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  1. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana hosting her friends' birthday party at her home in Los Angeles, CA - June 10th, 2020   
    She looks like the grown up version of 2006 Lizzy Grant i love it
  2. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Lana hosting her friends' birthday party at her home in Los Angeles, CA - June 10th, 2020   
    I used Remini to make the picture HQ & it is so cursed...
  3. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    I hate the idea that no one can post ANYTHING other than tragedy. As a black woman, I've been having a hard time mentally and have had to take several social media breaks because every time I'm on them, I see black people dying/hurt and police brutality and NOTHING else. It's extremely traumatic. Obviously, I think people should be talking about it and posting resources, but the idea that you can only post about BLM and the riots or else you're a bad person is actually pretty harmful, imo. The way people are policing (no pun intended??) social media right now is scaring me. 
  4. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Instagram Updates   
    This. It literally does not matter. It's on the news 24/7. Everyone knows about it already. Leave Lana alone.
  5. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Really not trying to be insensitive or to talk the BLM-matter itseld down in any way, but outside of your twitter-and-instagram-fandom-and-haters-bubble, at this point noone cares whether some random pop singer talks about the issue or not. Y'all acting as if Lana not saying anything is a major catastrophe.
  6. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Instagram Updates   
    You all should stop expecting anything serious or interesting regarding social justice from millionaires and real estate entrepreneurs. There's a reason why Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande and whomever have big fat mansions while every big urban center in the world has been experiencing riots for the past few years. For all I love her Grant fantaisies about trailer parks and pink flamingos (whether or not that part of her story is true, the sentiment is real) and how much she's grown as a person and artist, I don't really care for her opinion on these material issues because I know where her insensitivity to it comes from. I honestly feel on the fence about celebrities' voices. Like yeah representation and using your fame as a chamber echoe for unheard voices is great ; but there's not much more to it and there should certainly not be ! For following advice draped in corporate imagery of celebs IG story is exactly what keeps you home alone with your pain !
  7. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    there is no reason for her to post about this on social media. besides what has been outlined above, these endless posts on social media about such topics can be detrimental to mental health of people directly impacted, and can end up desensitizing others to such atrocities. 
  8. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    As I just mentioned in a user's status, I think that regardless of what she does, people will still say something negative about her. If she does speak up, they'll attack her and probably call her a hypocrite. If she doesn't, they'll still say shit.
    I think it's up to Lana to really dig deep and ask herself if she really cares enough about the lives of black people and speak up and bring awareness regardless of the criticism she'll be met with. Will she? Who knows. But I hope she does. 
  9. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Instagram Updates   
    And what would her tweeting about it change? It's the talk of the town already, everybody knows about it.
    People who want her to tweet are so dumb. Because if she posts, that is the problem because you just know there will be some nitpick about what she says. And if she doesn't post then she is a bad person. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  10. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Cinnamon In My Bussy in Instagram Updates   
    If she does end up posting anything on the matter it will come across as absolutely fake and damage control because that’s exactly what it would be. Y’all know damn well that even if the recent controversy hadn’t happened she wouldn’t have spoken out, just like she has never spoken out on behalf of the black community before.
  11. Barttender liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back.  Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 
  12. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back.  Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 
  13. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back.  Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 
  14. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Instagram Updates   
    I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back.  Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 
  15. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Lady Gaga   
    Y’all gays wanted dance Gaga and now y’all complaining. I’m sorry Gaga didn’t made songs that sound like diarrhea and metals clanking together and collabed with the spectacular PC Music genre
  16. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Lady Gaga   
    omg I wanna like it so bad but... its just sounds so dated like is it 2015 again?
  17. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Lady Gaga   
    h&m background music 
  18. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Lady Gaga   
    this is a very basic disco album which was made hundred times before by different artists. nothing new but i still will listen to it then and now. sour candy is the best song because of BLACKPINK factor. yeah
  19. Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I still remember when she said Ultraviolence would come out May 1st, then stayed silent. It still hurts
  20. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I still remember when she said Ultraviolence would come out May 1st, then stayed silent. It still hurts
  21. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Instagram Updates   
    Using a would-be snarky term like 'mansplaining,' especially when you don't know much about me or how I identify, says a lot about you. Sexist, isn't it? 
    Obviously, no one in their right mind with 20th or 21st century values is for having women painfully scarred and mutilated by acid attacks for 'disobeying' their spouses, fathers or other family members. Or for any other reason. Men or other women who behave in that way on a routine basis, or think it is an acceptable part of their culture or mores, are still essentially uncivilized; they're not an active part of Western culture.
    And I don't support gay or bisexual men or women being thrown off buildings, stoned with rocks, burnt alive, or imprisoned for life either.  As Camille Paglia constantly points out, if Americans or Western Europeans think the rest of the world behaves in accordance with polite American Middle Class decorum, they're completely ignorant of the reality of most of the world.   
    I totally disagree with your take on Marilyn Monroe. She certainly wasn't powerless to do anything about her career; she wanted fame and success and made choices all along the way, and said, 'Yes.' She was married to playwright and intellectual Arthur Miller, so don't you think she got good, solid advice? Did the entire process get out of control, did she lose control at some point, did it bring her unhappiness as well as happiness? Sure. She was a superstar, and the same thing happened to Judy Garland a decade earlier and to Edie Sedgwick a decade later. But it also happened to men, like John Barrymore, and that's what all the 'A Star Is Born' movies are about: a famous male actor who loses control of the star-and-image-making process and turns to alcohol. In the 1920s, a good deal of the biggest silent film stars were snorting heroin, cocaine and opium. Child stars of both genders often had difficult or tragic later lives due to the star-making process, including Jerry Mathers. 
    I don't believe a lot of the great women artists and entertainers in any field were 'just puppets of men.' Give them credit for the talented, striving, disciplined and intelligent women they were, whether it's Josephine Baker, Bette Davis, Carson McCullers, Julie Harris, Diana Ross, Odetta, Pat Benatar or Fiona Apple. Even if, in some cases, their lives or careers ended abruptly or in tragedy. Look at Amelia Earhart, who never blamed men and took 100% responsibility for her life, self and career. 
  22. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by FallingCherry in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    To me the title screams jazz music (or a similar sound to Honeymoon) but it’s probably gonna be a continuation to NFR in the vein of Looking For America, which I’d be super happy about anyway because NFR is my favourite album.
  23. strange weather liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I still remember when she said Ultraviolence would come out May 1st, then stayed silent. It still hurts
  24. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I still remember when she said Ultraviolence would come out May 1st, then stayed silent. It still hurts
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