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  1. Traveler liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Bleachers - Alma Mater ft. Lana Del Rey [MUSIC VIDEO]   
    lana you have 5 seconds
  2. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Black to Blue in Bleachers - Alma Mater ft. Lana Del Rey [MUSIC VIDEO]   
    This video was actually pretty cute. It makes me appreciate the song just a little more. And of course Lana looked gorgeous as always 
  3. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Bleachers - Alma Mater ft. Lana Del Rey [MUSIC VIDEO]   
    Well, at least Lana and Margaret look beautiful. 
  4. Traveler liked a post in a topic by lake placid in Bleachers - Alma Mater ft. Lana Del Rey [MUSIC VIDEO]   
    well i mean she defiantly she ate up her 3 seconds of MV time in the way she ate up her 3 seconds in the song!
  5. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Stoned Mary in the Garden in Bleachers - Alma Mater ft. Lana Del Rey [MUSIC VIDEO]   
    I mean I thought it was alright. But I didn’t have high expectations lol there’s like a few clips of Lana 
  6. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Lana to be featured on upcoming Bleachers album on song ‘Alma Mater’ - song out November 15th, 2023   
    It might be like the Lust For Life video but instead of her eye being space, her eye is New Jersey❤️
  7. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Unidentified Major Tom in Lana to be featured on upcoming Bleachers album on song ‘Alma Mater’ - song out November 15th, 2023   
    On IG, Jack Antonoff just said that the official MV for "Alma Mater" is out tomorrow at 12 pm on youtube :
    Just look at this post, I'm not sure but that eye at the beginning really looks like Lana's !
  8. Traveler liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    Wow, this is a really good thread and I loved all these responses! Sadly I can't "like" them on PC...
    When I started listening to Lana I was 13. I've always been a very emotional and impulsive guy, since very young age, and always liked "darker" art. Never been a fan of bubblegum/basic/for the masses type of music, not in a pretentious way, but because I was actually very interested in art and wanted to dig deeper into it. Born to Die made me discover a whole new world. Her voice in particular was something I couldn't believe... her lower register was hypnotizing and her higher notes and whispers were constant releases of serotonin. I loved the dramatic nature of her lyrics and even if I didn't relate to what she was singing about, I did relate to the passion she was singing/writing with. This album actually made me start writing my own music, which is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
    My teenage fan era was definitely dedicated to Lana. Ultraviolence - Honeymoon - Lust for Life were wild. Those years were very difficult for me, with school and family and self-esteem, and she helped me find joy in music. Lust for Life in particular was very impactful for me. I was 18, about to turn 19, living in a new city away from my parents, trying to find my style, always in the streets, making new friends, finding "love" and "lust" for the first time... My desire to change, physically and mentally. Also my growing concern about politics and global warming. Lust for Life captured that whole moment for me.
    Now that I'm 25, I see her as my idol. I take her songwriting more serious than ever. That's what made her stay and earn her spot as an icon and upcoming legend; she's always been a visionary and a painter with words. Ocean Blvd will forever stay in my heart. The emotions it made me go through. The introspection. I always had a rough relationship with my parents, and now we love and care for each other, I always go to see them, and finally have a great and normal relationship. Listening to The Grants or Kintsugi is healing.
    Thank you so much Lana.
  9. Traveler liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    Growing up with Lana music is honestly a bless of my life. No bullshit. I feel lucky to have her as my idol - an inspiration - a soul-mother - who nurtured me spiritually.
  10. Traveler liked a post in a topic by drewby in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    I listened to her constantly from 2011-2019. I'd bring her up to anyone who would listen to me.
    I remember playing BTD all the time in my dorm room and people would stop by and ask who it was.
    I remember that insane summer 2013 leakfest where every morning was just more and more leaks including my fave Hawaiian Tropic.
    I remember how chaotic it was getting tix to the Paradise Tour in Atlanta (her first ever show there) and going by myself. The audience was a nightmare but she was magnificent.
    I remember sitting in the press compound at Bonnaroo in 2014 when UV leaked and using the shitty ass WiFi in the press trailer to download it and I loved it to pieces.
    I remember going to the Endless Summer Tour with my then-boyfriend. I met another LB user there who gave me a physical copy she made of AKA that I still have.
    I remember running to the Target by my apartment to buy the Honeymoon CD on release day in my last semester of college and thinking about how dreamy it was.
    I remember just being absolutely feral for LFL and it was all I played that summer when I visited the same-boyfriend at the beach where his internship was.
    I remember being obsessed with the NFR cover and loving every song even though -- at the time -- people on here were annoyed as fuck with all the snippets pre-release.
    Then I really don't know what happened, COVID maybe? A bunch of other artists competing for my attention?
    I'm still here though it's mostly for other genre discussion because the pre-release period and shitposts are just a lot for this 29-year-old.
    I still listen to her occasionally. I will always buy her new albums, buy tickets to see her, buy merch, be interested in everything about the era from covers and interviews and photoshoots. Post-COTCC it's just been harder to get into the full albums and remember all the lyrics, the music doesn't capture me as much as it used to but when I sit there and force myself to listen to it, I love it. I still keep track of every single leak.
    I don't know. Maybe I'm waiting for a huge switch-up moment again like NFR was when it effectively distilled everything from the first few albums into one. Maybe I hated Blue Banisters so much I just started mentally checking out dd.
  11. Traveler liked a post in a topic by barttttender in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    Graet topic.
    For me, it's simple. Lana and I are the exact age (one month apart), so a lot of the themes she's writing and singing about are exactly what I was thinking about from 2011 onwards.
    It's like he albums are the soundtracks to my life. Born to Die - I was still young and restless/reckless, UV I was pretty self-destructive, Honeymoon I happened to be in a relationship with an older man, etc. Norman really solidified her as a great artist and I've realized she's here to stay for a long time. Chemtrails also came at a very rough time where I was in the middle of a big transition (my parents had both passed away), and songs like Chemtrails, White Dress and Wild at Heart helped me through it. Just to get clarity of thought and focus on staying positive, and raelizing it's all part of life.
    More recently, Lana's preoccupation with family etc struck a cord with me, too, as I'm in a new long term relationship, with a cat and potentially a family soon, too.
    The only album I couldn't relate to at all and on any level was Blue Banisters. I just thought it was Lana on autopilot and there was no themes I could connect to. The record is a kind of jamble of her old stuff and some new throwaway stuff. But, hey, every artist is allowed one flop. I saw today that Arcadia is like the 90th something most listened to  LDR songs on Spotfiy, whereas Say Yes to Heaven is already among top 25 tracks.That just proved to me what a flop that record was.
    But again, 8/9 albums is a some incredible staying power. I've never listened to any band or musician for this long.
  12. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Mer in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    Ooooh this is a wonderful topic. 
    I would say that the biggest change for me is how I relate to some of her earlier work. I was 13/14 when I got into BTD and when UV came out, so obviously a HUGE amount of those themes and contexts were completely lost on me. In many ways, I was both very socially mature and also a bit of a late-bloomer--so while I could completely understand what she meant in her lyrics, I wouldn't experience them for another 7 or so years. Lyrics like "if you'd call for me I'd run" were relatable in different ways when I was 13 vs. when I was 20 and I had had real heartbreak/relationships, even tho I always knew the meaning. There is an element of "lived experience" that no amount of sympathy or fantasy can really match. When I listen to songs on UV and BTD now, they cut me open differently--and I re-open scars from experiences past, rather than imagine what the knife would simply feel like. 
    One of the reasons LFL is so highly regarded for me is likely due to the fact that that was the first album to come out after I had that sort of "coming-of-age" and I could actually really genuinely relate to her songs for the first time. At that point I was moving to the opposite coast for college, I had had my first BF and of course my first sexual experience, and given that we were not going to the same school in the fall, I was also going through my first real heartbreak (juvenile stuff, now, I know). But I think that's why, in my journey with Lana's music, that album is the one that stands out the most to me bc of where I was at the time it was released. 
  13. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    I think it all started when I got real surprised that there was a singer that was actually singing what I felt, if even from a sadder pov. it was refreshing. tiwmug was the first song that I walked to under the hot sun in some sort of industrial area for a job interview etc. 

