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  1. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    i sometimes just think - and this applies to both celebrities and ordinary people - when you’re tackling a subject as extremely nuanced, sensitive and historically rich as this one while you’re not quite fully informed or you’ve only researched as far as instagram infographics and television talking points, why not just…. sit this one out? if you’re being badgered for a response, why not just make a post like will poulter did where he basically said “i don’t know enough to comment or share a solid stance yet”?? there’s literally no shame in admitting to not having a deeply nuanced understanding of a very particular and very complex geopolitical issue, especially if you plan to eventually educate yourself on it.
    i sometimes find that people regurgitate things without truly understanding them. and in some ways, i can’t blame them for that! if you’re being presented with everything going on in israel right now and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen anything like it or if everyone you know is telling you it’s wrong (without mentioning palestine while doing so) or if you’re a little out of touch and get all of your news from biased outlets and you’re being told that babies are being beheaded and women are being raped and civilians are being held hostage, i can see why 47 year old mum-of-three Linda from Huddersfield would be horrified and think “oh my giddy aunt, peace for israel!!!” and overlay an israeli flag on her facebook profile picture and sad react to images of crying children in a war torn country (without realising that image is probably a mislabelled photograph from palestine - hi jamie lee curtis!). however, that necessarily doesn’t mean it’s the ‘right’ stance of course.
    i’ve been marching for palestine’s freedom since around 2014 so i know a fair deal about the situation, but i *still* don’t feel i know enough to give a truly enlightening take. but of what i do know and what i have researched, i firmly believe i’m on the right ‘side’. my personal thoughts on this situation are: of course i don’t want any innocent civilians to be hurt in either country, of course i’m against war of all kinds, of course i don’t necessarily agree with some of the choices hamas have made, but do i think the acts are unprovoked? absolutely not. and it is truly terrifying that for the YEARS that palestinians have been suffering, there’s not been a PEEP from the media about it. online outlets are even going so far in the defence of israel that they’re taking horrifying photographs of war-torn palestine and labelling them as photographs of israel when they’re not, just to garner public sympathy. suddenly the tables have somewhat turned - i say “somewhat” because there is absolutely a power imbalance  between the two countries - and all of a sudden people are concerned and israel is the victim? i think not.
    i hope for the safety of every innocent civilian involved in both countries and i hope for the freedom of palestine. the situation is too complex to be summed up via flag emojis and hashtags. and this letter that lana signed…. well i’m disappointed but not surprised. it mentions palestine which is a start - perhaps even why so many famous people felt comfortable putting their names on the letter? - but it’s not enough.
    anyway there’s my take that nobody asked for 
  2. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Barry in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I always wonder who organises these things, like how do all these celebrities get together to sign a thing lol it just gives off creepy and weird energy to me.
    Like I imagine some agent calling everyone like "you need to sign this or you won't get any more work".
  3. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Well maybe she should start, and if she can’t then she just shouldn’t address it period 
  4. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Mash Tragic in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I agree with everything you've posted, but I have to add to that: Palestine is all innocent. Hamas might be tied to Palestine but it isn't Palestine. It's kinda like the IRA/Ireland: the actions of one group shouldn't condemn civilians... especially when Israel has the means to send troops instead of blindly bombing lands. They're deliberately choosing to kill innocents. 
    They're also currently bombing the West Bank despite Hamas having no ties to Jordanians. Basically, they're using the deaths of their own people as an excuse to further expand the occupation. 
    What makes me super mad about that letter, though, is that line about Hamas terrorizing Palestine for 15 years. What a way to twist the truth... Israel has been deporting and purging Palestine for 70 years now, but I guess it's not important in the slightest 
    Exactly. Every country defending Israel is just protecting their interest. It has nothing to do with the fact they're Jews or surviving children of the Shoah. They couldn't care less about that. If they were truly shocked and moved by genocide, they would have lifted a finger for the freedom of Palestine long ago.
    Those hypocrites also would have welcomed Jews when they needed a place the most (Palestine wasn't even the promise land... Many Jews back in the day sought refuge in America, but were drove back because no one wanted them. It was apparently easier to give them a piece of land Western countries didn't truly own.)
