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  1. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    when lana drops honeymoon 2.0 with the noir strings and old hollywood visuals EEEK
  2. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    She's back posting random things just for the aesthetic, we can all return to our base positions until the next war
  3. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Instagram Updates   
    the way i felt cold sweat rushing over my body within those 5 seconds the post took to load on my instagram app 
  4. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    She's back posting random things just for the aesthetic, we can all return to our base positions until the next war
  5. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    She's back posting random things just for the aesthetic, we can all return to our base positions until the next war
  6. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by peach perfume in Instagram Updates   
    Before when she'd post I'd get excited that she was finally active on Insta...but now it's come to me immediately thinking "Oh God here we go"
  7. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    typewriter era is over thank god
  8. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    Thank GOD I was about to snap if I had seen some fckn typewriter font
  9. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Instagram Updates   
    anyways can we just move on
  10. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    I feel a great disturbance in the force
  11. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Instagram Updates   
    Do you think global warming is a good thing? I like Lana Del Rey, I think she is an interesting artist
  12. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, I'm absolutely not going to be disrespected by you. I sent an apology to a user who had just joined and not even been around for a full hour because I did not want them to get the wrong impression of the site. If you are having an issue with what another user said to you, you can hash it out in the DMs and message me there if you think I need to intervene. We also have a report feature. I saw something I didn't like regarding how the site should be viewed as "learning from the bestest" with "hating Lana as a specialty" from another user, so as an admin and owner who disagrees with that mindset, I spoke up.
    Also, I did not delete any of your posts and have no idea what posts you're even referring to. If your posts were in fact deleted, I wasn't the one who removed them. If I ever edit another user's post, I always leave a mod & edit note informing the user that I did.
    Don't try to purposely insult me either for something that I did not even involve you at all with. Y'know, I've only been back to LanaBoards for the first time in over a month as I was in need of a serious break from the internet and all that it harbours, and I think if anything you just made it clear that I'm not ready to deal with all you guys and your drama again quite just yet lol. Probably not the best time for me to have popped back in anyway, but I knew a lot was going on and I wanted to stay updated with it. I knew my return now was only temporary due to the news, but frankly I just don't want to deal with this sort of attitude right now as it's not good for me at this moment, so I'm not going to. Behave yourself, kids.
    The rules are PM'd to every user upon joining and are also pinned under the Help & Support section if you would really like to review them.
    I appreciate the apology. I just didn't like a user's first impression of the site to be the reply you had posted, encouraging hate and stating to "learn from the bestest" in that regard. Just always be cautious of what you encourage to other users, and remember that first impressions matter! x
  13. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Gone user in Instagram Updates   
    can anyone go to Lana's house and tell her that the internet is cancelled until further notice so she stops using it for a little while
  14. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    reading this thread every other hour became a hobby of mine. thanks y'all.
  15. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    But wait, she mentioned the second book because it would give more "context" to her post... What the hell is that book gonna be about 
  16. slang liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    I doubt she will disappear forever, she seems super motivated to publish her art and she stood her ground.
    She might face backlash from the industry but she has 16M followers and sold out concerts, she's rich. She will be fine.
    Honestly, if there's all kinds of abusers trending with their art, this kind of sin isn't the worst.
  17. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    On a positive note: somebody I follow posted these screenshots back from when she met Lana at work in the day of her concert in Portugal last year (the girl said she was really nice and that she was very happy that the concert was sold out, and they got a picture with her at Intimissimi but sadly not at her store). I honestly want to remember Lana like this. The fact that the singer in these photos is the same one that is in the middle of this drama gives me some hope that this will calm down and she can get back to a happy state of mind.
  18. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    I’m sorry to hear that. It’s super helpful to vent. I also have a toxic mother and it’s something I started to realize a few years ago. I write about it a lot and am still learning about all the ways it’s affected me. I don’t want to go too much into detail about my own life, but I definitely understand why Lana wants to be well liked and caring so much about what everyone thinks. I relate to it so much and I’m sure you do as well.
  19. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    It annoys me so much cause if she was talking shit about her dad, people will be like 'yassss' 'self care kween' 'tell em gorl!' 
    I have a toxic mother myself and I never hold back from venting about her, it is what it is lol
  20. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Gone user in Instagram Updates   
    Remember those cute videos of Lana hugging and kissing fans in 2013, shouting at paparazzi and bodyguards to let her be close to the fans.... aaaah lovely times
  21. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Marius in Instagram Updates   
    This is actually funny to me rn. We know that those are 14 years old who are typing „she’s over”, „ended herself” etc. They don’t even know how the real life works and trying to make them feel better by „cancel” everyone. Stan culture is one of the worst things that has heppened to us bc those kids think that they are priviledged to say whatever they want and don’t even think about concequences. 
    From what I’ve heard they have been discussing her mental health...
  22. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Instagram Updates   
    soo disrespectful.. you really sound bothered that your posts were deleted. I personally don’t even know what they were, but whichever mod deleted them surely had a good reason.
    her life’s work?... as if Elle is even paid to run this trainwreck of a fanbase. Y’all need to respect & appreciate all the time & money she puts into this site, just so that you all can complain and argue with each other SMFH
  23. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Sorry, I tried to make a joke of the matter, but I understand what you mean and I agree. I sincerely apologize if my short message came off like I just come on here to spew hate on Lana, or imply that this is what other people come on here to do as well, because that was not my intention. In hindsight, it was a bit tone deaf.
    I guess I just tried to imply that people on this community have, for a lack of better wording, a love/hate relationship with Lana and whilst they love her to death they are sometimes also very critical of her choices both personally and professionally. We all feel very, veeery, passionately about her. Also, it probably explains why there is a "Biggest Lana hater" category at the Lipsters. 
    No hard feelings. xx
    On a lighter note, I can't believe that I've reached my 1000th post. I finally have my three dots! 
  24. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by xlanax in Instagram Updates   
    I just hope she emptied her feelings and that she's fine. I've been feeling so bad during these days, I really can't stand any negativity concerning her, she's precious. I just hope we can move on and leave this dark days on our back.
  25. Barttender liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    On a positive note: somebody I follow posted these screenshots back from when she met Lana at work in the day of her concert in Portugal last year (the girl said she was really nice and that she was very happy that the concert was sold out, and they got a picture with her at Intimissimi but sadly not at her store). I honestly want to remember Lana like this. The fact that the singer in these photos is the same one that is in the middle of this drama gives me some hope that this will calm down and she can get back to a happy state of mind.
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