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Stoned Mary in the Garden

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About Stoned Mary in the Garden

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/11/1997

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  • Location
    Glimmering by the swimming pool
  • Interests
    Lana, Mike Patton, Stardew Valley, stupid reality shows, photography, astrology, my kitty cats, state fairs, swap meets, film noir, making out in parking lots
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  1. This is the most impressive vocal performance from her in years. I was literally speechless
  2. Idc I’m still excited but I really hope we get more than one mv with good production pls not Chuck or Lana filming on an iphone
  3. I had a dream she covered old town road with mgk. It wasn’t a dream, it was a nightmare.
  4. Ohhh okay I didn’t know that’s what we were calling it. Thank you Thank you!!
  5. Same!! I love pc for the mods but honestly it’s already a perfect game and doesn’t really need mods. The meadow farm is SO cute. Who are you marrying this time? Lol I usually go for Leah or Harvey. And the music aaahhh it’s so good (the fall music is my fav)
  6. This straight up sounds like an AI Lana song and I’m eating it up LOL
  7. I’ve lost so many friends from this. Politics is once again doing exactly what it sets out to do; divide and conquer. Like a narcissist parent.
  8. i am stanning now wow thank you babes
  9. Can anyone help me get back into Taylor? Lol I know that’s a weird question. I loved her first three albums so bad. I even went to a show on her fearless tour. But now the only song I know that’s “newer” is cardigan. Which I love. But idk where to start omg
  10. I would be surprised if she voted at all. It doesn’t affect her. We are the peasants begging for crumbs and she’s part of the people who have the banquet. Lol. The only thing I like about celebrities is their ability to entertain me
  11. Exactly baby. It’s a good thing. We can stop being divided and start coming together. I guess that’s why I have an anarchy tattoo lol
  12. The saddest part about this in my opinion is we’ll never get a professional, intelligent, classy president again. That era has been long over. The veil is lifting, and people are starting to realize presidents are just actors in America. That’s what we worship. Money and power. But presidents don’t have much say in laws at all. We were torn between two terrible people. The last time I felt safe and calm was when Obama was president- and even he was mostly an actor. We’re just choosing between two evils, it’s so Hollywood fake. I’m exhausted and embarrassed
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