    Also, friendly reminder that not every Jew is pro-Israel and even not every Israeli is pro-Israel (in the sense they're not ok with their government's decisions) just like not every Palestinian is pro-Hamas. All those civilians, whether they're from Israel or Palestine, mostly want peace. They're all victims of the actions of their own government, and that's what's so tragic. 
    All those celebs picking sides like it's a fucking football game are privileged, ignorant assholes sheltered in a safe country. When they praise Biden leadership, they just ignore the wish of agonizing populations that are fucking tired of politics and just want to be able to live another day. 
  5. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    … Why do celebrities sign these things, like, as if the president cares about it? I doubt he does. 
  6. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    nah. She should read a book or stay out of it completely. People have been cancelled over less.
  7. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    In a nutshell, Palestinian group Hamas killed a number of innocent Israelis at a concert (about 250 Israelis). They did it because over the years, Israelis, who never had their own country before, occupied their land (Palestine) and took full control of it. Today's Israel is essentially Palestinian land taken over by Europe-fled Jews and Zionists by sheer force. All of this is available in history books, on YouTube, official UN documents, etc. 
    To retaliate against the massacre, Israel decided to commit a genocide in the remaining Palestinian land (Gaza) and they've already bombed and slaughtered thousands, mostly women, children, sick people in hospitals, and so forth. They also cut off their electricity, water supplies, etc. leaving thousands of innocent people in the dark as they're getting bombed.
    Israel's aim is to expel Palestinians into the Sanai desert or into Egypt (another country that Israelis do not own but have said that Egypt has to "play ball"), so they can remove them from their own territory forever and finish their occupation, i.e. extermination.
    Biden and America are supporting the genocide - openly with visits to Israel, moral and financial support. They've previously funded Israel's attacks on Palestine and supported them with weapon supplies. Because it's in the interest of American Jews, of course.
    Now, most sane and educated celebrities like Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Roony Mara and many others have openly come out in support of Palestine, demanding ceasefire (for the genocide to stop). Countries like Russia, Ireland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, among others, are defending the Palestinians and some want to cut their diplomatic ties with Israel.
    The world of social media on a global level and protesters everywhere are asking for the same thing. Especially since there are thousands of videos and images of these mass graves in Palestine, confirming the genocide. 
    (To spare you from seeing all this footage - think bodies of babies after explosions, mothers sreaming, doctors discovering their own family members' dead bodies at the hospital, thousands of houses turning into ash, families being wiped out, ice-cream trucks being used for body storage, reporters being killed, and so on.)
    On the other hand, you have Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer, Quentin Tarantino and other Jewish celebrities or Jewish aficionados, asking for the "war" to continue because the Palestinians mean nothing to them and, as the Israelis say, they're "just animals". They're advocating for the whole nation to be wiped out in plane sight. Of course, they're using the concert massacre as an excuse and spinning the story their way via the western media. But it's tough because we live in an era of social.
    So, it seems that Lana has - once again - shot herself in the foot, not really informing herself and educating herself enough on a topic before putting her finger in it

    This just proves how dizzy she is at times and that her managers and publicist let her get away with anything - as long as they get paid.
    I feel sorry for her, in a way, because she doesn't seem to be that smart about her career and, if she keeps this up, she will surely get cancelled one day.
    Lastly, before anyone who's Jewish or is misinformed comes after me, you should know that I'm a Serbian Christian Orthodox guy with no ties to Palestine, Israel or the US. What I wrote her is just pure, unbiased facts.
    If anyone wants to challenge me on this, let's discuss in a civilised way. But I hope you have access to Reuters and other fact-based websites.
    Hope this helps.
  8. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by The Missing Shade of Blue in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    The problem is that people venerate celebrities and their opinions way too much. It's been fascinating to witness the shock and feelings of betrayal expressed by people when their favs came out in support of Israel. "Not Sarah Paulson!" "Not Florence Pugh!" Like, celebs live comfortably and have little to no incentive to do additional research on geopolitical conflicts. It's just easier for them to jump on bandwagons and share Instagram infographics that make news easily digestible but also far too simplistic. 
    Having been around when Lana first made controversial statements about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2018, I'm not too surprised by this. She's a lib through and through. In fact, most 'woke' celebs veer towards centrism rather than leftism on the political compass lol. It's disappointing nonetheless.
