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About YourGirl666

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  • Birthday 06/09/1874

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    Blackout Era
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    Heaven Sent

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  1. Album is good. Best one since ARTPOP. However, it's not the dark industrial pop inferno we were expecting based on all the promo, teasers and visuals. It's true mayhem. 1. Disease - I will always defend this song, it's such a masterpiece. Even if the lyrics sound a too little generic and uninspired for how deep it wants to sound with all the inner demon stuff, vocals and production are top tier. The Antidote version is even better. 2. Abracadabra - A classic, tho I wish it was a little longer. 3. Garden of Eden - From the same creator of Private Audition, Out of Control, Text You Pictures, Animal and Reloaded. An absolute pussyblowing banger, the intro should've a little different tho cause the transition with Abracadabra is really not it. 4. Perfect Celebrity - A fucking masterpiece. This is the industrial electro grunge chaos we were all expecting. Lyrics are great, top notch vocals and insane production. 5. Vanish Into You - I thought it was just cute at first, but did it grow on me (like the beast inside). Fuck it. This is ARTPOP reborn. Gypsy x Venus x Fashion!. 6. Killah - David Bowie. That's it. A mood, in the best way. Should've been way longer tho. Production is insane. I'm Afraid of American, Fame and Dirty Boys come to mind. 7. Zombieboy - "Fell in love with you and everything that you are, nothing I can do, I'm really crazy about you" (cries in sad dark futuristic synthwave queen Britney sounds). This almost made me cry. Remember Retrossexual? Dirty Ice Cream? Well, she's back and she's cooler than ever. Chorus lives in my head rent free since Disease mv. 8. Love Drug - this is where the album stops being good. Actually, one of my most anticipated tracks. The Gaga equivalent of 143. 9. Out of Gorgeous Hits Different whatever - Taylor can keep it. 10. Don't Call Tonight - A little bit better, but still giving outtake. Bridge is great tho. 11. Shadow of a Man - She's back. A fucking masterpiece. MJ would be so proud. One of the best in the album. Insane vocals and melody. The end is so Born This Way with electric guitar. 12. The Beast - It's cute. Not my favorite, but wouldn't scrap it tho. I feel like it could really benefit from a Disease/Perfect Celebrity type of production. Something like Reptile by NIN but slightly more upbeat and maybe some Evanescence elements here and there. 13. Blade of Glass - Hate to see no love and even hate for it. This one is so fucking beautiful. Her vocals in here are some of her best ever. So fucking beautiful. Great lyrics too and melody is amazing. Also, can we talk about how both this, Vanish Into You and Garden of Eden sample Bad Romance? 14. Die With a Smile - It's cute, but I was never really into it so idk... it fits the album, is a hit and good so I don't really have much to say about it. Good closer. Overall, a good album with many top tier songs mixed with some great and good ones and a couple skips. I can't really pick a favorite, cause I'm really obsessed but the lower points are definitely Lovedrug, HBDUWM, DCT and The Beast. As an album, it may not fully work, but the songs themselves outside of these four are undoubtely worth the listen.
  2. Watch her remain completely silent on 05/21 and then two weeks later post a insta reel saying album is delayed cause she's still working on it and then one month later announce it randomly on a show, interview or something as her upcoming record "Flowers of the Bayou" out Oct 2. Anyway, we need the unreleased album. Jealous Girl when, besties?
  3. "Kiss me goodbye Before the last bite I fade into the blank space that you got inside Don't turn around There's nothing to do I'll just close my eyes and then vanish I'll vanish into you" Out Friday You guys aren't ready for this. "Brooklyn Nights x Trigger x Disease" Not a ballad this is a joke, but, still, manifesting 🙏👄
  4. Melancholia (dark dream/post rock influenced tracks) 1. Cruel World 2. Ultraviolence 3. Heart Shaped Box 4. Shades of Cool 5. Pretty When You Cry 6. Your Girl 7. Yayo 8. Flipside
