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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

299 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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4 hours ago, Sugar Venom said:

any updates on the tape deck bundle yet??

I can only update with what my email receipt said (see below). I'll be pissed if they are both cream colored ?‍♂️ I'm wondering if they planned on having 2 different colors and changed their mind. I'll definitely report back once they arrive

Your Order

1 x Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass Cassette (Cassette)

Release date: 02 October 2020

US $12.00

1 x Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass Cassette (Cassette)

Release date: 02 October 2020

US $12.00

OqqaAZJt.png     B4iWPK3.gif     OqqaAZJt.png

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I really praised this recording when it came out - I'd only listened to it twice (first listen, a second listen later that day) and gave it a third listen today. It's still marvellous and such a special project that we have seen Lana's personality and an exploration of the the legend of the Lana del Rey identity. I have minor criticisms of the work but overall I can't wait for the book. I am still very impressed by the musicality and range from Jack. It really took me by surprise, and sonically I hope Chemtrails moves into a more experimental genre bend like this score did.


This isn't the greatest poetry of the world, but it does two great things. Firstly, it has a clear separation of the 'music' of Lana del Rey. I can't imagine the immense pressure she must be feeling to follow up NFR - the fact she literally has this island as a mini-stop to transition between sounds and lyrical content I think will serve her well for critics and big fans (if not GP). Secondly, it has arguably made a portion (even as small as Lana del Rey fans) of people more interested in poetry. Poetry is extremely personal and for some naturally difficult to get into, so the fact that people are listening to this, appreciating and identifying with topics, and then seeking out more in the same vein is really wonderful. Similar to how film scores can lead to enjoying classical music, there's nothing shameful about enjoying a popular artist like Lana's poetry (similar to her music) as its a stepping stone into enjoying more of the artform.


I have been weighing up on this for a while but ultimately I feel the question of the authenticity around the autobiographical content is irrelevant, and people are being obdurate if they can't separate and allow it to spoil their enjoyment of the work. Artists take artistic liberties in exploring a story or point and to quote Whitman is the key to just enjoying the work - "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." Violet mixes the urban legend of Lana del Rey, with her real life experiences, with imaginary events. In 'LA Who Am I To Love You', I've seen criticism on the line "they say I come from money and I don't" talking about Lana's origins as it reignites the endless argument of how we classify middle-class as rich - but the same weight is not allocated to "Party of thousands of people I don't know at Delilah where my ex-husband works". Likewise, people obsess over the lines "You see, I have no mother" and connecting it to her family life but not to "I'm an orphan A little seashell that rests upon your native shores". This is in addition to other fantastical elements in the text like existing on seven planes, to the mundane of having two children with imaginary friends. It's bullish to obsess over one point but not others, especially when the delivery is earnest and even the mistakes are laden with an authentic fragility. Also, simply put also, it might just not be your cup of tea.

Saying that, there are obviously sections and entire works that are authentic that are beautiful and fascinating. Sportscruiser obviously evokes a strong reaction for myself on my own criticism. @HighbytheSea articulated this beautifully so I won't bother going any further. But there is such a personal reflection and also a willingness to laugh at herself. I find Salamander brilliant and the line "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME  . . . MY LOVE MAKING IS MY LEGACY etc" actually tongue-in-cheek and exploring her own self awareness. I had a big smile on my face for most of this album, and it was a wonderful sanctuary for the small hours in my lonely house on a very cold winter in the middle of a fucking epidemic.


Also people criticising the longevity or replay factor - get over yourselves. This is poetry not music. Just like any wonderful art, I don't watch a piece of theatre repetitively, look endlessly at a painting, or rewatch a film I loved. You're allowed to consume a work and then let it sit with you as it provokes debate. If you're replaying it GOOD ON YOU. 

TL;DR - Not the greatest poetry in the world, but the most earnest, surreal and interesting work of legitimate art that Lana has created.