    This is a really good video discussing the current phenomenon. 
  9. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    “thanking joe biden for his leadership” including is funding for the IDF. no mention of the palestinian victims at all. once again using the fake headline of beheading children. saying “and most urgently, right now freedom of the hostages” WHEN 2055 PALESTINIAN KIDS HAVE BEEN MURDERED IN THE LAST WEEK
  10. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Xenoblade 3 in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    She should have just sat there and ate her food. Like be quiet. Between the random “I’m poor” videos and this, we’re inching back closer to the 2020 period. We need another yeehaw flop album like ChemTANKS/Blue TANKisters to complete the trifecta.
    Her mind, it amazes me sometimes. She said I can’t be loved too much, gotta do something stvpid to tarnish myself quick. The Grammys are also coming. Hopefully Ben takes her Instagram away during awards season so she won’t do something stvpid on social media.
    Honestly, the best time was when she deactivated her Instagram. She is so painfully uninformed, and it SHOWS. It’s better for her to not engage and just stay quiet.
  11. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    i do feel like we need to talk about this instead of avoiding it. this is the most disappointing thing i’ve ever seen lana do,
    as sad as it makes me i think i wanna take a small break from listening to lana 
  12. forensicflowergirl liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Zella Day   
    https://youtu.be/g6Lr3wiYNhw?si=Xpr0MtYhYPXY9-DU  Finally got around to uploading Zella and Jesse singing Bleeding Hearts in WV. I was gonna cut out me asking my dad (a king) to hold the camera at the start and end but I never got around so I just uploaded as is please ignore it lol. I put the video as unlisted so you can only view if you have that link but let me know if it doesn’t work.
  13. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Mitski   
    i just got home from the london amateur mistake show and it was incredible... amazing venue, amazing acoustic show and amazing vocals from mother mitski
    the crowd was so respectful and quiet which i did not expect after my last mitski show!!! anyways heres some (dreadful) photos because i managed to get such a good seat

  14. Quincy liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Zella Day   
    https://youtu.be/g6Lr3wiYNhw?si=Xpr0MtYhYPXY9-DU  Finally got around to uploading Zella and Jesse singing Bleeding Hearts in WV. I was gonna cut out me asking my dad (a king) to hold the camera at the start and end but I never got around so I just uploaded as is please ignore it lol. I put the video as unlisted so you can only view if you have that link but let me know if it doesn’t work.
  15. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Cordon Gole in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    I edited my photos and uploaded them to flickr. I'm really happy with a few of these.

  16. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdream in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    I met the backup singers and one dancer :’) they are so kind and so beautiful. I can’t even explain it. Just so so sweet. Such good vibes.
  17. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdream in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    I ran into a guy who works for her, not one of the musicians or security… honestly not sure who he is. Maybe sound tech? 
    he said he was really sad that it’s over and it’s like saying goodbye to a family. He said they wanted to do more US dates but the indoor venues are closing for winter (I think Lana has already stated this too)
    he said it’s up in the air, but they want to do a Europe and Asia tour next. 
  18. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by cherrycolalime in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    my fav pic from last night  
  19. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    the one of her holding it on her head is killing me. 10+ year long wait and she gets it and is just like the shes sooo crazy post
  20. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Zella Day   
    I was so excited I partially blacked out but i think :
    Purple Haze, Real life, Girls, Dance For Live, radio silence, Bleeding hearts, mushroom punch. i think thats all the songs but the order might be wrong.  
  21. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Cordon Gole in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    will have to edit my photos more but this one just for the pose
  22. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    Reuben’s post refers to this show as the last of “the American tour.” I was really hoping they’d come to the Midwest next. I still have hope though, no negative energy, lol. It would be very weird to have no LA shows, so clinging onto hope that the tour continuing with some Midwest dates
  23. fishtails liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    just saw two of her backup singers giing to the coliseum
  24. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Cordon Gole in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    she said this tour, the band, dancers, and me [last part was implied] “made me love my job again”
  25. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by LemonadeTea in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    Wow… I can’t believe my first Lana concert is over I cried the whole time. Life changing 
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