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  1. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in What Are You Listening To?   
    Thank you so much <33  i’ve heard the first song before and i couldn’t find their name . I finally know who they are
  2. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in What Are You Listening To?   
    And she looks sooooo good in that one. Maybe even the best out of all of them. God I love her 
  3. Elina liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  4. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Lady Gaga   
    Two of her biggest hits of all time + her latest single 
  5. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Lady Gaga   
    and we don't want to hear them

  6. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by sempervirens in Lady Gaga   
    bicth did it!!
  7. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  8. Escapism liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  9. finalgirl liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  10. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  11. Bird World liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  12. shady liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    meh. i still love and listen to you can be the boss  
  13. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Salem Prose in Wordle   
    Wordle 374 5/6

  14. The Siren liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Wordle   
  15. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Wordle   
  16. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Wordle   
  17. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by sulli in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    now why was your first thought of what to post first in this thread these retards
  18. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    I don't really know what to say at this point. I'm just fucking pissed off still. I woke up mad for the women who can't do what they want. Whose rights were taken away and laws were put in place automatically as soon as Roe was overturned. Womens rights were just aborted and nobody can do anything except vote???? Fucking bullshit
    I just want to watch the country burn at this point. I hope women and everyone understand that this should be the final straw. This should be it. We stopped protesting against police brutality and it still happens. We stopped doing anything and now they feel like they can do anything they want. Biden wants peaceful protests but protesting clearly doesn't do it anymore. We need a French Revolution style situation. The government doesn't work anymore. It's a fucking shit show ran by extremists and I'd be willing to bet that little Bitch Mcconnell had his hands in this decision. I'm just disappointed and angry and frustrated.  I fucking hate it here. 
  19. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by shady in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    I can't take seriously the same people who think that free healthcare is communism and that they "don't want to pay other people's medical bills". I don't blame them 100%, that's what generations of propaganda does. The tax money that should've gone into heathcare goes into their military that destroys other countries. 
    Also my parents and grandparents grew up during the big bad communism and got free apartments that aren't made of cardboard and still are of better quality than the fancy glass ones. But I guess we're more free for not being able to afford any roof over our heads without draining ourselves into debt until the age of 60.
    Also, my boyfriend is pro-life and when I brought up the rape and the life risk argument he left me on read. Like dude, if your mom was at that situation what would you say? So selfish. Do they think life starts at ejaculation or erection? 
  20. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    Today has been such a sad and disheartening day. I fear for not only myself, but for all those in this country who have now been stripped of their bodily autonomy and a basic human right. However, I do not want to allow myself to give up this fight because this is something completely, bone-chillingly horrifying. Fuck anyone and everyone celebrating that "life won" today because no it fucking didn't. Life lost today, if anything. The lives of all the people who will die in childbirth lost. The lives of the people who will die or be injured in an unsafe abortion procedure because they can't get one anywhere else lost. The lives of the children who will be put into the adoption and foster care system lost. The lives of the people who weren't ready for children lost. Nobody wins in this situation except for those who want to have complete power and control over anyone with a uterus in this country. 
  21. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Elle in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    Woke up to the news of this by my friend shaking me awake at 11am to tell me, and my stomach has been in knots ever since. Been feeling very nauseous and unsettled all day, and I’m still having a hard time grasping the reality. What a terrifying time, and I fear this is only the beginning of a backwards, downwards spiral x
  22. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by In My Feelings in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    Absolutely disgusting. What a stupid fucking country the USA is. The same people who are pro-gun are also pro-life - it's baffling but in fact, they don't care about anyone. This overturn is discriminatory and I don't know what to say except stay strong and VOTE EVERY SINGLE TIME.
    From The Onion:

  23. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion   
    Sometimes i think how hard it is to be a woman throughout history and how our female ancestors really fought to survive and to have a place in society. It's crazy how at any given moment your rights can be taken from you . 
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