    bc I live in california, uv's beach sound resonated a lot bc of it

    I associate places to her albums and times, hm and lfl no different. 

    NFR for the same reasons and time too. pandemic, Chemtrails was a great camp and wandering album. BB for healing a lot and reconciling 

    Ocean Blvd's also been a great release bc of it's release. 

    I personally think that I've grown a lot and her music's helped me understand things from a softer perspective when things got a little bit too similar, like somehow, her album's were just what was needed for what I was going thru a little after the time of their release, so at least for me, it's made the music a lot deeper for me bc I'd feel so understood. it makes it feel magical because of this, and almost kinda heaven-sent really.. so music wise, from the sound, soundscape, to the in between the lines, melodies and all that, I think I'll always remember and know that I got smarter and more wary bc of it. 

    I feel like ocean blvd.'s been a great collection of thoughts, and a revisiting of self, after being painted on by external factors for so long. so, in a way, it's personally cleansing, and makes me feel understood, with this one, more existentially, ethically, philosophically. like it's been a wholesome culmination of things. that it's still very much important to always try to be more than what's imposed and projected onto you. 

    I know how much I've grown from her music, and from a developmental sense, it's been a kind of guiding light, or at least a source of promoting discernment. I think Lana's grown out of stuff she might've sang from before, and at least for me, I feel like I've grown out of things too. 

    what I take out of it is that, even if it's unconventional, or not really readily understood, that the softer moments, the overlooked situations are still incredibly valid and worthy of still looking into. it's ok that you might feel differently, not everything is warranted to be the same, it's ok and important to be able to convey how you feel, it's a strength. in a world that tells you how to be, cultivate and grow into yourself. even if they won't understand until later, go into it still. 

    it's important to find the beauty in things, and be able to respect yourself in adversity, and situations that might not be the best. hard work pays off even if it feels like it doesn't a lot at times. it's important to know yourself and come from a place of love. you might be punished for it, but at the very least, at least you'll be at ease with yourself at the end of the day. (not a lot of people have that more and more I realize that it's very much important so cherish it). enjoy life as passionately as you can. 

