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About sack

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  • Birthday 08/28/2003

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  1. sack


    forever mourning the discography she could’ve had if she didn’t sell out she was my favorite artist for a good 5 years until 2020 when everything went south
  2. sack

    Charli XCX

    sucker is better than brat
  3. the fact that she had to go on her instagram story to address people coming for her appearance makes me wanna sob. every haggard twink attacking her deserves a slow torturous death
  5. sack


  6. sack


    absolutely despise her
  7. sack

    Kim Petras

    the new music video is awkward and uncomfortable as fuck, her music went to complete shit in 2021 after future starts now, her lyrics have absolutely no depth or charisma whatsoever, her label has no clue what to do with her, her outfits are always questionable, and she works with the most disgusting people in the industry in a pathetic attempt to boost her fame when in reality the bunhead era will always be her most likable and i doubt she’ll ever be able to top it because she completely sold out for notoriety
  8. sack

    Melanie Martinez

    this is her artistic peak she excels with a lower budget- there isn’t a single flaw with this music video and i stand by that also the production never gets old. the violins coming in at 2:51?? hello???
  9. sack

    Melanie Martinez

    i saved one song
  10. sack

    Melanie Martinez

    k-12 was nice but ultimately mediocre and aged pretty badly it’s still a thousand times better than this era so far though. i’m just hoping melanie proves me wrong once the new album is out and i fall in love with the entire project. also crybaby will forever be her best work the production DEVOURS all of her new stuff
  11. sack

    Melanie Martinez

    her singing is so off to me in the first 2 singles like something is very very wrong with her vocals but i can’t put my finger on it
  12. sack

    Melanie Martinez

    void is NOT it i’m gonna have a meltdown over the fact that i hate the first 2 singles
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