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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Born To Die 4/10

Ultraviolence 7.5/10

Honeymoon 7/10

Lust For Life 6.5/10

Norman Fucking Rockwell 9.7 (would be a 10 if unnecessary cover and two Rick songs were removed)



I'm very confident White Hot Forever will be a 10, as long as Rick is locked out of the studio and it's just Lana and Jack.



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Born To Die - 6/10

Paradise - 8.5/10

Ultraviolence - 9.5/10 (would be a 10 if it wasn't for G&R)

Honeymoon - 7/10

Lust For Life - 6.5/10

Norman Fuking Rockwell! - 8/10


not that anyone asked but  :hooker:


BTD 6? Are you on drugs?


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I must say, I'm very impressed with Lana's Grammy campaign so far.


Rolling Stone cover with Elton John is far more effective campaigning than paying for 50-foot billboards or bribing members with VIP passes like other desperate and talentless losers are doing.



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Born To Die 7.5/10 Legendary, game changing, most influential pop album of the 2010s!


Ultraviolence 8.5/10 Impressive sophomore album, intense, beautifully crafted and intricate melodies. A raw rock-ish masterpiece!


Honeymoon 9/10 Her most elaborate, lush, etheral and exquisite album released thus far. Literally a jewel in her discography, her most cohesive too.


Lust for Life 4/10 I won't say much about this one, other than I gave a point for each songs that I actually like.


Normal Fucking Rockwell! 6.5/10 Probably the one that feels more "organic", there are some of her best songs on it, but overall lacks a little bit of the attention to details and the cohesiveness (?) that her first three records have. Simply not a fan of most of the production and mastering either.

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BTD 6? Are you on drugs?

almost always, yes


but on a serious note, i'm only ranking it *within* lana's discography as opposed to music in general, if that makes sense. i think in that regard, it's kind of a solid 6 for her - it's impact on pop culture in general is obviously way way above that  :smokes:


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Back to the lighter side, what song(s) on the album did you initially not listen to much or not really care for that you find yourself listening to a lot more now?

I absolutely love the whole record to death and I was often listening to all the songs, but as I got less time to listen to music, I found myself skipping The greatest (and other songs), but lately, I've been listening to this particular song a lot. Actually, before that, I was often only listening to NFR, Love song, Cinnamon Girl, How to disappear, California, Happiness is a butterfly, and Hope if I was feeling sad, maybe more when I had time. Back in September, I also got obsessed with Fuck it I love you, and I still am.


But I have to say, the title track is the song that I play the most all the time and it's been the case since the beginning. I try to listen less to Love song and California now because they still hurt so much and I still can't help crying.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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BTD: 8

P: 7

UV: 9

HM: 9

LFL: 6

NFR: 10

Back to the lighter side, what song(s) on the album did you initially not listen to much or not really care for that you find yourself listening to a lot more now?

Love Song (after it really hit me a few weeks ago) and Cinnamon Girl.


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Ever since the album was released I've been trying to come to a conclusion regarding my opinions about this album... for some odd reason I didn't seem to have one, even though I love the majority of the record. And then, yesterday while I was in a fever high induced by medicines, it finally clicked: the album is not that memorable for me. Don't get me wrong, as I said I love the record and I think it's an amazing project, but at the same time it lacks something that makes him stand out amongst the other ones, you know? Maybe it's all about the visuals for me, since every era before NFR had a strong visual at some point, or maybe it's just the fact that the whole era was very monotone idk but yeah NFR is a great album but when I picture all the albums together they're all standing while NFR is sitting, if that makes sense :rip:


Sorry I'm still very sick and maybe this is all crap my fever made me think about  :toofunny:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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In terms of the references, they’re now no longer clever, they’re far too numerous and too obvious as well. So I wish she’d only use them when they are genuinely clever and have meaning of some kind within the context of the song.

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I came here to say something but scrolled through the comments I've missed and... I forgot what it was that I wanted to say. :noparty: But anyway, some of you are so vocal about your disappointment in the album, I personally think it's gorgeous~ ♥ I really do hope she'll win her first Grammy.

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Please don't be! you're definitely not the only one feeling that way. It's actually refreshing to see other people speak up about NFR.



I love your posts on here! they're always so well written and interesting to read. sending love  :kiss2: 




Thank you so much luv!  :crai:

It's hard being a fan in such a dedicated fanbase, I honestly appreciate everyone's output even if I don't agree with what's being said. I love to debate and I will never tell anyone to shut up. Glad to be apart of this community even if I feel a little alone standing in my convictions/opinions sometimes. 

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Y’all are way too harsh on Lana.

NFR is not an arena type of record, and I’m pretty sure that if she has doubts playing some of those songs live is because she’s an experienced performer with over 10 years in the game and we aren’t?

Her sound has always been very big and cinematic and NFR is not. For better or for worse she went down a beautiful but very different path with this record and I can totally see why she wouldn’t play The Greatest or Happiness. They are way too spacious and would totally flop if not rehearsed properly and adapted to an arena sound. She knows it and she’s still trying to keep us happy singing some acapella, she might work the songs into the second leg of the tour, she might not, just cut the woman some slack (except when she butchered HTD).

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while trying to rate all of lana's albums i realized that the issue with NFR is there's such a dramatic range of quality of songs on there.......... like some of the songs on there are some of the best she's ever done but others are just cringy, poorly done, or just wrong sounding so it's so hard to pinpoint just how good the album actually is



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Geez, the turn this thread took in a month :/

I guess I don’t have your ear, but I don’t hear how « poor » the production is. I mean, the emotions of the songs are just so spectacular to me that I don’t even hear all the flaws you’ve noticed. NFR has all the best elements from all her previous records while still being it’s own thing. It also has some of the best lyrics and storytelling she has ever done. I might be the minority here, but it’s almost a perfect 10 to me.

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