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Lemonade Tears

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  1. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    For fucks sake. 
  2. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by velvetcrowbcr in Instagram Updates   
    girl that’s a whole reach, i’m a psychology student, very normal for someone who’s distressed and emotional to look to the side or fidget with clothes or hair.
  3. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    not even just about race, but about anything in a conversation. if the other person's looking for something, they'll find it. I think more than anything, it's important to really see what's really being said. granted, the more words spoken/typed the chances of them meaning more lessen. not everything is what u want it to be summarizes this concisely. 

    I think above everything, it's just real terrible that we've come to this as a society where people can just get so stuck in their hurt that it kind of hyperfocuses a lot of their perspective on it. forsure it's valid, but if ur going to stay in that mindspace and demand everyone u feel is against u, well that kind of entitlement isn't going to get you that far. if anything it'll just have people repel from being their true selves w you. that's hollow. especially if the other party wasn't even aiming to talking about that. 

    we've all got our hangups and hurt, but it shouldn't be used to intentionally devalue or try to manipulate another person to submit to anything. just because a person comes from a different place etc. doesn't mean that person should automatically embody something. nurture does a lot too. everyone deserves at least a genuine chance to be heard, from a human soul perspective. their core, free of all labels.

    our differences should bring us together, thru perspective and it's variety imo that we get to share. we've all got the same wants, needs, dreams, and fundamental pains of simply being human when we get to the bottom of things. we feel love and pain fundamentally as a species the same. I think society's just played out so much that we can constantly forget that, and in a way, it's dehumanizing. we're ALIVE. we should really be trying to work together and use our differences to solve problems from multiple views, not stay divided. be the difference from the statistics, the stereotypes. lead by example. 

