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About NikoGo

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    Sunshine State of Mind
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  1. None of these! Quavo will post about it and tag her, she won’t say a single thing about it
  2. Someone asked Wally on instagram “do you know when the song is being released?” And Wally said “don’t know yet” which is the most truthful someone from Lana’s team has ever been
  3. This rollout proves this is Lana’s song because no other artist has THIS messy of a rollout
  4. Now I’m just annoyed idc that it’s not been given a date but every time Ben has said “soon” it’s been months away
  5. Throwback to when Ben said “💖new vid coming soon” regarding COTCC and it didn’t come out for for 4 months
  6. Soon better be a couple of hours at this point because this is truly ridiculous. Give us an actual date or stfu (respectfully)
  7. “😊” triggered me in a way I can’t explain
  8. @Rust Dress explained it in another thread and also said there’s a more reliable tool used that doesn’t recognize the song yet
  9. It’s on Shazam because someone uploaded the snippets to YouTube :/
  10. I’m glad you still have it in you! NFR era crushed all my Delulu dreams, and then COTCC was my peak (“omg she posed as a plane she’s going to debut COTCC title track!!”) and since then I don’t have it in me to get hopeful She teased happiness is a butterfly for almost 2 years. She also debuted UV title track and didn’t release it right away, and she performed Cherry and never released it early I don’t ‘blame’ people for thinking Lana and her team are normal, but we allllll know they aren’t. If this was any other artist the song would have been out already, but I do think expectations get super high and then people get grumpy and hella mad when it doesn’t go how they think it should
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