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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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With all this talk of a secret show, maybe all this extreme unprofessionalism is just a front. Behind it all is an extremely planned out album with a real boxset this time included Lana's book, a CD, lithographs that aren't just iPhone 7 photos taken by Chuck, and a c*l*r v*nyl. There's gonna be a tour summer 2020. There'll be exclusive listening parties. It all makes sense. After LFL seeming like a career suicide to Lana fans, she's reincarnating with this current era. We've all been convinced she's killed off the Lana Del Rey persona but really she's ~reinventing~.


now that my post-morning juice delusion is out of my system let's all think about how good the Honeymoon era was and how we took it for granted

I love you so much, I do. I want this to be true so bad & I hope it is but my sweet darling, this woman can’t be bothered to even tweet us a brief update. I just don’t see it happening. The al boom is going to be a blurry picture of her laughing & there will be 8/13 tracks of jack playing the piano while she farts in the background. You can come over to cry with me if you want, nfr crying party

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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I love you so much, I do. I want this to be true so bad & I hope it is but my sweet darling, this woman can’t be bothered to even tweet us a brief update. I just don’t see it happening. The al boom is going to be a blurry picture of her laughing & there will be 8/13 tracks of jack playing the piano while she farts in the background. You can come over to cry with me if you want, nfr crying party

NFR grieving party



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September is still ok and are we really surprised by this? She better not go any further than the 1-year anniversary of MAC's and VB's release. That is the limit to me.

Yes September is fine, it was nearly the end of June when she announced two months so I guess it was more from a July perspective, or two big months more than exactly two months

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Who else agrees that this is going to be Lana's Lizzy-est album yet?


I'm so excited, I think it's going to be musical perfection

lizzy was killed in 2011, shes never coming back

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i really dont think lana cares about it flopping. the momentum is gone. people are tired. i feel like this whole era is like sexting lana but she replies back 6 months later and now your boner is gone. she hasnt done interviews or promotions, seems like she just doesnt give a shit about how many people buy it or how critics and fans rate it, imo


I wonder if she's aware of it... Like, she has to be, right? I'm sure this has been super fun for her (the puta), and she probably thought it was fun for us too at first... But does she think we're like, only mildly bummed out and still 100000% excited like we've been in stasis since last September? Does she realize how over it people are? How stale it feels when she hasn't even released it yet? It's ridiculous. I have to say, and this isn't me being petty, Miss Elazybeth's in for quite a surprise if she expects this album to sell well. Anything is possible, of course, and I'm no psychic...but it can't not flop. I'm sure the critics will love it, but if this isn't one of her worst selling albums, I'll eat my figurative hat. I hope she enjoys her little flop, which she so masterfully orchestrated....she can't blame anyone but herself.


I doubt she'll care though.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Why would she give a fuck about sales and if she's flopping or not. She already made her mark, she already had her impact, she already made her money and she'll always have that strong fanbase who will buy tickets to her shows. She's at a point where she can just do whatever, and that's exactly what she's doing.


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Would it kill her to post the cover


Reading back on some older posts and some delusionals really think she’s using her Instagram as a part of the marketing campaign for this era LMFAO. Nah girl, she just really ain’t got a plan. Like why didn’t she just assign a team from her label to handle the rollout like most signed artists do. She would’ve had to do less work to begin with and it would’ve been a lot less stressful for us as well.

Even artists like Bjork and Fiona Apple don’t announce shit and go missing for eons at a time in between singles.

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as much as this wait has been literal hell if she released the album on the same day she released mary jane’s appointment conflict that would be kinda cute and i wouldn’t be AS mad....... idk


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Can she please run me over cause I'm tirED of waiting.

...I would caution you against challenging fate like that, especially if you live anywhere near her.


"Hit & Run" was a confession.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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September is still ok and are we really surprised by this? She better not go any further than the 1-year anniversary of MAC's and VB's release. That is the limit to me.


This!!! I swear if it’s a full year later, that’s when I’ll be angry. Just bc her lack of planning pushed her album back an entire YEAR


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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My name is Phag and I work for Hillsong’s LGBTQIA+ club and I just wanted to let you know that Lana’s new single will be a cover of the Catholic classic “Pan De Vida”, which will all be in Spanish in protest against Trump and will not be on Norman Fucking Rockwell (which is actually coming out never). I will send you more info if you Venmo/PayPal me thank you! :))


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Why would she give a fuck about sales and if she's flopping or not. She already made her mark, she already had her impact, she already made her money and she'll always have that strong fanbase who will buy tickets to her shows. She's at a point where she can just do whatever, and that's exactly what she's doing.

It's not really about her though, but about her label. Even if Lana has made her money, Interscope is still going to want more

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I wonder if she's aware of it... Like, she has to be, right? I'm sure this has been super fun for her (the puta), and she probably thought it was fun for us too at first... But does she think we're like, only mildly bummed out and still 100000% excited like we've been in stasis since last September? Does she realize how over it people are? How stale it feels when she hasn't even released it yet? It's ridiculous. I have to say, and this isn't me being petty, Miss Elazybeth's in for quite a surprise if she expects this album to sell well. Anything is possible, of course, and I'm no psychic...but it can't not flop. I'm sure the critics will love it, but if this isn't one of her worst selling albums, I'll eat my figurative hat. I hope she enjoys her little flop, which she so masterfully orchestrated....she can't blame anyone but herself.


I doubt she'll care though.


this decline in active promotion or mentions of the album make me believe this is her last one. 


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