    I think, even if she's this superstar, what I really like about her's that she still somehow manages to keep her humanity still, and it manages to shine thru with what she puts out. a bit alienated, but still having that inner beauty and truly under appreciated wisdom she has cautiously makes her one of few role models to me in that sense. 

    the more I listen, the more sense of relief and joy I get after filtering this and that personally. 

    so that. at least so far if anything 
  14. Traveler liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    So I think this question could be perceived in different ways:
    How has growing up influenced your view? Are there songs/albums you enjoy less or more than before? How has time based on things such as world events or personal experiences changed those perceptions?   
  15. Traveler liked a post in a topic by filanity in How has your journey with Lana's music evolved?   
    I feel like when you‘re exposed to her art at a very young age it‘s easy to take it all at face value and fall for the aesthetics of her lyrics and references without any critical thinking behind it. I‘m definitely guilty of the whole tumblr nymphette thing, that was my shit at 14, but now that I see all the same things happening on tik tok I‘m mature enough to distance myself from that stuff. So I think growing up with her has helped me measure my growth. I‘ve actually read Lolita now and I don‘t just take her aesthetics and her persona at pure face value. Actually having been in situations where older guys tried to get with me has defined how I see the whole Nymphette/Coquette thing now and I‘ve come to find it both sad and tasteless. I don‘t think it‘s Lanas fault though, I think it‘s just a result teens being teens. Because now I feel I understand her even more than I did when I was younger, especially BTD and Ultraviolence. However I also think I‘m too young to truly get certain works of hers. I‘m not thinking about forever-love and kids and marriage, so I‘m kind of excited to get older and „unlock“ that, I guess. It‘s a little like having a spiritual older sisters who‘s now going through all the things I‘ll probably be going through in a decade, makes me feel very supported, like she‘s something I can always fall back on.
  16. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in 2nd poetry book "Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution" with Simon & Schuster - OUT MARCH 2021 [POSTPONED]   
    I had a dream last night that Lana announced her second poetry book in an Instagram post. She wrote that instead of attempting to rewrite the drafts from Iron Gates, she started from scratch and wrote an entire new book while she was on tour over the summer. She noted certain cities & states that fueled a lot of inspiration for her including Alabama, Burgettstown PA, Charleston WV, Charlotte NC, Columbia MD, Dallas TX, and Indiana(?) The caption in total was really long. She also noted that she would try to revisit Iron Gates one day, but was so excited to share her new collection with us as soon as she could. This new book was titled North Star and was being released through an indie Japanese publisher (it started with an U, something like Umaruane) and she put the link to preorder from the publisher’s website in her bio, but the site was all in Japanese. North Star would also have an audiobook edition with accompaniment from Jack Antonoff again. The post featured a video with the audiobook version of the title track of the book set to a visual of different scenery she had taken while travelling on tour with an orangeish vintage noise filter overlay. The poem was reminiscent of the speech she gave at her Dallas show and featured the line “never forget to let passion be your true North Star” from her speech and talked about Icarus as she did in her recent interview. Her voice in the recording was very light and delicate. The instrumental accompaniment was beautiful and similar to those on Violet but more lush.
    I then made the pre-release thread for it and member Embach was the first to reply lol. Within seconds, the thread already had multiple pages of everyone freaking out about the release. Some people were also speculating she might tour in Japan soon because of the publisher. Her announcement also gained her 11 million new followers on Instagram skkk.
    Anyway, just thought I’d share this dream with you all. I’ve been longing for another new poetry release from Lana, so I’m hoping this dream was a bit of foreshadowing that one comes soon
  17. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by Traveler in If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?   
    When I read this, I do so in Lana's voice... 
  18. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Traveler in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I would have absolutely NO issues if she deactivated all of her social media once again... A lot of people behind keyboards are obnoxious, rude, and for a lack of better words dumb!!!
  19. Traveler liked a post in a topic by jimmyjimmycocoapuff in If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?   
    she would probably tell me to: get high, drop acid, never die, not tonight... LAKE PLACIDDDD!!!!!!!!
    /uj probably something like stay close to the people you love, do what makes you happy, live a fulfilling life 
  20. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Traveler in If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?   
    When I read this, I do so in Lana's voice... 
  21. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?   
    When you know, you know
    So if you don't know, don't give up
    'Cause you never know what the new day might bring
    Maybe tomorrow you'll know
  22. Traveler liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?   
    Stick with the winners
    Go where it's warm
    Don't go to the hardware store for the bread
    Don't date mean people
    Run at the sign of anyone who ever yells at you or gets mad at you
    Try and just have nice friends
    Don't give people advice, it's like a sin in the bible

    (I miss her live chats)
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