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What 5-7 Lana Songs Chronicle/Mirror Events From Your Life?

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The title is pretty self-explanatory, and I hope everyone has some fun with this :) 

Conversely, you can also choose a single song that really captured a certain event or milestone in your life—feel free to elaborate as much or as little as you’d like!

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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1. Mariners Apartment Complex

2. Tulsa Jesus Freak

3. Chemtrails Over the Country Club

4. The Greatest

5. Old Money

6. White Dress 

7. National Anthem



Tracks 1-3 reflect a very idyllic and fun time in my life when I had beautiful people around me and I felt very creative. It was the first time that I was truly able to indulge my more philosophical interests because I had like-minded individuals around me that made life feel normal but exciting. One person in particular really struck me.


Tracks 4-6 reflect this simultaneous nostalgia, sense of loss, and relief I felt as life changed (especially amidst a pandemic and other big life transitions).


Track 7 is where I’m at now as I grow into my career and personal ambitions. I feel like I’m living in the midst of National Anthem now LOL - reaping the benefits of this very exciting lifestyle but also being aware of these very rigid and traditional ideas of success that can be overwhelming. I’m definitely enjoying it though, I really feel the glamour of it all in my soul (we’ll see how long it lasts lol)!

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In (somewhat) chronological order, I *think* these would be mine: Ride, Black Beauty, HIADT, California, Fine China, Get Free, Change. Out of the 7 songs I listed, I think California has the most semblance to my life:

The month before NFR! was released, I decided I wanted to “propose” to my now ex-boyfriend when he returned home from a trip. The day I decided this, he cheated on me before I had the chance to ask. His mental health was rapidly deteriorating (which played into him cheating), and he then told me that he was permanently leaving the US to start his life over. 


It’s a little embarrassing to think about now, but I begged him to stay, looked after his mental state for months, pick him up when he was drunk in places, etc. The record was released the next month, and hearing Lana pleading with the song’s emotionally unstable subject to come back to America was rough. He cut off almost all communication, but one day I saw a post of his on Reddit—I almost didn’t notice it but remembered we followed one another. The post was mostly about how he lost the love of his life and how terrible and unstable he was becoming. “I wanted to reach out, but I never said a thing,” later took on a different meaning, and it still freaks me out how much the song mirrored my life. 

side-note: now in a much healthier, happier relationship lol

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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7 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

Track 7 is where I’m at now as I grow into my career and personal ambitions. I feel like I’m living in the midst of National Anthem now LOL - reaping the benefits of this very exciting lifestyle but also being aware of these very rigid and traditional ideas of success that can be overwhelming. I’m definitely enjoying it though, I really feel the glamour of it all in my soul (we’ll see how long it lasts lol)!

Your list is iconic, and your efforts paying off is definitely something to be proud of!! Everyone needs a National Anthem era at least once lol

“…and this is all I looked for all my life – to be able to give of my love, my spontaneous joy, unreservedly, with no fear of…misuse, betrayal.”
Sylvia Plath 

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8 minutes ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

Your list is iconic, and your efforts paying off is definitely something to be proud of!! Everyone needs a National Anthem era at least once lol

Awww, thank you so much!! Your list is iconic too - I really believe that vivid emotional experiences teach us the most in life and I empathize with your resonance with California. I also feel connected to that song. I’m happy to hear that you’re in a happier and healthier relationship now. Everyone deserves that, but from what I’ve gotten to know about you on here, you are someone special who is especially deserving of that! I wish you and your partner immense happiness <3

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Born to Die

Black Beauty

Shades of Cool

The Blackest Day

Happiness is a Butterfly

The Greatest

God Knows I Tried


Pretty much my love life over the last decade. I'm mentally at The Greatest and God Knows I Tried right now.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Black Beauty (at one point in time I related more to the person Lana was singing about then Lana herself though :bebe:)

God Knows I Tried


13 Beaches (not the fame part but the rest of it...WOW did it hit hard)




Cinnamon Girl 


The Greatest 


Wildflower Wildfire


Those are the 7 I think of in terms of listening to them for the first time and feeling very called out lol - to be honest, I've never related much to her romantic songs just because I've been in very limited relationships, all of which being very not serious, but there are a few that really reflect me 


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In No Particular Order


Music To Watch Boys Too

Dear Elliot

How Do You Know Me So Well( I’m Indebted To Tou)


Bel Aire


Get Free/ Yosemite ( i couldnt decide lol)


1-3 encapture my romantic/sexual experiences and corresponding neuroses over the past six years.

4-7 are a pretty good encapsulation of my addiction/mental health problems, my near death experience and subsequent spiritual awakening, and my efforts to be better / healthier/ more loving and lighter way of being

Just now, Mike Dean is a god said:

In No Particular Order


Music To Watch Boys Too

Dear Elliot

How Do You Know Me So Well( I’m Indebted To Tou)


Bel Aire


Get Free/ Yosemite ( i couldnt decide lol)


1-3 encapture my romantic/sexual experiences and corresponding neuroses over the past six years.

