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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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off, don't wanna get all vanessa hudgens and give me shelter vibes but I really think trailer park Lana's an entire mood sometimes when ur feeling bored or uninspired. she Tropico'd that bitch and I'm glad. but then i imagine that gif of the woman handing out receipts. could've been yeah. Receipts.gif

but i've got like a newfound respect n joy from small towns? i get why she likes Hallmark stuff a little more. it's peacefully wholesome. 

that being said! I still really hope the album's got some chaotic form to it bc TJF. TJF wow I wanna hear it. 


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I just had a thought. I don’t really want HBB and SFBSH to be part of the record, but actually, I wouldn’t mind if SFBSH had a similar production to Picture Me Better by Weyes Blood. I’d still rather have only new songs (or songs we’ve never heard before like Yosemite), but I wouldn’t be mad if the country songs were on the album with the kind of production I have in mind. There’s no point in putting them on the record if the production isn’t much more than an acoustic guitar. I’m pretty sure they won’t be on the album anyway, when they wrote the songs, NFR wasn’t even finished yet, and they said they just wrote them for fun.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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2 minutes ago, vodkaa said:

don't wanna get all vanessa hudgens and give me shelter vibes but I really think trailer park Lana's an entire mood sometimes when ur feeling bored or uninspired. she Tropico'd that bitch and I'm glad. but then i imagine that gif of the woman handing out receipts. could've been yeah. Receipts.gif

but i've got like a newfound respect n joy from small towns? i get why she likes Hallmark stuff a little more. it's peacefully wholesome. 

that being said! I still really hope the album's got some chaotic form to it bc TJF. TJF wow I wanna hear it. 

I have no idea what you're saying but I'm living 

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12 minutes ago, iwannadie said:

I have no idea what you're saying but I'm living 

oh LOL uh hm. I think people were mentioning Lana having a 9-5 like someone who doesn't really work like a celebrity or something and it's great that she got thru some horrible times and managed to live her dreams. but although as exciting as it is, like how NFR might be taken from her past work, venice bitch, being about wanting a hallmark sort of (home?) life's still something she wishes for and it's really nice. road trip'd thru some small towns and they're a nice refreshing change from cities. 

but. even if she is delving more towards the midwest and possibly aspects said above, I'd still really like to hope that the record's got some active and chaotic qualities to it. 

my mind just leaps a lot most of the time definitely, so yeah but it's been transcribed there ya go hahahahahahahahaha

synthesize all that tl;dr: 
give us that wholesome. give us that freaky for COCC there u go source.gif


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Just now, Tropicobitchh said:

i think she'll post something today, considering she said ''more to come''

I just can't wait for a new song, I need somethiiiiiiing


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14 minutes ago, Tropicobitchh said:

I'll be out anytime soon! :party:



But really, I'm feeling so anxious to hear LMLYLAW... This title, it gives me something, I'm sure it's gonna be great!


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I was just scrolling through the digital interview and i think if they were mistaken with the date of the album, they could've edited the article at least, right? I mean the copies of the magazine were already done but the article came out yesterday

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so i'm supposed to be sleeping for class in a few hours aybSKah.gif but real quick bc. mariah leaked her rarities tracklist? herself (Lanaaaaa) and now there are 16! zqjAA3p.gif VINYLS of her albums zqjAA3p.gif and it's fucking genius bc her team went AUWFF. 5kzpidm.gif some of those are gonna b MINE. ExjKkT2.gif so. MANIFESTING ExjKkT2.gif THAT 25zI7LZ.gif rollout for Lana w COCC. bc she can she can ekJyDRW.gif yes. 25zI7LZ.gifVYUpgqn.gif alrite nite OiWMoID.gify5aAqIo.gif go COCC! gmruWXp.gif


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I wore my embroidered Hylian crest shirt and Triforce earrings yesterday and the Zelda fandom got a new video game, maybe I should wear my Lana t-shirt and see if something will happen today as well.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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i'm so hyped but i really hope this doesn't turn out to be some boring ass country sad songs album, i hope she took the nfr style and made it next level 

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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9 hours ago, domandapiano said:

Not to constantly bring up Tori Amos but I am here for a boys for pele moment with 4 sections of the album each being opened with a shorter interlude song. HER BREAKUP ALBUM IS COMING 


(I thought I posted this hours ago)


so do we think we are getting to page 2000 before the album comes out :brows:

dude I love that you love Tori she was such a siren back in the day and now she is such a sorceress - I'm not a super big fan of her latest records but some tracks have stopped me dead in my tracks such as Reindeer King, Climb and Mary's Eyes 

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