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About NikoGo

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    La who am I
  • Birthday October 27

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    Sunshine State of Mind
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  1. I mean, baby, come on Do you think I'd really lose it on ya? If you did nothing wrong, Henry, come on I love cute lyrics about losing it on a partner 🥰🥰
  2. wild at heart fits the vibe for the album so well!! And it’s also one of my top Lana songs, so that’s really interesting! It does give title track vibes!
  3. NikoGo

    Lady Gaga

    Artpop was so overhated!! Always has been my fave!
  4. I feel like yall are forgetting she’s a human, and not a song writing machine. yes, this is the longest wait we’ve ever had, but she literally just got married like 6 months ago, and has been pretty open about the fact that she’s been creatively blocked. She’s been mentioning being uninspired since post NFR, so getting 3 albums since then is quite impressive. I get that it’s partly her fault for announcing new music so soon, but life can/will/did get in the way, and that’s fine!!! she’s released 9 albums in 10 years, which is more than some artists have released in 20, and the way some of you talk you would think she hasn’t released music in 5 years, when it’s been barely 2 since Ocean, and we’ve gotten performances/singles since then. Let the woman cook and live her life!
  5. unless the insider says it here or ATRL (in which case it would be posted here almost immediately afterwards) then there is 0% chance of it being true that said, the album is definitely coming June at the earliest, probably even July or August. Definitely not May
  6. Almost 5 years later and I still think this is the best thing she’s ever written
  7. girl all the real insiders have BEEN silent the only difference is now we don’t have all these wannabes stirring the pot. The quiet is 100% more enjoyable than being trolled
  8. NikoGo

    The Sims

    same tbh the game, while beautiful, is a shell of what made the series great
  9. I’m so glad Sabrina didn’t win best new artist. I never understood how artists who’ve been releasing albums for YEARS get nominated. honestly, I really like all the winners this year and feel like each category was very well deserved, and none of it feels like an award was given just because of name/star power
  10. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    this is her second post since November so at this point yall should take what you can get 365 ragin’ girl!
  11. The thing about Lana is you truly never know when things can come. Right now my hype/expectations for February are zero, but this is the same woman who made a random announcement at a Spanish award show and a week later dropped a title track and preorder. I do think the first single (whenever we get it) is going to be a stand alone with 0 info accompanying it, and the second single, the one dropping closer to Stagecoach, will come with the correct album title, cover, and preorder. That said, I do have a strong feeling the rollout isn’t starting until next month. That way we (theoretically) can be slow dripped info monthly
  12. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    not her putting a QR code for an address
  13. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Yeah doing all of this is the early day, in a place where people have had to evacuate, is probably not the smartest idea on her part, she should have at least done a couple of locations
  14. NikoGo

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Someone find the QR codes!! she really wants her honeymouns moment making fans do work!
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