4-7 are a pretty good encapsulation of my addiction/mental health problems, my near death experience and subsequent spiritual awakening, and my efforts to be better / healthier/ more loving and lighter way of being

Honestly i could have picked wvery song including See U l8r Alligator lol this game is hard


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Lana's music has the strangest way of like reflecting times in my life, especially the last 3 so so much. not as glamorously of course, but being a bit of like a "sociable loner" of a person, it's just nice to be able to know that there's something to help me make sense of stuff better. I always envied the people growing up easier from things I couldn't control, so it was nice sorta growing up w Lana's music in some ways. kinda eerie sometimes, but still fortunately thankful. 

Ride: just love driving around exploring and getting lost in my experiences. it still gets me through less than savory times. 
Gods & Monsters 
West Coast, i've always been keenly aware of like the inner schism in me between being a productive person in society for myself and getting lost and being reckless in love. 
Honeymoon: never got married, but it opened up a self awareness in me and helped me develop a relationship w myself. 
Just so much of NFR, wanted to start dating again, but ended up in the worst kind of scenario ever, i wasn't perfect in it myself, but i did my best and it helped aligned what I wanted better. 

White Dress: life contemplation, and I remember the first job I ever got, and how fun it was to just work and get along w my co-workers. how I usually just overwork myself whether in an actual job or just working on myself to not just feel anything until I feel comfortable enough to. thinking maybe my life would've been a lot easier if I just followed others expectations of me instead of going my own way. 

Blue Banisters: a lot of people that I knew/know were getting into relationships and other things in the song too. never really met a man that promised me anything, lied sure, but I still got hurt so there's a hole inside my heart and my banisters are blue green and grey. I spend time w those that I care about w close friends and family instead of painting and just keep to myself til i'm back better. 


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  1. The greatest
  2. White Dress
  3. God Knows I Tried
  4. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it 
  5. Mariners Apartment Complex
  6. Brooklyn Baby
  7. Blue Banisters / Wildflower Wildfire


Tracks 1 & 2: the reminiscing and longing for simpler times really hits hard for me especially this year, White Dress is my SOTY currently and it never fails to make me feel like pure shit! It literally just captures me.


Tracks 3 & 4: Those songs kept me together and are instrumental to my character - especially hope it's why I'm optimistic even when things get bad.


Track 5: This track describes me as a person amazingly - it's literally who I am :wub:


Track 6: Ultraviolence will forever be a part of me - especially this song I'll be a Brooklyn Baby one day c:


Track 7: these tracks were released at the perfect time for me as I recently went through a horrible relationship and I'm in the process of gathering sisters to paint my banisters. Wildflower Wildfire is literally me tho - word by word I'm glad she released this.


honorable mention: Swan Song because I wanna do that stuff one day ♡

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  1. Children of the Bad Revolution
  2. Wildflower Wildfire
  3. Last Girl On Earth
  4. Greenwich
  5. Wild On You
  6. I Talk To Jesus
  7. Life Is Beautiful  

ummmmm... :ohmy: the childhood trauma and BPD on this list... :ohmy:  



this is fun and weirdly therapeutic :lolliney:



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Get Free is the only one i can relate to i think?


its so strange because Lana is my all time, absolute favorite singer but i dont really relate to any song of hers entirely except GF


out of the black, into the blue really captures my life from 2017-2018 when i was finally able to leave all the darkness behind and got happy.

i also finished school and started working at the time and ended my first relationship, so Get Free is pretty symbolic of that time



but theres a whole lot of songs i associate with certain events of my life like holidays etc


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i’ve not really had any experiences with love or anything like that, so finding a song that mirrors my life is quite difficult. however, i do have a handful of songs that have really spoken to me and feel as though they were written for me by Lana, that I needed to hear when i did


1. Mariners Apartment Complex - This song was the first I heard of Lana’s, and was released when I was staying in a hotel in Spain and I had just been outed to my family. ‘You’re lost at sea and I’ll command your boat to me again’, lyrics like these really spoke to me at the time and saved my life if i’m honest

2. California - i had a friend that i had a crush on that moved away to another continent and i haven’t seen them or spoke to them since so i always belt this song along with come back be here by taylor lol

3. Cherry Blossom - not really any relation to the lyrics but i was going through a hard time and found this song and cried every god damn day at lunch time with my headphones in at school cuz it felt like she was comforting me

4. Any song that references roller coasters and trailer parks - i frequently stay at a caravan park with my family and often visit theme parks and places similar to coney island in my country so these songs just make me feel closer to lana and i try and live my life through these songs when i’m there lol

5. all of nfr - 2019 was one of the hardest years of my life so far, my cat had died, struggling with my sexuality and just generally being depressed and nfr really defined that year and was the one thing that kept me going


all these are ways i connect myself to lanas music :party:


tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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Summertime sadness (my intro to Lana)

Fucked my way up to the top (my fav song on the then-new album)

High by the beach (the first release I experienced as a fan)

Tomorrow never came (the first time I've felt disappointment from a Lana song)

Kill Kill (me going through her pre-label 'releases' for the first time and falling in love)

Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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