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  1. Rock Candy liked a post in a topic by ivana in The Weeknd   
    since abel mentioned years ago that his and lana's songs complete each other sometimes, i was thinking of looking for some of their songs that are like talking to each other and i liked how these go together:
    high for this - born to die
    wicked games/coming down - blue jeans
    house of balloons/glass table girls - carmen
    what you need - gods & monsters
    lonely star - cruel world/money power glory
    the zone - shades of cool
    thursday - sad girl
    valerie - pretty when you cry
    nothing without you - cinnamon girl
  2. ivana liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly')   
    lana has always worked with rappers and had hip hop influence in her music, so i don’t really see why anybody’s confused by a potential quavo collaboration tbh….there’s trap/hip hop beats and a rap sample on Ocean Blvd lol
    whatever comes of this, i’d love to hear.
  3. ivana liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly')   
    I hope we get hypnotized psychedelic trap beats to twerk to, yes i'd love to see her going back and forth between being a country yeehaw cowgirl and a baddie trap Lanita, Lana is that girl who can do both.
    Manifesting we can get something like Bad and Boujee or Hannah Montana
  4. ivana liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly')   
    That is why it is so fun to stan Lana, it is always a surprise and something random lmao
  5. ivana liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly')   
    Only Lana can announce a country album and then 2 days later drive off with Migos and “have hits” together
  6. ivana liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I really hope she doesn’t take this as a reflection of what the general public think and knows how wide spread her frustration is  
  7. ivana liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Btw, won't judge on TS intentions while dragging Lana to stage, but if I were Lana the last thing I would have wanted during that moment (having had 5 nominations and got AGAIN not a single award while seeing how they go to people like TS) is to be exposed directly to all of that people having to smile from the damn stage. Don't think that making her feeling forced to went there was a good move.
  8. ivana liked a post in a topic by Speed Driving Coconuts in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I know Taylor probably meant well but holy crap it must feel bad to be dragged on stage to be with someone who won a category you were nominated for (let alone should have won). I don't think it's malicious on Taylor's part but it still annoyed me seeing how uncomfortable Lana was. A part of me feels like this was yet again another one of Taylor's pseudo girl power moments but idk, I'm also aware I have my biases against Taylor considering how I always get phony vibes out of her. 
  9. ivana liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Someone here said they had a bad weekend and hoping this would cheer them up. Girl I pray for you 
  10. ivana liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    So they gave her 5 nominations and sat her next to two winners just not to give her any award, letting her go empty handed. She should never give this disgusting industry anything else.
    Lana, wherever you are, you are already the most significant pop artist from this century and everyone knows that. The fact that someone as TS has won 4 times that award with her mid stuff just gives the measure of what this is all about. You're just so above all of it.
  11. ivana liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    The bad thing is that Lana has done so much in the past year to increase her popularity and her chances of winning a Grammy, and now it all seems to have been for nothing. Taylor just put out a mediocre pop album designed for commercial success, while there were a lot of good ideas and ambitions behind Did You Know that weren't properly appreciated even by some critics.
  12. ivana liked a post in a topic by bluedealer in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Yet still you can clearly see her saying 'no' and Taylor still was grabbing her hand which is disrespectful. It is not okay 
  13. ivana liked a post in a topic by bluedealer in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I just watched the video of Taylor forcing Lana to go on that stage...  she clearly didn't wanted it you can even see her saying 'noo' like what the hell. And for what? To make her stand in the shadow? I don't like Taylor even more now. It was really disrespectful 
  14. ivana liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Honestly I think Lana is more loved by her fans and other artists (HUGE artists- the biggest) now more than ever. She's the singer that all other singers love. Shes one of, if not the #1, most referenced artist in pop AND alternative music. Fuck the Grammys. She really doesn't need them. She's always been on another level.
  15. ivana liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I woke up and .... 
    I don't think I can even bring myself to watch the main show now in retrospect knowing that she doesn't win anything. 
    Anyway, I'm feeling really really awful and I need to rant, so, here's my own QFTC
    I think the "music industry" is scared of Lana, because she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now and she doesn't owe them anything. Her success has been through her own hard work over decades of persistence. As much as journalists tried to push the industry plant theories during BTD, deep down they all know that she's there, standing among them, because she sang to crowds of just ten people in bars, she wrote and wrote and wrote and pushed and pushed and pushed and when finally she hit the radios, people listened. And people loved her. 

    The fact that Lana is the force she is without having a single Grammy, without getting huge radio play, without pandering to the critics, the zeitgeist, the egos that need stroking .. that's what they're all afraid of. Intimidated by. 

    I think she's one of the only huge artists of our time who took the "traditional" struggle route (touring tiny jazz bars and local pubs) and went "viral" (on tumblr). She incapsulates both the old and the new way of gaining success. 

