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  1. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Embach in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't think that NFR is her best album. I love NFR but there are other albums that deserve that title. But I do understand why people, fans and the critics called NFR her best album.
  2. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by bia in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I prefer raw live shows without all the dancers and background singers. I miss the simplicity of her first tours.
    I also don’t care about the fact that she doesn’t do proper promotion and just does what she wants. I feel like her fans somehow want her to be more like a mainstream pop star when it comes to promoting albums etc but I really don’t care about that and actually like the fact that she doesn’t do mainstream promotion.
    However, I really miss the visual aspect of BTD/Paradise era. I love the beautiful aesthetic of BTD video and how beautiful (and red haired ) she looks on it. I love how visually beautiful is Blue Jeans video - I’ve read it looks like a perfume advertising and do so agree and love it. I love the storytelling of National Anthem. I love the “story” told by Ride MV, its monologue (one of my favorite lyrics written by her), her visuals and the video itself visuals. I love how sexy is Burning Desire.
    I think she’s released good MV afterwards like West Coast and Shades of Cool, but for me they didn’t get even close to BTD/Paradise MVs. I thought that she would get there again in COCC but when they turned into werewolves I got so pissed lol it was so ridiculous and disappointing that I never saw that MV again
    She’s become more mainstream in shows and less in MVs, the opposite of what I prefer lol
  3. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    they hated jesus too 
  4. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by sunday afternoon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think it's a shame that she's getting really popular right now when her music is at its lowest, I mean she'll always make quality music but her first albums up to LFL were on such a level, frankly little artists managed to release records like that. (I haven't listened to Ocean...still I'm late) 
    All those people who hated Ultraviolence back then, and Paradise, LFL the whole heyday of her career grrr, it kinda pisses me off to see trends on her on the networks now when the best is over. She wins, that's the main thing, but people didn't understand who she really was. She's not just an aesthetic person. 
    Of the 3 albums: NFR!, COTCC, Blue Banisters remains my favorite. Not the best but definitely the most Lana. It's peaceful, a bit old in sound, underrated. I like the way it came out, all in discretion. An intimate side like AKA. 
    "Say yes to heaven" is the most soporific, boring demo of all time, of all the demos I didn't want her to use this one but it's done and people are happy with it. 
    It's a beautiful song but there is better. 
    Fine China, Your girl, Cult leader (and others) cannot be trashed 
    I find her writing a little overrated, I like this way of revealing himself now, while putting his Lanadelreyesque elements (the colors, the cities, the boyfriends, the cars, the family, the animals) but I think that she has done better in the past, Black beauty, Brooklyn baby, it goes straight to the point and it's beautiful to listen to.
    I would like her to go further and open up a little more to the world while keeping her touch. 
    I preferred when she hung out with guys like Barrie, she hung out with better musicians. Jack doesn't inspire her that much. 
    The result of all this is that she seems happier, calmer and in tune with herself. She will have other moments in the future I'm sure. 
  5. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Arcadia is basically unlistenable
    The lyrics are forgettable, repetitive and pointless, and the delivery is whiny 
    The best thing about it is the actual title
    I feel like Clayton probably told her it was good and/or secretly co-wrote it because I find it difficult to believe that she approved it for release
  6. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    And she really doesn't. Someone already mentioned that the younger fans have no idea about Lana's impact from 2011-15/16. She was so enigmatic and the albums and Tropico really sent you into a completely different world. It was so exciting.
    To me, all of that is gone. NFR onwards aren't that exciting anymore. I listen to BTD, P, UV, HM to dive into different worlds. If I need some pleasant noise in the background while studying I might listen to the rest.
    I'm not attacking Lana. I hope she is happy where she and with what she is doing is right now. But a big part of her music and lyrics nowadays just don't hold a candle to her earlier stuff. Which is also the reason why songs like TNBAR (demo though), Bartender, Yosemite, Nectar of the Gods, Living Legend and Thunder (demo though) are album peaks - they weren't written recently.
  7. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by bluedealer in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I was thinking about it while listening to Paradise EP every day lately. I actually really like her diary-entry lyrics now way more than in NFR/COCC times. Her honesty really hits me hard.
    BUT for real speaking of Paradise's lyrics... There are lots of allegories, symbolism and hidden meanings which allows you to interpret it in your own way. She was inspired by Whitman's poetry wich is way more interesting than Jenny jumping into the pool sorry 
    And speaking of Jessica Lange's Gods and Monsters I love it. Some of you don't realize that she was playing a German woman in the 50s and this song suits her story well. I really appreciate her accent, she did a really good job.
  8. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think her old songwriting (2018 and before) is far better than her current songwriting and it's somewhat frustrating that people are lauding her as a songwriting genius for her current work because honestly shit like BTD, UV and Honeymoon were actual fucking genius whereas I feel like a lot of the current diary-entry lyrics and automatic writing or whatever could be written by pretty much anyone and is only interesting because of the vivid world she created throughout the previous eras mentioned so people place it in that context and act like it's genius when to me it's more like margin notes