    we can't get there if we don't/ or aren't even open to trying.. 
  4. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    she looks so sad and completely over it and I hate the media so much for twisting her words to THAT extent and I hate how sensitive everyone is nowadays that everything she does is gonna be turned into something it’s not just because of this stupid incident that shouldn’t have been a big deal at all. i really really hope she’s okay. yes, what she said was basically the same thing as the previous follow-up of the statement but she said that again because some people just don’t get it still. I’m glad that the fans know her good intentions but still disagree w her to some extent because that’s healthy. maybe this time those words won’t be twisted
  5. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Instagram Updates   
    I really feel bad for her she doesn’t deserve this
    Like imagine even in her fanbase community (AKA here) is full of shades about her (like look at these comments over here) and im pretty sure she’s checking this site, so disappointing.
  6. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by electra in Instagram Updates   
    EDIT: i’m so sorry this is far longer than i wanted it to be and it was just suppose to be a rambling thought so it might not be well written pls don’t take everything in this at 100
    tbh you know what, i think she explained the point she was trying to make work and clarified the other points. i don’t think there’s much more or less than that. of course i wish she would still acknowledge these woman also do get attack but honestly do any of them actually get as attacked as lana? for her it’s every album cycle. she can never avoid it since born to die. even fantano famously made a video after his review of born to die asking “does an artists image impact the reception of their music?” and the fact he even had to make that speaks for himself. did beyoncé ever get slandered for crazy in love? did twigs get slandered for magdalene? did ariana get slandered for dangerous woman? some of them may get criticism now, or more recently for their more controversial things but for lana it’s always been constant through her career. even that asshole from the guardian still rated her album down, basically for the reason of “she is lana del rey”.
    some artists literally just get slandered for being them. it’s kind of similar with gaga. i damn well know so many people that have never listened to a gaga album, but they would still be like “i don’t really like her :////“ and it’s never for their music, just their image.
    i feel like maybe newer stans potentially won’t get what i mean when we say it’s literally just every album cycle with her. even when i was fourteen i remember having to defend lana for everything - she can sing live ! she’s not depressed ! this that and the other.
    i mean, do you think beyoncé stans had to do thay for her first few albums? of course she gets it a lot more NOW that’s she’s more political, but lanas had it from born to die - and i think the point no ones really made is:
    a lot of lanas controversy stems from born to die. even her modern controversy and image. people still think the same of her as they did ten years.
    i don’t think this is applicable to all of the artists she mentioned, but she’s not 100% wrong. i think people immediately jumping on one side or the other are the problem. no, she hasn’t done nothing ignorant but she’s also not “crazy”, “dumb” or “stupid” for expressing her discontent. i don’t know why people don’t see a middle ground. when she posts it’s either “YGH SHES SO DUMB SHUT UP” or “I LOVE YOU FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE!!!”
    what she said was not racist but it was ignorant. but she also isn’t wrong about how the perceptions of “lana del rey” have affected her career.
    // first and last rant off, sorry ladies. that’s just kind of my first and last full opinion on everything. also i want to emphasise the examples of woman i chose REALLY are not representative of all the woman she spoke about - i think a lot of those women she was maybe wrong to include because they never really had a “passive” side of their career, such as nicki, cardi, etc. and a lot more of the stronger and more outspoken women on the list.
    anyway we’re getting a fire album i can tell.
  7. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    "I don’t think there is a worse species on this earth then White American people....."  - LSA 
    Well, her video is already started getting twisted again. 
    ....and they call Lana the racist?   
  8. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t know, I listened to the post and I agree with her. Was the original post clumsy ? Perhaps a bit but I did agree with what she said.
    Now, as someone else said, I’m waiting for her to be crucified for naming Twigs. Everybody praised her dancing on the pole. And sure it was a nice esthetic performance with meaning behind it. But So was what she did with Tropico (like it or not).
    That being said, she should just enjoy the life she built for herself. The media has always been vicious to her and her best intentions won’t be enough to change enough.
    *plays « Please don’t let me be misunderstood » *
  9. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by James Dean in Instagram Updates   
    I got shocked about it. Really............... 
    Well just wanna tell you all again to fuck yourself for being kind and lick leakers balls. Its time to get over it, we are getting sick.
  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    If she doesn't want to be a sex symbol she should stop putting herself on her album covers? wth why can't she have a normal album cover like everyone else, none of them were ever particularly sexy anyways. And I don't think her selfies are ugly at all, just more natural, although I also miss the glamorous eras.
  11. lanasheavenly liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    I don't think it's the Grammies, I think it's that she got those amazing reviews for NFR from critics who used to shame her for her past lyrics and for being too 'stereotypically feminine'. I don't remember her name but there was one critic in particular who she attacked on Twitter when her NFR review came out because that same critic had been super shitty to her in the past. Same with Anthony Fantano btw, it's ironic seeing his video on her statements when he's one of the people she's talking about.
  12. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh. Makes me sick. He’s met her a few times and he thinks they are bff’s. I wish she would tell him to fuck off.
  13. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by violets in Instagram Updates   
    aw jesus, lana should tell him to fk off if anything
  14. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    he's a dick
  15. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
  16. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    I- should it? D:
  17. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    At one point I got desperate and contacted Sean about another obsessive creep who I felt was potentially dangerous, because I knew that Sean read messages (unlike Ben and Ed). He was actually really good about it. I really hope he passed the message on to her team like he said he would, because creepy is still being creepy and it was right around Valentine's Day when I think they broke up.
  18. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    He is a stalker. To go to her church to see her and stand in front of one of her houses. He's nuts. I reported him to Ben and Lana already as others have. In case you want to do the same, this is his account https://www.instagram.com/dat1guitarguy/ The more people who warn Lana and Ben about him the better. Sean knows whats the deal which is why he threatened him and told him to leave Lana alone. Dat1guitarguy went on a daily rant about Sean. Every. Single. Day. If you said Lana looked cute with Sean or Barrie or Chase, Dat1guitarguy would block you for saying that. He truly believes he will marry Lana some day. 
  19. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    He refers to Lana's dad as his future father in law. He's absolutely insane and obsessed with Lana. Dat1guitarguy knows where Lana lives and stands in front of her house. He has no shame in telling people in DM that he does that. That's why Lana told the paparazzo not show her licence plates in the photos. He attended Church teachings at night to see Lana. I would have loved for Sean to have beat the crap out of him or dragged his ass out in handcuffs.
    Many fans have already warned Lana and Ben about it, myself included. I don't think she even stays in the same house anymore. I don't know to be honest. Wouldn't be shock if she didn't. 
  20. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    Maybe read a book and get off Grindr.
  21. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    She'd name it either Venice Bitch or Long Dick Island or Riker's Island
    or maybe Marina Del Rey lol
  22. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    um can she actually play animal crossing or mario kart and live stream it? i would enjoy this a lot tbh (even as unlikely as it is)
  23. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    What Where?
    And I love the poem but why is she sharing stuff from behind the iron gates when violet bent backwards isn't even out yet
  24. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Lemonade Tears in Instagram Updates   
    What Where?
    And I love the poem but why is she sharing stuff from behind the iron gates when violet bent backwards isn't even out yet
  25. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Holy shit. Devastating and beautiful. I'm worried and blown away.
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