I will now take rebuttals and people saying "THAT'S JUST YOUR OPINION". :sass:

My initial album review:


I am kinda still reeling from this. Kudos to this being properly releasing and not having some random 10 year old leak it #CassetteGirl

This just elevates her legitimacy as one of America's greatest artists even higher. I really resisted reading too much or weighing into her poetry before now, but listening to her words and the authenticity in the delivery, I think this is one of her greatest artistic creations . . . maybe the best. Listening to the her speak the words conjures up so many images but the intertextual references to her body of work (and directly to Norman FUCKING Rockwell!) are also clever and considered to the point where it feels familiar. And the stories she tells are heartbreaking, beautiful, hopeful - there are too many good moments to mention but the best of the album is Sports Cruiser, where she earnestly confesses her self-doubt and imposter syndrome before resolving to change. The vulnerability is stunning. That, or the serene horror of Bare Feet on Linoleum, where a cacophony of voices ask questions over and over along with rising, moaning strings and synths - creating a terrifying dimension as Lana speaks over them before joining in as if she's been hypnotised. Awesome.

I've totally disregarded Jack's contributions to NFR in the past, but his incidental music took me totally by surprise. I'm sorry. @Jared is right. His music has huge range, like I said drawing from all kinds of sounds that remind me of Nigel Godrich's scores to Debussy's pianos. It's the perfect level of pleasant without boarding into obnoxiously inappropriate. Delicate soft electronic wefts that sparkle, soft and lilting pianos, quirky jazz that flows like a radio play - it accentuates Lana's vulnerability, and without it the work would not be the same. 

I am looking forward to rearranging a playlist of NFR's songs and Violet's poems, which I think would flow amazingly, and definitely allow a bit more variety. I think the scrappy, unpolished vocals on their own would've sounded bizarre but among the well produced sound, it couldn't have been more authentic.

I have mocked the process in the past but I'm definitely eating shit now because this was so, so worth it. Lana I'll never question you again I'M SORRY.




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@takeitdoen beautiful write up! Salamander is fantastic as it starts so dramatic, the warbling lo-fi voice a drastic left from her soothing words in previous poems, but its absolutely tongue-in-cheek yet somehow slightly scathing in her take down of the critique of her own thoughts. The outro music has a sense of playful doom as she evokes the Greek Gods, like a plank walk between the windy ridges of the grand canyon. Her authenticity always shines in her winks, and in LA Who am I to Love You when she says "I'm quite good on the stage, you might have heard of me" its so charming you can hear her smile. Also agree with you on the replay value. I've listened probably 7 times now in full, which is the only way to listen properly. Its a full immersion into her head and heart and definitely isn't something I just put on for a song or two, but a full sit down is an exercise in soul searching which can be exhausting. Here's to an incredible follow up with Beyong the Iron Gates

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I actually love her audiobook a lot more than i thought i would, it get's better everytime i listen to it. It's stunning. So i honestly can't wait for BTIG. Do we know if she's actually doing an audiobook for Iron Gates, did she confirm that? I really hope so. It's pretty cool that we could be getting beautiful audiobooks alongside beautiful music. Violets is one of my favourite albums released this year, i still class it as an album because i like to listen to the music just as much as the poetry



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53 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

I actually love her audiobook a lot more than i thought i would, it get's better everytime i listen to it. It's stunning. So i honestly can't wait for BTIG. Do we know if she's actually doing an audiobook for Iron Gates, did she confirm that? I really hope so. It's pretty cool that we could be getting beautiful audiobooks alongside beautiful music. Violets is one of my favourite albums released this year, i still class it as an album because i like to listen to the music just as much as the poetry

We don’t have confirmation that Behind the Iron Gates will be audio as well... but leather patent having an « official audio » makes me think so?!? Unless that poem is the exception and is some sort of interlude on Chemtrails (which I doubt). 

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1 hour ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

I actually love her audiobook a lot more than i thought i would, it get's better everytime i listen to it. It's stunning. So i honestly can't wait for BTIG. Do we know if she's actually doing an audiobook for Iron Gates, did she confirm that? I really hope so. It's pretty cool that we could be getting beautiful audiobooks alongside beautiful music. Violets is one of my favourite albums released this year, i still class it as an album because i like to listen to the music just as much as the poetry

Me too! I’m not used to listening to audiobooks, but her poems sound so heavenly. I don’t know if we’ll be getting an audiobook for Iron Gates but I really hope so.