  9. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Breaking my silence simply to say, all you 16 year olds will never understand the impact of Lana’s artistry in early 2010s, before you were even in grade school. The only “problematic” thing about the Ride video and Lana’s early career in general is the headdress thing, but everything else, she was a nearly 30 year old woman perfectly capable of making her own decisions and she had a very strong vision for her art, which everyone absolutely ate up at the time. Obviously Lana still has insane impact, but it was different and a different kind of it 10+ years ago. She was just putting her truth into her music and visuals, while obviously slightly embellishing things in the name of creating an immersive world, just because something from over a decade ago makes you uncomfortable, that doesn’t mean any of your criticism of it is valid. Lana Del Rey wouldn’t be Lana Del Rey without the artist she was back then, and you sound exactly like what the gross journalists sounded like back then. The boomerfication of Gen Z and weird rise in purity culture is so real, no high school aged people should be speaking on how Lana approached her career before they could count to 100 unless they’ve made a conscious effort to understand her. If “grotesque” art from grown ass women bothers you then i don’t think Lana is the artist for you
  10. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'm critical of Jack Antonoff, but I don't "hate" Jack Antonoff as a producer for Lana. I have issues with the execution at times, but I'm also a sucker for the NFR title track, Venice Bitch, White Dress, A&W, Grandfather, etc. However, I do think it's time for something new--regardless of the fact that he is a talented and versatile musician and how comfortable and chill she feels with him in the studio, we've heard the range and dare I say the limitations regarding his input to her music.
    I think as an artist she'd do herself a service by getting out of her comfort zone. Like, not for nothing, the songs that actually left me shook and/or that truly felt impactful, besides A&W, were there non-Jack produced tracks: The Grants, Candy Necklace, Fingertips and Let The Light In.
  11. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Me personally I think she ate with the "News Flash!"  
  12. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I want to like Fishtail but the production for me sounds like it was finish, then recorded through a phone, and was then on the album. And as for Kintsugi, I haven’t seen but hype at all for it, at least since it was released 
  13. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Well this is definitely an unpopular opinion 
  14. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    That entire era…
  15. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think that album was so special because literally every outtake is album worthy. I think almost every song written for that album is a 10. Even Guns And Roses is actually a fantastic song imo
  16. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by ionut in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    not really cringe but
  17. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Mer in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Completely valid, it looks like it tastes like the most delicious, sweet and sour lollipop ever 
  18. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    most of these cringe comments are making me miss the times when tiktok wasn't a thing
  19. Embach liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Unironically yes, and no. I personally kinda like that pre-fame vibe of A.K.A and her earlier songs so putting them into the spotlight kinda ruins the vibe / feel of the song(s) for me, but on the other hand, I do agree with you that gatekeeping is overall cringe, and that people should be able to listen whatever they want without people spamming the comments with "if you found this song from tiktok, you aren't a true fan" / "gatekeep this from tiktok!!!" or "if tiktok finds this, I will kill myself"
  20. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Unironically yes, and no. I personally kinda like that pre-fame vibe of A.K.A and her earlier songs so putting them into the spotlight kinda ruins the vibe / feel of the song(s) for me, but on the other hand, I do agree with you that gatekeeping is overall cringe, and that people should be able to listen whatever they want without people spamming the comments with "if you found this song from tiktok, you aren't a true fan" / "gatekeep this from tiktok!!!" or "if tiktok finds this, I will kill myself"
  21. jellyfish liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Aka Lizzy Grant Symbolized By The Planets In The Solar System   
    The Sun - Queen Of The Gas Station
    Life, Health, Growth, Energy, Confidence, Clarity, & Positivity

    The Moon - Yayo & Put Me In A Movie
    Eternity, Immortality, Femininity, Illumination, Enlightment, "The Dark Side Of Nature"
    Mercury - Jump
    Flexibility, Intellect, Communication, Memory, & Capability

    Venus - Kill Kill
    Love, Romance, Beauty, Pleasure, Passion, & Creativity

    Earth - Oh Say Can You See
    The Foundation For Life, Stability, Strength, Prosperity, Fertility, & Growth

    Mars - Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
    Aggression, Assertion, Masculinity, Action, Energy, Passion, & Physicality

    Jupiter - Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    Abundance, Luck, Authority, Wealth, Generosity, & Knowledge

    Saturn - Pawn Shop Blues
    Responsibility, Maturity, Organization, Structure, & Discipline

    Uranus - Brite Lites & Smarty
    Rebellion, Creativeness, Progressiveness, Individuality, & Originality
    Neptune - Mermaid Motel
    Intuition, Dreams, Spirituality, Glamour, & Artistry

    Pluto - For K, Pt. 2
    Transformation, Obsession, Rebirth, Darkness, Clairvoyance, & Reflection

    (i tried my best, some of them have two songs bc there's only 11 planets/objects in our solar system, hopefully these make sense!)
  22. Elina liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in What Are You Listening To?   
    A Star for Nick - May Jailer (Lana Del Rey)
  23. The Siren liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in What Are You Listening To?   
    A Star for Nick - May Jailer (Lana Del Rey)
  24. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in What Are You Listening To?   
    A Star for Nick - May Jailer (Lana Del Rey)
  25. PatentLeatherDoOver liked a post in a topic by jellyfish in What Are You Listening To?   
    A Star for Nick - May Jailer (Lana Del Rey)
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