    Plus, her music, her looks — they're endless homages to icons of the past. There's countless references to literature, movies, singers, poetry, cultural icons, fashion. And yet despite building so much on our collective nostalgia, Lana is authentically herself. Despite what magazines try to push, no Lana fan wonders who she is under her references. Nobody thinks it feels empty. It's such a feat to be able to effortlessly reference the past while influencing the future generations. It's been said time and time again how Lana is the reason that Billie, Olivia, even Taylor make the music they do today. For someone who is blinded by their own fear and hatred about Lana's struggles in the past, her "bad influence," her "inauthenticity," having an artist who is simultaneously able to exist in the past, present and future is the epitome of power ... power they didn't bestow and power they didn't want her to have  
    She has built a legacy (and DYKTTATUOB was the cementation of that legacy, whether it won or not) that will surpass 99% of the people in the music industry currently ... 
    And it's been said time and time again but things that appeal (mostly) to women are derided. Any kind of media. I totally get what Lana was saying in QFTC although it wasn't worded well (and this probably won't be either). Nothing has changed, not really. I know Lana said in the Billboard awards that she's glad people feel they can't express themselves now as it didn't feel that way in 2008, but I don't think anyone, Billie Taylor and Olivia included, is singing about the experience of being a woman like Lana is: Just look at A&W ... we still have some way to go before people (mostly MEN) accept that it's just as worthwhile to sing about the experience of SA, alcoholism, suicide ideation, abusive relationships, and family trauma as it is to sing about being powerful and strong as a woman (and you can be those things while singing about those topics that everyone just wants to ignore). It takes courage to sing about these things when so often nobody in your own personal life wants to listen! But singing to millions of people? The vulnerability? Beautiful. There are millions of women (and men) who see the power in that. 

    On the same topic, I absolutely hate that some stupid articles before the Grammy's didn't even mention Lana's name once despite her being nominated in 2 major categories, yet mentioned Jack in relation to Lana's work. As much as I am happy for Jack for his win it feels much the same way that he won in part thanks to her artistry while she is barely mentioned in the media coverage, on the carpet ... anywhere. Except by Jack and Taylor themselves (). This might be controversial but it reeks of sexism to me. I just HATE how she is treated almost as if her name is dirty so they just avoid saying mentioning her as if she doesn't even exist. URGH I AM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD 
  16. ivana liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoVintageGirl in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Worst thing is that she's better than all of them put together.
    Say Yes To Heaven alone is better than anything TS ever did , i won't even mention Bleachers ... to think she actually did collabs with them ...
  17. ivana liked a post in a topic by ImenaOphelia in Who’s the Ultimate Insider?   
    for info BOZ, for songs probably May Jailer/Eclipse. But my personal favorite is @Unknown
  18. ivana liked a post in a topic by Mer in Who’s the Ultimate Insider?   
    Kintsugi was perfect at gently guiding us without leaking or spilling too much info that would ruin any surprise. Also seemed genuinely sweet and unproblematic. 
  19. ivana liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Who’s the Ultimate Insider?   
    eclipse (iconic but barely spills aymore) and kintsugi 
    boz is too annoying and high brow
  20. ivana liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in Who’s the Ultimate Insider?   
    For the most info, the person with the best track record is BlackoutZone. As much as he annoyed me during the Ocean Blvd era, unfortunately it’s the truth.
    For who has the most songs, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s someone we don’t know about. We don’t really know about everything that’s out there. We only know of about 20-30 songs at any given moment and then when those get leaked there’s new ones.
    Theres also insiders who fell off and resort to attention seeking to keep themselves relevant
    My favorites are probably Unknown and May Jailer for all the info/songs we’ve gotten this year. Also fl0ridakil0s for just leaking stuff without making too big a deal about it
  21. RIP ivory almond liked a post in a topic by ivana in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the way we wont get anything
  22. ivana liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the problem isn't people hoarding songs per se, i personally get wanting to keep your unleaked stuff to yourself in order to trade it for more unleaked stuff, i have no problem with that. what i don't get is playing with us if you're not going to give us anything. and you may say that most snippets that leak aren't leaked by people who have the full song, but on Christmas this year, the three people on here who have unleaked material have teased lyrics, hinted at one song being better than another, said that stuff we wanted was coming, and when you and the others are doing that without leaking anything noteworthy (and, sorry to break it to you, but to almost all of us, old og files aren't), don't act like we should be grateful. my point is: people have every right to hoard things, but as soon as they spend time on this forum hinting at unleaked material or implying that it's going to leak, other people also have every right to be disappointed and to voice it out, as long as they don't call other people stupid like you do.
    as i said several times, 2023 has been a good year and i'm very happy with it, christmas on the other hand...  but life goes on!
  23. ivana liked a post in a topic by 111 in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    no it's not ma'am because the lana fanbase has more leaks than any other fanbase out there (except maybe only matched by charli xcx), you can't sit there and tell me you don't get anything when this fandom keep hearing songs that should be lost forever to time, yes you all get teased more as well and get more snippets but that's because the amount of stuff that eventually ends up leaking is higher, same with charli's fanbase they get teased and snippets a lot too...
    this year alone there were so many leaks it baffles me how you can confidently sit on your computer and type that you don't get anything over and over and over again, leaks that were mentioned once decade ago and we thought we'd never get them, go look at another fanbase that's like a big artist and they'll only get like 2 leaks per year if at all...
    also you act like it's the leakers who are teasing and yes we do sometimes, but also most (like 95%) of snippets that are leaked are not by leakers but by people who get bits of those snippets and leak them in hopes that someone with the full song will leak them, to try and force the leaker's hands... so it's y'all amongst yourselves teasing each other and trying to trick leakers and then end up losing and complaining like you're the victim... 
    ma'am it's been since what like 2018-2019 and you still haven't accepted that this is how it is and there will be teases and snippets and eventually leaks... if you can't make peace with this fact that has been the truth for this fanbase since 2012, you need to log out, this narrative that you keep pushing about "not getting anything" is stupid af, and i say that as a fan of this artist who also gets leaks i never heard before and who also wants some stuff leaked so i can hear just as much as you do, and you gon sit there and say i leaked NOTHING, please bfr, be serious for once in your life future jazz 
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