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Cult Leader

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About Cult Leader

  • Rank
    hottest space cowboy
  • Birthday August 18

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    singing in the old bars, swinging with the old stars
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  1. Lowkey just want her to release everything on the 21st like do pre sale next week and drop everything together on the date then give us some nice music videos please
  2. She looks the same to me, it's just the makeup that's throwing people off I think because of the red lipstick yeah
  3. And when the rest of Henry is come on let's go to the jazz age and the album is actually jazz blues and orchestra?????
  4. I'm dumb, but I'd say it's recent bcs of the length and she probably had the colour retouched before! Sometimes going darker requires more than one session, my source is my sister went from blonde to dark brown recently
  5. she's beautiful and the darker hair let's gooooooooooooooooooo
  6. hold up let me beam my consciousness to the Cosmic AC and ask
  7. Ride played on Pretty Little Liars I heard Off to the Races playing on a store at the tube in Seoul And back in the day they used to play Summertime Sadness on the radio a lot
  8. and they're almost always lies too like it's usually something so random and I'm always like how would YOU (the random person who made it up) know that also, I love love
  9. Cult Leader

    The Greatest

    This song makes me feel so much, the piano outro makes me tear up
  10. not to be a hater, but I miss Rick, I really, really do. He was just so good at coming up with rich layered sounds. Imagine a Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson sound and lyrical style and some angelic and kind of sinister orchestral sounds. You could even throw some delta blues and real old folk influences and boom you have a true southern gothic feel
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