UMG ended their years long contract with Target for Target exclusives. So if you see them in person now is the time to probably buy them before prices rise for resale. Also this makes me wonder if they can repress BB red vinyl variant and sale them again like the UO represses of UV and L4L now that exclusive deal endeded. Edit : Turns out it was all fine and all UMG artists target exclusives are back on the site as of today (Dec 27th).
  9. I'm kinda annoyed. I got a tracking code on the 29th of Nov. from that random US restock and Lana's store still hasn't shipped. Its has been more than 2 weeks at this point. Also technically today is the last day to order things to get it before Christmas. I'm like "what's going on? Did they forget about me? Well I even get it this year?" Dec. 24th edit : They literally forgot about me 😭 I messaged them and they said through a shipping error, my record I ordered was never fulfilled and they told me they could reship in stock permits. Which it's out of stock, so they could only offer me a refund. So annoying but I knew deep down this would happen and I glad I bought from a reseller for retail price and got it yesterday 😂
  10. I got mine Tuesday and thank goodness I got flawless copy, it played beautifully but the sleeve had side splits from shipping but thank goodness I replace those PVC sleeves with good inner sleeves.
  11. Thank you for this, I just bought one. I was thinking about not getting it cause I should be saving money but realized I would probably regret not getting it while I can.
  12. That's pretty ridiculous honestly. I'm sorry, hopefully yours ships soon.
  13. I forgot to post this here. Say Yes To Heaven https://shoplanadelrey.com/products/say-yes-to-heaven-7-in-picture-disc-vinyl US Restock preorder set for February.
  14. Back in stock. Not sure how many. https://shoplanadelrey.com/products/lust-for-life-coke-bottle-clear-vinyl?variant=40555158831203
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