  5. Honestly, both suck. I hate having fish for lunch, but at the same time, I'd hate to live in the dark and have to deal with animals like bears, bats and snakes. Also, for being a shorter experience, I'll have to pick open boat. Would you rather have a nose so big and large you couldn'd see much with your eyes or do a lap dance to a close relative?
  6. I really love CFY, I definitely expected a more finished and organic production like the final album songs, but, in the end, it grew on me a lot. The intro is just so beautiful, the guitar is so dreamy and the strings, while subtle, really do their job. That applies to the rest of the song. The only element that was kinda weird to me was the bass in the first pre-chorus, but it kinda gives a cinematic feel of anticipation to it, it's a good way to build up to the chorus. What I would change tho for a perfect final version: more proeminent orchestra, take off that bass section and just continue with the piano (save it for the verse after the bridge with a couple seconds of only it after "loving you"), add some light organ and maybe some low choir effect, longer intro with slow waltzzy violins (not really waltz just rising and falling), a short instrumental section (like the intro) after first chorus, more reverb on the vocals and a orchestral outro a la Beautiful demo. #LeakUFB2021 ended up not being the magnumpussist event of the cuntlenium for me ): still nice tho
  7. #1 Arcadia (good song but the chorus is nowhere near as good as the verses and pre chorus, which are magnificent - I remember being so fucking obsessed with the snippet when Lana posted at the time that I even started considering it my favorite song of all time without even listening to the full thing - huge disappointment, good song still, not one I replay, but cute) Dealer (hated it at first, but then I started liking it for the camp and the "i don't wanna live" screams were so iconic I just couldn't keep hating on it) Fine China (James Ford) (nice but too poppy and upbeat, production doesn't really fit with the song and the lyrics) Unidentified Flying Bill (didn't really like Barrie feature and hated the bridge, not a bad song tho, just not what I expected) Dark City (melody is so epic, what a shame it's so rough overall/unfinished) Everything I Do (don't like the chorus and the production, verse and pre chorus are amazing tho) Hollywood's Dead (final) (somehow rougher than the demo) Hollywood (later version) (wasn't really expectig a synthwave remix) Your Girl (Rick version) (great but lacked some of the elements that made me fall in love with the edit at first place like the organ, the sound quality upgrade was worth it tho) Unfixable (too simple for the hype that people created around it, cute tho, very Lizzy) Cry Kill Die (the chorus isn't really good, no bridge and production is bad, a guilty pleasure tho, kinda camp) ... And (don't kill me) ...
  8. The way I lowkey got 4 (Zombieboy), 10 (The Beast) and 14 (Garden of Eden) right lol Here's the Cake EP (early 2013 surprise drop as a tease for ARTPOP) 1. Partynauseous (feat. Kendrick Lamar) (Artrave Version) 2. Hallelujah (Final - reworked to be more trap) 3. Cake Like Lady Gaga 4. Ratchet (feat. Azealia Banks) 5. Manicure (Reworked Trap Demo/Remix) 6. Applause (Trap Remix)
  9. Uptaded HM 1. Honeymoon (BBC) 2. Freak Like Me (Demo 1) 3. Music to Watch Boys To (Radio Edit) 4. Dark City 5. Wild One (2015 Mix) 6. Beautiful People (Demo) 7. God Knows I Tried (Demo) 8. Cry Kill Die 9. Come With Me 10. Crazy for You 11. If I Die Young (Full) 12. Say Yes to Heaven (James Ford) 13. California (Demo) 14. Life is Beautiful (2015) (Bonus) 15. Big Eyes (Demo) (Bonus) 16. The Good Life (Bonus)
  10. Also, "it turns out everywhere you go, you take yourself, it's not a lie"
  11. "Life is beautiful but you don't have a clue" - Black Beauty "I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name" & "I've got nothing much to live for ever since I found my fame" - GKIT "I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy I'm tired of driving till I see stars in my eyes All I've got to do is keep myself sane baby So I just ride, I just ride" - Ride "Paradise is a hell collored flame sky" - AFFA "Think I'll miss you forever like stars miss the sun in the morning skies" - Sumertime Sadness
  12. YourGirl666


    I know it hasn't been a year and era isn't even over yet, but I just cannot wait for what's next. Like, I don't even know what to expect or to manifestate, I just want it now.
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