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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Not to sound like a bitch or anything, but I'd rather have something fresh. No leftovers from past eras etc. I think every album deserves that at least. Maybe she can release older songs as standalone songs, but I'd want NfR to be something really we've never already heard before.


I mean there are deluxe versions, but yeah hope the main record is all new


This is indirect shade and im not havin it

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You're so stupid, I meant she already mentioned Norman Rockwell in Venice Bitch

ultrababy get your eyes fixed

fkhfdsbfk  :deadbanana:

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Not to sound like a bitch or anything, but I'd rather have something fresh. No leftovers from past eras etc. I think every album deserves that at least. Maybe she can release older songs as standalone songs, but I'd want NfR to be something really we've never already heard before.

I mean there are deluxe versions, but yeah hope the main record is all new

We were never meant to hear it anyway

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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i’m think NFR sis gonna be what LFL wanted to be. a cohesive album compiled with different styles but somehow how works as a whole record. i think jack is great at cohesiveness and her having such a new insight with his advice and direction, this albums gonna be so good. as long as these smelly onion hoes keep their grimey claws off the songs and don’t leak anything then we should receive her best record since Honeymoon 291yis2.gif


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What? She literally repeats Venice Bitch throughout the whole song.

Lolito get your facts straight


You're so stupid, I meant she already mentioned Norman Rockwell in Venice Bitch

ultrababy get your eyes fixed




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Lana better release a song tomorrow for Halloween, it's my birthday and every year, I have the hope a singer I love releases a song for this day.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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i still can't believe you all really think she's gonna release a song this month. we can never take lana seriously when she says she might do something unless it's an official announcement. so stop hoping that a song will come out tomorrow cause it isn't lol.

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Ok but yo, I wonder why she's been teasing so many tracks as of late, especially when the release is still months away. I want to say a January release might be responsible, but that's only if everything's been done.

I'm glad we don't know much about NfR til, but if the release is already close, at the very least roughly 2 months, would an official release date be something we'd b getting pretty soon?


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