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  1. LanasC keSpoon liked a post in a topic by annedelrey in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    I have spoken to Fnac customer service again.
    They have told me that they are waiting for the supplier's response to see if they are going to send them vinyls and then be able to sell them. They told me that a lot of people are asking for that vinyl.
    Thats why they are insisting so much to the provider, but that at the moment there is no response
  2. colacoven liked a post in a topic by annedelrey in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    I have spoken to Fnac customer service again.
    They have told me that they are waiting for the supplier's response to see if they are going to send them vinyls and then be able to sell them. They told me that a lot of people are asking for that vinyl.
    Thats why they are insisting so much to the provider, but that at the moment there is no response
  3. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by venicebitx in Instagram Updates   
    The fact that she probably was feeling bad about her look and she started drinking again to get through it it's making me feel so sad... hope she, in this meantime out of the media and social media, cleans her mind and she is back with new and positive energy... i love her so much :c
  4. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Jaeden xx in Instagram Updates   
    I heard people were thinking she was possibly going to rehab due to alcohol abuse because lately she has stated a lot of things that relate to Alcohol Anonymus and alcohol abuse
  5. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    The person (sorry, I forget who) who said that she might come back as Elizabeth Grant might be onto something, especially considering that she put those passports up right before her announcement.
    Or the blind item is just bs
  6. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    When she comes back as Lana Del Ray 
  7. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    I doubt that she will be gone from social media forever.
  8. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    September 14
    Dear Diary
    A day has passed since Lana deactivated her social media accounts. I‘m starting to miss the car selfies and happy birthday posts.
    Message sent with concern that will never be addressed.

  9. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in Instagram Updates   
    Some dedicated fans have been re-creating Lana's Insta, but since it's harder to do with her Twitter, here's the web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210912062542/https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey
    If you want to see snapshots of a specific timeframe here's a link for that too: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey
  10. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    That doesn't mean they're all on it 
    Anyways I don't know
    The most plausible reason imo is that she doesn't want stans; she's outgrown them. 
    When she released NFR, Courtney commented that she was finally appealing to the older fans like she wanted, or something to that effect
    And there's no question that she's taking a different approach musically
    And as strange as it sounds I think a lot of stans will lose interest if her presence is non existent because I think many people are in love with the idea of 2012 - 2015 era Lana and have never let go of it and her abandoning socials is the final severing of that, in a way
    Idk I'm just rambling
  11. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Damn, Lana removing her IG and all made me remember just how interconnected the world is via social media, and how easy it really is to disappear and become anonymous and vague by going blank on socials. Like eventually, nobody outside of close friends etc. would know where you are, how you are, even who you are anymore. 

  12. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Instagram Updates   
    Seen from a further perspective the social media shutdown is a big, mature step, showing that she is more interested in making music than in self-portrayal. I think she's gaining a lot of respect for that.
  13. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Frangipani in Instagram Updates   
    She still has her finsta
  14. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Instagram Updates   
    I was thinking about this too, like if she wants to "shed" the Lana Del Rey persona and release music in a very lowkey way (honestly maybe that's why she released that hope is a dangerous thing video on her uhauljoe YouTube lol) and not have much public interaction at all, releasing stuff under "Elizabeth Grant" or "Lizzy Grant" again might give her the fresh start she wants.
    I think it depends on what she wants to do with her career moving forward, and whether she wants to continue to be signed to a major record label or not. It seems like she enjoys making music in studios and working with lots of different producers, and if she goes indie then she may not have access to things like that, but being signed to a big record label means she can't go entirely off the radar either
  15. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Instagram Updates   
    She is living her truth and not just preaching it.  I respect that. Ig is stupid.  and being a fan is better when u don’t except updates, I’m sure being an artist is better when u don’t have to deliver promises too. LOCK THA THREAD!
  16. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    She really is getting a deeper form of revenge than we thought with this album. When she first announced it I was expecting something angry, but instead she's telling her story in a really open and honest way, and then retreating from the public before the album is even out. It's heartbreaking revenge and critics will have a harder time trashing her in this new context, without looking even crueler and stupider than they already do. 
    Lana is one of the greatest artists of all time (the greatest in my opinion, but I know that's subjective) but so much of the conversation around her is about unfair bullshit that's taken out of context and always paints her in a negative light. Most people who don't listen to her don't even have the slightest clue of the level of talent she has, because they wrote her off years ago before giving her a chance. It's so annoying when I mention Lana in certain settings and I can just feel the energy in the conversation shift as if people think it's problematic to love her. I don't understand how anyone can call this move dramatic on her part, it makes perfect sense and has been a long time coming. All we can really hope for is that her art does became the focus the way it always should have been, although even if it doesn't in the immediate future, there is no doubt that long beyond her time she will be regarded as a complete legend. 
  17. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Instagram Updates   
    i had another thought, maybe she'll come back as elizabeth grant for her next project? 
  18. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by LanaBoi in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    I'm nervous about the signed stuff... being in Australia it will probably be released in the middle of the night here and I'm worried about missing out!! !
  19. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    yeah i think we will still get these, it's a well trod tactic to sell more vinyls and she's done it for every release since LFL
  20. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by CyberCherry in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Does anyone think there will be signed copies available after her announcement regarding leaving social media for a while?
  21. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    i don’t think it’ll be available in eu sadly… i have no idea why they decided not to sell it here though 
  22. alexbeygul liked a post in a topic by annedelrey in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Is there any news from any european store for the alternative red Vinyl?
    I want one sooo bad and i dont wanna pay taxes from ordering UK. Im losing my faith with Fnac
  23. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Instagram Updates   
    I've been listening to a lot of Lana today, and as I've been listening, it really has showed me why Lana leaving social media isn't surprising. Listen to God Knows I Tried, High By The Beach, Dark But Just A Game, Dance Til We Die, Arcadia or even Coachella and Bartender. I feel like this is something she's been thinking about for a while, at least since early this year/late last year. Fame brings a lot of privilege to a person and I don't think anyone can or would deny that. But getting your privacy essentially stolen from you in some ways can be very difficult to deal with as Lana has shared with us through her music. I think stepping away from social media, at least temporarily, might be helpful in Lana gaining some privacy back (we all know she loves to share parts of her life with us, but it can be nice to have moments that happen away from the cameras stay as just that). The comments about her as a person/her appearance that have come flooding in over the past year haven't been helpful either, I'm sure. 
  24. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Instagram Updates   
    I hope so, but if her reasoning behind leaving social media is get away from the media and toxicity of it all then I don't think that will go away just because she left socials. And if she does still use a finsta, then she's not gonna avoid seeing all the posts about her (whether good or bad)
    Obviously she'll keep making music for herself, but I guess what I'm saying is that if leaving social media doesn't fix the problem for her, then "retiring" and never releasing music publicly again might be eventually what she decides to do
  25. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Instagram Updates   
    as someone who doesn't post on any social media since 2019 I got her back but I already miss her so much omg  she deserves peace, peace has no price
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