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Baby Ruth

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  1. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i love beautiful and violets for roses i see on here many people dont like those songs but i think theyre really pretty and sweet and a little bit somber and i cant stop listening to them 
  2. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Coachella has potential imo. I think if it had production like TNC, it'd be way higher on my LFL ranking because I get what she was going for lyrically, it just could've been executed better. 
  3. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The problem is that cheap instrumental with these deep thoughts together. Acoustic guitar (and a crackling camp fire) is all this song needs.
    She did better with Looking for America.
  4. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by boom like that in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love This Is What Makes Us Girls 
  5. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Lana's "Mystery Illness" in 2014   
    This logic is so weird. I'm assuming you don't listen to any leaked songs considering they're "an invasion of lana's privacy"?
  6. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana's "Mystery Illness" in 2014   
    Is it? Is it really though?
    Anyway, Lana did an interview with BHMAGAZINO in 2014 where she revealed she was suffering from gastric ulcers, which is probably what this was:
    ”I’m on tour in America since the first days of April, it’s the first time I play so many shows and everything goes exceptionally well. These past two years I don’t feel very well physically, I suffer from gastric ulcer, but I can make it through concerts who’s capacity can be over 9,000 people. I smoke, I drink a lot of coffee. I eat chocolate and pizza. My way of living when I’m not on tour isn’t that right.”
    In the same interview, she also mentioned suffering with depression as well:
    ”I feel like I make happy songs, but when others listen to them, they think they’re sad. I can’t escape from my life, which has been wavy. Three years after my debut album, I’m still suffering from self-doubt and depression. Ahead of me there’s uncertainty and a feeling of emptiness. I don’t like it when I don’t know where I’m going. My love life, my family – are so fragile. I’m not sure of anything.”
  7. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Instagram Updates   
    this woman never stops recording (not complaining!)
  8. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Instagram Updates   
    Why is literally every thread turning into a hostile piano/song debate what the fuck 
  9. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by robertenglandgrant in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    To be fair, Rob was involved in BB despite Lana sh*t talking his wife and saying that he turned his back while his daughter was being abused. Slutty bops are not off the table!
  10. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by American Whore in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    lol there's no way that's happening. 
  11. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    It confuses me that people in general prefer the first half of LFL, I definitely prefer the second half it’s like some of her best work! 
  12. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yeah, if Lust for Life didn't have those three or four cringe songs in the middle of the album (IMF, Coachella, WTWWAW and GBA (to a lesser extent, I would have still kept this one), and included Roses Bloom For You, Yosemite + Best American Record, it would be one of her best
  13. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Frangipani in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Do Not Come
    Her edging anthem
  14. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    He used three keys on the piano instead of his usual two 
  15. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    i wish jack never used the word bombastic 
  16. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    I heard from an insider that every song on the album actually features a 10 minute rap from Jack talking about pine trees 
  17. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    imo every song on bb individually are so good, but together as an album it’s just so random
  18. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    I think people should stop equating critical acclaim with superior music. Just like they should stop equating awards with talent.
    NFR is her most accessible work to date, I don't get why some of you guys get up in arms about that. Doesn't mean it's bad or that it sucks, just means that as far as music or lyric style goes it's her most accesible or palatable album thus far, even Chemtrails wasn't as subdued or watered down, much less Blue Banisters. Which partly explains their moderate success.
    Y'all  act as if before Jack came along Lana was nothing, she had no vision, her creative process was subpar or even uninteresting, her albums weren't so good or whatever and I think that's bullshit. Jack didn't make her better, he made her more accesible. 
    Quite frankly tired of people acting like NFR is the gold standard of albums and whatever came prior or will come after (even if produced by Jack) will pale in comparison to cRiTaCalLy aCcLaiMed NFR. Please.
    Lana was a full fledged artist long before Jack came along and she will long after as well. 

  19. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    No attack but you made this sound as if that's a fact when it's mostly true for the mainstream media. NFR is (in my opinion!) in no way the peak of her career musically. UV and Honeymoon (and also AKA) are. They have yet to be dethroned. The only reason why NFR is so popular is because Lana was trying to be more mainstream and was also trying to be "insta baddie" which attracted more casual listeners. The album and Lana herself were palatable and "easy to digest" at the time. But I personally don't need that. I actually came for the cinematography, the richness, the dark and controversial lyrics.
    So if the new album exceeds NFR that's great but to me that wouldn't automatically make it a new career highlight.
    Again, this is MY opinion but I'm sure that many longtime fans don't see NFR as her best album to date either.
    And tbh - I don't give a shit about what the mainstream media and casual listeners think of her music or lyrics. I understand Lana would care (although not sure if she really does tbh) but I don't. I don't want anything careful, I want the full fucking drama. No Grammy needed.
  20. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by COCC in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    I agree with you that she defines the musical main direction of the album. But I also think that he creatively influences her - e.g. contributes his own ideas, shows interesting songs or writes melodies for her.
    After all, we know what was at the beginning of NFR, when she wasn‘t even in the mood to write new songs: he surprised her with a melody and that‘s when she started getting a vision for NFR. So it is probably a mutual process.
  21. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    So it's Lorde's fault if her albums aren't great but it's Jack's when Lana's aren't? Interesting take
    I'd say it's 50/50 artist/producer but the point is he's not some musical magician 
  22. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    They’re at Jim Henson Studios where they’ve worked on songs together in the past such as White Dress, Venice Bitch, The Greatest, and How Disappear x
  23. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    So what I'm hearing is we're in for the serve of the century  
  24. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    Why does everyone forget that Jack did NFR and COCC
    Melo and Solar Power
    He is hit and miss, quite frankly
    I just don't think he's the genius people make him out to be; his own music fucking sucks 
    But I'm glad they're having fun and that she found someone she clearly enjoys working with
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