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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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@PARADIXO well it looks like its back to being a candle in the wind for you.... :blush3:

28 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:


I'm ready to step in as moderator if you want I'll get rid of all the LFL haters 


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the lords work


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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DBJAG is stuck in my head and i can't get it out ughhh


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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The way I turned the album into an EP and I've been stuck on this for two days... :hide:


Tulsa Jesus Freak

Dark But Just A Game

Chemtrails Over The Country Club

Wild At Heart

Not All Who Wander Are Lost


I haven't yet been hit by the other songs, but I know that some of them will end up catching me at some point. ;)


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Hi all,

In case you missed it, a mod accidentally merged our Chemtrails Pre-Release Thread with the Random Lana Discussion Thread into a mega 4400 page Frankenstein thread. Our mods & I are currently in the process of separating the two threads back into their original homes. Until then, the discussion will continue in this thread. Once our threads are back to normal, this thread will be merged with our original one.


As we all are aware, the album leaked recently. So please remember to put any information you would not have gathered without listening to the leak in Spoilers as to not ruin the Pre-Release experience for those who choose not to listen until the official release date.

Also remember that requesting an illegal link to the leak will result in a Warning Point and a Moderator Queue until album release day (March 19th)

Posting a link to the leak or pointing users in the direction of where to find the leak will result in a ban.


Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding during this x


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1 minute ago, takeitdoen said:

How quick can we get to 4000 pages again?? :raven:

Quick, everyone post their Chemtrails musings letter-by-letter 

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Let’s keep it going gorls



After several days of listening to the record nonstop I think I’m ready for my rankings. To be honest this is truly my favorite Lana record so far, so I had to take a more data-driven approach to rank the songs, largely based on how often I played them over the course of three consecutive days. In backwards order....


11) For Free - I adore the piano work on this track...I can hear trills, soft keys that complement the trio’s vocals well. I put this last because I’m not a big “covers” guy, whether we’re talking about Lana or not. If I ever save a cover on my playlists it’s because I hear a song for the first time not knowing it’s a cover hahah. For example, “Dedicated To The One I Love” by the Mamas and Papas which is a cover but it legitimately blows me away. Anyway, the For Free cover is nice but I wish Lana would have recorded a cover we hadn’t already heard live in its entirety.


10) Let Me Love You Like A Woman - I don’t have a lot to say on this track. I think it’s mid-tier for me. Not horrible, not fantastic. I do enjoy hearing the version from Jimmy Fallon with the background singers more than the single version. 


9) Dance Till We Die - Hands down the bridge is the best part of this song. Lana’s tone changes so much that I actually thought this song had another feature at first hahaha. The verses and chorus are ok. There are some nice moments here and there, but I think this track is still growing on me. I can totally see my boyfriend and I hosting friends at our house once the pandemic has settled down and playing this song for ambience. Would definitely be a crowd pleaser!


8) Breaking Up Slowly - As I said earlier today, Nikki’s voice is growing on me. Lana’s superior vocals on the song before made the transition to hearing Nikki’s voice very jarring at first, but now that it’s growing on me I can honestly say the girls sound great together. I love the melody and I love the way the arrangement was put together. 


7) White Dress - Definitely a great choice for the album opener. I’m having trouble relating to this song which is why it’s probably lower on my list, but it’s really nice to hear Lana’s story from when she was that age. Overall a solid song and I enjoy walking my pup outside to it.  


6) Dark But Just A Game - This song was actually toward the bottom of my list on my very first album run-through but I really grew to like it. I was definitely into the No Doubt, Avril Lavigne, Cardigans scene back in the day - all influences which I hear in this track.


5) Wild At Heart - I was not expecting the HTD cameo nor did I pick up on it at first. I’m not a HTD fan (apart from the piano-only version) but I think it really works well on this song. Melody is superb. Verses are fantastic 


4) Tulsa Jesus Freak - While I’m a sucker for Lana’s slower tracks (definitely not a big pop/mainstream/club music kind of guy), I loved the sound and the arrangement of TJF. I’m a HUGE fan of the “white hot forever’s” throughout the song, especially at the end where they build up.



3) Not All Who Wander Are Lost - Another track which made me really cry from happiness. Generally speaking music doesn’t have that kind of effect on me, so the idea that it happened twice in one album was astonishing. I loved this song from the first chord and I knew the rest of the song would follow suit. I am completely mesmerized by her high register vocals and her harmonies in this track.


2) Yosemite - I remember feeling an internal panic in the songs leading up to Yosemite as I was playing them in order. Would all the hype be worth it? For nothing? But in the end I fell into its spell and the majority of her discography to date remains in the tier(s) below this Diamond. 


1) Chemtrails Over The Country Club - It was a tough battle between this song and Yosemite because Yosemite is still so fresh, new, exciting, impeccable, etc. But I had to take a step back to recall how I felt when this song came out for the first time. Very rarely does a song hit me in the gut and make me cry like I did trying to wrap up a work deadline hahah, but anyway I love this track to the core.





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