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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I'll never understand when so-called "lana fans" freak out over any hip hop influence or rap collabs. Uh, did you not hear Born to Die --- her biggest record to date. It has all hip hop beats and she literally raps (or as much as she can try) on a few songs.


I actually prefer her more upbeat/hip-hop sounding records, but I still appreciate when she changes her sound (UV, HM, even MAC and VB). The same people complaining are the same people who made up in their head this was her "folk album" (and probably the same people who don't know what folk music is --- just that it sounds "cool").


Appreciate her music and that she spans a ton of genres - something many singers can't do and something that was called out that she does well in the Complex interview while promoting LFL.


Oh, and in closing, we don't even know if it's her album or his or if it will even be released. SO CALM DOWN.

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Praying to GOD that this song pulls a Cinnamon and I end up obsessively listening to it hundreds of time in less than a week. I love her but she's not wise she's petty lmao. It's like "I know yall won't like it but idgaffff I'm doing what I want and putting out the music I want to cuz at the end of the day I'm doing this music for me only" *blows juul smoke by the nose while giving the camera the finger*


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Made worse by disabling comments so she doesn’t even get to read what fans think

Maybe she got pissed of having her track listing leaked or snippets played by major sites like Amazon or steaming services? That way, she gets to control things?

Made worse by disabling comments so she doesn’t even get to read what fans think

Maybe she got pissed of having her track listing leaked or snippets played by major sites like Amazon or steaming services? That way, she gets to control things?

The Jack production sounds nice. MGK brings the male perspective in Lana’s music... The album will be coherent ;)

Maybe this won’t be my fave song, but it doesn’t sound as bad you all predicted

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i agree of how annoying these snippets are. i'm fine with any direction Lana takes because i love her vision and mind and she never fails to dissapoint me personally, that being said if she does have MGK on her album i'm here for it but the thing that irritates me is the constant teasers. they will dry out the whole album eventually. ALSO, 1. we dont know if it's on her album and 2. for all we know this song can add something to NFR as a whole. be open minded with her work guys.


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The Jack production sounds nice. MGK brings the male perspective in Lana’s music... The album will be coherent ;)

Maybe this won’t be my fave song, but it doesn’t sound as bad you all predicted

I don't want to be rude sorry but the last time she brought a male perspective in her music it was Tomorrow Never Came... And objectively we all know what followed.....


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A rap feature won’t ruin the entire album, just skip the song if you don’t like it, delete it from your library, act like it doesn’t exist, it’s not that deep. Y’all act like she’s about to drop a joint album with MGK.


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I don't want to be rude sorry but the last time she brought a male perspective in her music it was Tomorrow Never Came... And objectively we all know what followed.....

I don’t hate TNC. So I don’t mind honestly.

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A rap feature won’t ruin the entire album, just skip the song if you don’t like it, delete it from your library, act like it doesn’t exist, it’s not that deep. Y’all act like she’s about to drop a joint album with MGK.

Personally I totally see your point but I view it more in a critics standards, she's been trying so hard to prove she's serious and not fake since 2012 and all of a sudden she does a collab with an artist that, if you look at his metacritic score, is nearly not as seen in a good way than her by the public, and that is likely to no help her reputation?... Rocky and company, as much as I love him, were already skating on thin ice but this is kinda over the top. And in the case it's one bad apple, then it will likely be noticed especially for it and that's not good


Sorry for being really active btw I'm heated and scared


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I don’t hate TNC. So I don’t mind honestly.

I really like it as well, although not his part, I was more seeing it in a general fandom perspective. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I heard more people disliking it than liking it. And if that is true, then he's a big part responsible for it. Don't know if the fact he's a man weights in but for me it definitely does.


See Lana sings so much about 1) being submissive 2) reclaiming her submissiveness, that having an actual male voice on HER records feels to me like he's walking with big heavy boots all over her idk this is stupid but it's a primal feeling I don't like it I don't want her to be supplanted on her own records I need her voice alone, another woman's voice is already on the very edge for me


Edit: wrote subversiveness but obviously meant submissiveness


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A rap feature won’t ruin the entire album, just skip the song if you don’t like it, delete it from your library, act like it doesn’t exist, it’s not that deep. Y’all act like she’s about to drop a joint album with MGK.


Some people are hoping for an album that works as a whole piece though you can just listen through and feel the vibe. His corny white guy rapping voice will just take you out the vibe of the music we are hoping for.

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