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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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a saturday? They probably just got confused with March 29 in all honesty

the june 29th will be the new march 29th for me once we’re past friday. lol.

i need something to look forward to. we love delusion.


miss born to lose

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the june 29th will be the new march 29th for me once we’re past friday. lol.

i need something to look forward to. we love delusion.

watch Lana release it then to troll us for saying the top of 2019. Some people consider the top to be the first half, so it'd still technically count

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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Florida Kilos is straight up a contender for her best song of all time.

To quote Miss Daytona Elizabeth “Lizzy” Sparkle Jump Rope Queen Lana Del Rey Woolridge Grant, “ew. no.”

The instrumental is the only thing it has going for it

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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at this point, Lana is pissing me off... we get she has her own world but it feels like she does not care about her ART and her VISIONS 

may have to start stanning SKY FERREIRA...


maybe she wants the poetry book out before the record, but she truly could not give a F about what her fans know, and its interesting to witness

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well downhill lullaby outsold mac and venice bitch combined sorry



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