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So, question for the culture. 

Has anyone tried feeling on your neck which way the wind was going?
Or picture the floor rising up to support you and sink in to back of the bed that’s behind you? Or close your eyes and feel where you hold your attention if it’s in the back of your eyes walk it down to your heart centre? 

I know I have and also I could listen to the instrumental to Quiet Waiter for always. The swooping Hawaiian guitar riff is just ohh *chef’s kiss*  

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i lOve yooouuuu :crying:

butchew don't understand meeee:nails:

my LIFE is my poetreeeee:lange:

my lOOve making is my legaacyyyyyyy:angie:

my thoughts are about nOTHing :oprah3:







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4 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

i lOve yooouuuu :crying:

butchew don't understand meeee:nails:

my LIFE is my poetreeeee:lange:

my lOOve making is my legaacyyyyyyy:angie:

my thoughts are about nOTHing :oprah3:






Does anyone ever read that last line and think about it like



And then have flashbacks to when she said her book would be $1 because her thoughts were priceless like



But your bank account says you paid 15 times that original amount for VBBOTG so you



And think about all the times she lied to our delusional asses like 



So you sit in front of your computer like a dumbass wondering why you're a fan like



But then you realize she always comes through with her music like...



...or is it just me? :oic:

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5 minutes ago, conceptart47 said:


Does anyone ever read that last line and think about it like



And then have flashbacks to when she said her book would be $1 because her thoughts were priceless like



But your bank account says you paid 15 times that original amount for VBBOTG so you



And think about all the times she lied to our delusional asses like 



So you sit in front of your computer like a dumbass wondering why you're a fan like



But then you realize she always comes through with her music like...



...or is it just me? :oic:

That pretty much sums it up.

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3 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

When are the physical audio books supposed to be released? I can’t remember. Just wondering how long I can wait to preorder the vinyls lol.

Officially out on Sept. 29th, but my preorder says it won’t arrive until October 12th

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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4 hours ago, Clampigirl said:

When are the physical audio books supposed to be released? I can’t remember. Just wondering how long I can wait to preorder the vinyls lol.

The book is out September 29 but the CDs/LPs have October 2 as the release date. 



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Let's rewrite the beginning of this primordial ooze
shall we my love
Am i being brazen for saying this year makes me feel
like we could've wrote it better
than him?
But who am i
just a girl in love dreaming on paper
rearranging the salt for the pepper
in love with you

Over the past week my world fell apart and I've been going back to this part of Quiet Waiter Blue Forever. In a way it's strangely soothing to have someone else's words describe your feelings. Because I can't find the proper words. It just feels like a bad dream. One that could have been avoided, if we maybe had the strings in our own hands. Which is silly really, because it's not God's fault, that it didn't work out.
So now my life goes on in a mundane way, rearranging the salt for the pepper, while all my thoughts are fixed on a feeling, that doesn't make me happy anymore. But see, this is where I part with the poem, because there is no one to pick up anymore; there won't be a call later.

 DYJRPfi.gif c5dd836305cb85b3253fce96ae00741c547fd6fd.gif SH8DzJM.gif
???????, ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????

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7 minutes ago, lamms said:

Over the past week my world fell apart and I've been going back to this part of Quiet Waiter Blue Forever. In a way it's strangely soothing to have someone else's words describe your feelings. Because I can't find the proper words. It just feels like a bad dream. One that could have been avoided, if we maybe had the strings in our own hands. Which is silly really, because it's not God's fault, that it didn't work out.
So now my life goes on in a mundane way, rearranging the salt for the pepper, while all my thoughts are fixed on a feeling, that doesn't make me happy anymore. But see, this is where I part with the poem, because there is no one to pick up anymore; there won't be a call later.


relateeee :xcry:


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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3 minutes ago, West Coast said:

i guess they decided to cancel the cassette?

i think its the tape deck that got cancelled? my cassette order is still there, but the tape deck got cancelled


edit: they only cancelled 1 out of the 2 cassettes in my order and refunded me 11 out of 15 euros and idk if im still getting that one cassette for only 4 euros or if they just scammed me lmao


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