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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Wildflower Wildfire: "I promise that nothing will burn you / it's you from whom I learn"


Thunder: "If you're on fire you're on fire just keep burning" 

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9 minutes ago, LanaTheRay said:


theory from tiktok about the “6 trips to the moon and back for my poetry to arise” line from Lana’s post


A trip to the moon takes about 3 days according to google, and six trips to the moon would make 18 days


18 days from today would be July 10th


perhaps that will be the day her “poetry will arise” as in an album release or a poetry book release?

maybe she will announce her 2nd poetry books cover


~Mon amour,  je sais que tu m'aimes aussi ~

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18 minutes ago, LanaTheRay said:


theory from tiktok about the “6 trips to the moon and back for my poetry to arise” line from Lana’s post


A trip to the moon takes about 3 days according to google, and six trips to the moon would make 18 days


18 days from today would be July 10th


perhaps that will be the day her “poetry will arise” as in an album release or a poetry book release?

girl what the fuck this is a reach 


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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random video with what are obviously (not) lyrics ? oh yeah i can feel an album related post is imminent, the tea is coming SOON 



Edited by lanasbottom
ok i never read her poetry

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Just now, lanasbottom said:

random video with what are obviously lyrics ? oh yeah i can feel an album related post is imminent, the tea is coming SOON 




i don't wanna ruin the vibe but the lyrics are from her "sportscruiser" poem :isee:

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22 minutes ago, LanaTheRay said:


theory from tiktok about the “6 trips to the moon and back for my poetry to arise” line from Lana’s post


A trip to the moon takes about 3 days according to google, and six trips to the moon would make 18 days


18 days from today would be July 10th


perhaps that will be the day her “poetry will arise” as in an album release or a poetry book release?

girl please she’s not taylor swift :awkney:

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1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


i don't wanna ruin the vibe but the lyrics are from her "sportscruiser" poem :isee:

oh….well… you get the point she’s very active INFO IS INCOMING :gurl::beyonce:

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I heard that Thunder was on the album, is it true? I haven’t been here for a few days, sorry if it has been asked already

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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oh god i don't like the idea of songs being scrapped. at least we know nothing about them this time around, except for loved you then and now. i wish she had released the album in its original state on June 1 and had kept the new songs for the next record but it is what it is

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If Thunder and Cherry Blossom make the album, I’m hoping Roses Bloom For You gets released as well. The song has a different aesthetic from the other two but I want it released SO BAD.



—Churning Nectarine Ice Cream for the local police department and doing random handstands while My Song 57 by Lana Del Rey plays.— Lots of love.

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1 hour ago, lifeisavelvetcrowbar said:

I just saw Lana’s IG story. I only ever saw that Taurus emoji on some Grindr profile before so I literally thought it was a sideways 69 and didn’t know it’s a Taurus symbol. think I preferred it as a 69.


Bestie that's a cancer sign. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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4 minutes ago, Nectarine Ice Cream said:

If Thunder and Cherry Blossom make the album, I’m hoping Roses Bloom For You gets released as well. The song has a different aesthetic from the other two but I want it released SO BAD.

I’m not a big fan of roses bloom for you the past ~2 years or so, but I have to agree that it fits with the “I’m trying to heal and become a better person” theme.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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I looked on Youtube and we barely have Serene Queen videos. We have only video from 6 months ago titled "Queen" and one video added 2-3 days ago. I see that is successivilly deleted cause i remember i was listening that song when leaked. Maybe she wil release it?

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2 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

Thinking about how she decided to be a Cancer right after she put the "Crying Crustacean" line in that poem and now she fully embraces it


She's almost a cancer, literally born one day before cancer season but she always gave me major dark/bitchy cancer vibes, speaking as cancer myself. These memes literally have Lana's vibe. 



I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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unpopular opinion but i don't rejoice at the idea of thunder making it onto the album. i would rather have the 2020 tracks she decided for scrap for some reason. i wish that she would at least go through her unreleased discography to dig up unleaked songs, as she did with yosemite. imagine how cool it would be to get, say, morricone instead of a 2017 track we already have. but if we're getting an album on july 4 i'm not complaining

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